The Post-Star from Glens Falls, New York (2024)

1 1 THE POST-STAR, GLEN'S FALLS'," SATUKDAT, KWrEMBER S'ftSo 19 WARRENSBURG Baptist Church, the Bar May Pastors Announce Programs in Churches Selected Quotations IS PIERCED BY Christian Science Services Low Close 8.6 8.6 164 164 14 14 163 6 164 36 36 RAILS ADVANCE TO 5PURTTRADE III BOND MARKET Advances General in Most All Groups and Range from TCCK LEADERS urn Off Nearly 5 Points; Paramount First Preferred 13.6 143 24.1 6.6 14 9.4 17.7 28.7 60.4 20.3 53.7 101.4 High Low Close Timken 615 61 61.6 Triconttnental Corp 7 6.7 6.7 Transamenca Corp 9.6 95 95 Union Bag it Paper 36.8 36.4 36.6 Un Carb it Carta 703 70 703 Union Pacific 94.6 94 4 84.6 United Aircraft 203 19.7 19.7 1 United Corp 6.1 6 61 United Drug 105 103 105 United Gas Imp 17.6 17.4 17.44 Indust Alcohol 47.4 46.7 46.7 Rubber 15 143 16 Smelt Refin 983 96 97.6 Steel 47.1 45.7 465 Gypsum Co 84.2 83.2 843 Steel Pfd 108.7 1083 1085 Vanad Corp Amer 18.4 18.2 18.4 Vlck Chemical 40.3 40.3 40.8 Western Union 63.5 623 63 Wamer Bros 7.6 75 7.6 Westlnghouse 90.3 895 96.3 Westinghous Air Brk 27.7 26.6 Woolworth 68.6 58.1 5B.6 Yellow Cab 7 6.7 6.7 X-Ex-Dividend Down Two, HEIGHT -LOADS DROP "isde Circles Report Prite 1IH4 High 87 164 14 165 4 36.5 13.6 143 24.4 6.7 14 9.4 18.3 28,7 60.6 20.3 54 101.4 104 4 146 193 22 4.6 15.4 49.2 23 41.8 ii 3.1 15 10.3 22.3 54.2 40.5 48 26 60.6 54.7 41.4 44.4 Adams Express Air Reduction Alaska Juneau Allied Cheru Dye Allis Chalmers Amec Beet Sugar Amer, Can Amer Car Fdry Amer Foreign Power Amer International Amer Locomotive Amer Radiator Amer Rolling Mills Amer Smelt Refin Amer Steel Fdry Amer Sugar Refin Amer Tobacco A Amer Tobacco -Amer Tel is Tel Amer Waterworks Anieonda pop Armour Assoc Dry Goods Atchl Top 8a Fe Atlantic Refining Auburn Auto Aviation Corp Baldwin Loco Balti Ohio Barnsdall Corp A Bendix Aviation Best Ss -Company Bethlehem Steel Bonn Aluminum Borden Berg Warner -Brlggs Bristol Myers 13.6 142 23.4 6.6 14 9.3 17.6 28.4 59 20 53.7 101 103 144 19 21.3 45 15.4 48.2 22.4 37.4 13 14.6 10.1 22 54.2 39.6 46.6 85.6 59.6 54 41.9 145.3 19 21.7 4.5 15.4 48.7 23 Advances Appear Likely i Soon I Linn vrnw 0, the line hard today, breaking I iaxigh profit taking reeistanoe of sessions tor gains of 1 to 4 1 1 its In many of the leaders, i a few soft spots cropped out. not. .1,1 Auburn, off nearly 5 points 1-2, on the increased deficit shown fr the third quarter, and Allied I' i aiical and Paramount First. ITa- 87.4 SPECIAL 3.3 8.1 Bid Asked Spencer Trask Fund 18.42 1959 (By Special Wire tram New York) Bid Asked Glens Falls Insurance 36.6 37.6 Deposited Bk Bh A 2.29 2.55 Deposited Ins Shares A 836 4,40 14.7 10.1 22.2 64.2 40.4 46.6 25.7 60.4 54.2 41.2 44.4 25.5 PRODUCE 66 14.3 9.1 NEW YORK, Nov. 1' (State Department of Agriculture and ilerred, down around 2 points, each.

i Taking the list as a whole, however, dvances outnumbered declines by ome 3 to 1. The Associated Press average of 60 stocks made a new high September 12, 1931, up of ii point at 53.1. The 30 Industrials i ax, ana me id uuiiues u.i ere both at new tops for a year or 104.6 65.6 inore Turnover expanaea moaerateiy over tie previous session as prices ad anced. Volume came to 3,042,680 nares. Statisticians noted that to-isy's trading the number of shares ransf erred thus far 1935 exrusiiml total tor the same period- of last year.

at 42.4 25.3 Bklyn Manhattan Burroughs Add Mach 25.6 Calumet-Hecla 5.5 5.4 14 Canada Dry Canada Pacific Cass Thr Mach Caterpillar Tract Cerro de Pasco Cop Chesapeake 6c Ohio Chicago No Western Chrysler Corp Cnlgate-Palmollvt Container A Container City loe toiumola OarBort Ool Gas is Elec -Commercial Credit Commercial Solvents Common Southern Congoleum Consolidated Gas Consolidated Oil Continental Can -Continental Ins Continental Oil Corn Prod Refin Curtis-Wright -Curtiss-Wright A Dela It Hudson -Dela Lack Du Pont de Nemours Eastman 'Kodak Eaton Axle Elec Auto Light -Elec Musical Instru Elec Pow Light Erie Foster Wheeler Fox Films A 14.6 1062 56.2 61.5 44.T 2.1 86.6 18 8 17 7.4 14.4 88 15.8 50.2 18.4 2.2 40 29.6 9.3 94.4 41,7 24.2 69.4 2.6 8 34.2 14.7 136 166.4 28.7 37 6.2 6 10.1 21.4 19.3 9 101.2 55.6 ma 44.7 1 2.1 84.7 18.1 16.6 7 14.4 .15.5 17.6 2.2 29.4 9.1 93 41.7 24 in 67J 2.6 7.7 25 34 14.4 135.4 166.4 .4 36.2 6.2 5.7 4, 10 In' 19.6 18.3 Trade circles reported that price idvauces "appeared likeiy soon in hiished and semifinished steel pro-Mots and' in copper and there were scattered advances in petroleum pro 61 50. 8 34 135.4 44.7 2.1 86.2 18.1 16.7 12 14.4 15.6 1S2 2.2 39.7 29.5 9.2 94.4 .41.7 24.2 69.4 2.6 14.7 tracts In various sections, particularly cm me west coast. GLENS FALLS 1 St, Mary'e Church fha Er. BcneSicI OiUom. Paitert the turn, lewu A.

Oacan, Taomu us Petex T. SbMran, Aulcuat Pmstttr. ham turns. 1. S.

i. lu tat Sist Ho U. St AIphom*os' Chh-ch Tfc 1M: Btrmaa BatlUrstoa, Panon tba Rev. ASrlu Baeaard, and tb Rev. Cieorf QuinltTut, Aulsuat Putort.

Lorn Mmw, 1. and JO Bisk ttsa. 11; RoHry and BndloUoa, s. Friends Church school. 10; worship, witb tb Rev.

Dr. John R. Bin, 11. First Baptist Church The Rn. H.

McOewea D. D. raster. Bcbool, iSi wonnlp iwrlee. RmavKlrfc at tarns hour lor reuQsor chiiaren; missionary Cbautauqua, 40.

Church of The Messiah Tlw Rn. iehatsa A Spriassttd, Rtctet; the Rtr. rial A. EtUosi. Curat.

Holy oommuatoa. Junior church, tehool for gradt 4. 5 and 6 at 10: Holv Communion and termon. 11: tehool lot rrtirMry. laineergarton and Prlaiait dtptnmtnu, 11.

Salvation Amy Adjutant aad Mn. Herbert o. Sparks aad utatenant Mutartt nrsaoiaaa. Banlew, 11 tod school. fount ptanl.

SJO. Christ Church, M. E. The Rn. Chulw Nobis.

Patter. SebooL MS; klndtrgartm nuratrr dipt, 11; worship with termon tj Um pastor, Youth's cnurca. Christian and Missionary Alliance Corner of Maple and Church streets. WUlard L. Llchtenwalnar, pastor BamcM, 1 and ChlldrWi ttrvlM.

First Church Christ, Scientist (Comer Lincoln At Datla St.) Swrlot, Kbool, 12. Temple Beth-El Marlon Arennt Rellglout school, )0. Free Methodist Church II tden Street Tht Rot. Oicar Grlswold, Paitor. School, 10; atiriFleo, 11; claaa mMtlng.

13. T. Irtnseluuo ttrvlco, Presbyterian Church ID fcn. John Ltoa oanthn, Pa tori tht Rtt Bdmnad Warnar TwIrboU. Minuter of tht barter Parlih; Hit.

Henry E. Dnrhjua, Director of Religi on! ESoeauon. Church school. StSv worthlD, nurury, 11; mutletl vespers, Br, High c. 1.

r. c. e.x. Wesleyan Methodist Church Corner GroTo ATena and Garfield Street The Rt. Chtriei A.

Oayton, Pastor 'School. 10: worship. 11: due meeting. 12; T. gTtngellstlc termon.

7:30. Pentecostal Church Broad Street The Rn. Artnar Belangar, Pastor Serrleat, i and Glens Falls Gospel Mission 6 Rudton ATenne Tht Rn. and Mn. A.

M. Offen, tupfs. School. 2:30: preaohlng. 7 JO.

FORT EDWARD St. James' Church 1 Tb Ret. J. Hugh Hooper, Rector, Holy Communion, St, Joseph's Church' (Roman Catholic) Tht Rn. John atomstef, Pastor: the Rn.

James Delano. Assistant Paitor. Masses. 7:15. 6:30 and 10:30.

Methodist Episcopal Church Thi Ret. c. Bennett, Minister. School, 10; service. 11.

Baptist Church The ReT. R. R. Llojd, Pastor. Senle.

1030; school, a rt, nenlng worship. 7. Christian Science Society Serrlco. 10:43: school. 11:43 Port Miller Reformed Church, th ReT i Servls LaRus at ludion Falls, pastor --School.

1: service. -2. Dnrkeetows Baptist 'hnrch. tht Rn. R.

Lloyd, pastor. Service, tehool, 730. rorttTUIt Methodist Church, tb Rev B. c. Bennett, pastor.

School. worship tervio, VICINITYCHTJRCHES Swfords Bldgt St R. Church, tht Ret. Elmer R. West, pastor.

Service 2:13, tehool. 10:16. Bay Road Church, tb Rn. R. W.

Twl-chell, minister. Service, 4. Oneida Cosunnnlsj Church, the Rn S. W. Twlcheu.

minister. eerrlco. 2:30. Brick Church. A sat Mountain, the Rev W.

Twlchell, minister. Service, 7 p. m. John j. Harris Memorial cnapei, aar- rlsena.

Service, 7:30. West Glens Falls Chapel School, S. On the other side of the picture was a more seasonal decline freight loadings for last week; Reassuring notes on the industrial irofit trend were sounded by air. ctors of the Standard Oil of N. Fractions to Point' NEW YORK, Nor.

1 A sudden revival of Interest In railroad Issues Injected new life Into a sluggish bond market today. Advances were general In most all groups and ranged from minor fractions to well over a point for the- most active U. S. governments showed modest Improvement and foreign obligations were generally steady. Transfers of $11,808,000, par value, were nearly $3,000,000 ahead of Thursday's turnover, ata of This wnount sales of governments' accounted tar but 8L290.000.

The 10 industrial bonds used In The Associated Press averages at- 1 talned a new high for a year or longer at 100.1, up 3 of a point on balance. The averages for other groups used In the compilation were unchanged to 3 of a point up. Especlaly firm spots In the carrier division Included Great Northern 7s at 102 1-4; New Haven 4 l-2s at 37 1-4; Southern Pacific 4 l-2s at 73; New York Central consolidated 4s at 84 and Nickel Plate 5 l-2s at 70. Elsewhere movements were mainly upward. International Paper 5 with a 3 1-8 point advance was an outstanding feature of the industrial di vision, and gains of 1 to 2 points In New York city traction bonds were highlights among utilities.

COMMUNITY CHEST ROLL OF HONOR IS ANNOUNCED (Continued from Page Twelve.) lin. L. Mousseau. Mrs. M.

Murphy, M. Murphy, J. F. Murphy, Mrs. H.

I. Nicnois, l. newoerry, 0. noma, u. Neron, A.

Nelson, A. Norman. Mrs. E. Ostrander, J.

M. O'Leary, J. O'Neill, F. A. Potter.

P. W. Phelps, A. Porter, A. Prevost, A.

Prevost, A. Prevost, R. Prevost, K. Prevost, J. Qulnn, G.

Rey nolds, G. M. Rhodes, W. C. Rothmyer, Mrs.

M. Reilly, M. Rea, Mrs. Robl- talle, M. Reardon Mrs.

F. J. Rawson, A. Ricclardelll, M. Robinson, C.

Royal, R. Robtiiard, 0. Rose, F. Ricnarason, A. Rooney, B.

Reardon, Mrs. E. Reed, Mrs. A. F.

Smith, D. F. Sullivan, A. Shea, E. St.

John, M. J. Sweeney, A. Stewart, J. C.

Sullivan, H. W. Swan, R. Seaman, K. Selllngham, M.

Sheehan, E. Smith, Sexton, R. K. Sullivan, L. Stevens, H.

Stevens, E. Shea, J. Stanczyk, 8. St. John Scarsellettl, H.

Sutliff, 8. Schwarts, B. spellburg, w. Stewart, H. BtocK-well.

F. M. Smith, J. L. Seaman, E.

Thomas, H. Taylor, H. E. Terrlault, E. Taylor, H.

Tate, B. Toomey, T. Thompson, L. Terry, M. underwood, L.

F. Vassiere, C. P. Van L. M.

Varnev. E. Vema, W. Vielie, 0. Vlsh- neowski, W.

Williamson, K. E. Wfilte, F. West, T. C.

Warren, T. Walsh, H. Woodward, L. Weld, H. W.

West, L. Wild, S. E. Wilson, J. Whan, J.

J. Wood, R. 3. Williams, Ji Yagie, Loung. Under $1.60 L.

Atwell, George H. Abry, A Friend, Mr. and Mrs. W. E.

Burdett, C. Burke, R. Hall, G. A. Bartholomew, G.

Bouchard, C. H. Broadway, J. Baker, G. Bennett, J.

Beckwlth, A. Cady, F. Cleveland, M--s, Jos. Clark, E. Doughery, M.

Duclos, L. DeMarsh, L. Dellsle. Finkle, N. Fitzgerald, M.

Gokey, I. Gilligan, F. Grace, Garvin, C. Harrington, T. Heming, K.

HiUls, M. Halperln, L. Jensen, R. Kaplan, E. King, A.

I. Linacre, R. Lincoln, O. Lemery, L. Luciano, A.

Lundgren, R. M. Lanzo, Mrs. N. McCune, V.

McOreery, Maloney. Mrs. A. J. Moynlhan, Mrs.

Marks, D. Macero, F. B. McCarthy, Roscoe Parish, C. Picher, R.

Prlscintti, Rapaport, Mrs. Root, Louis Russo, A. L. Ryder, S. Rlcketts, T.

Shepard, Mrs. A. Smith, J. Sidur, L. Snyder, E.

p. Shapiro, R. Stephenson, J. St. John, O.

Stevens, Sterling Shop, S. Thels, J. Vincent, R. Wagner, Wakeley, L. Wood, F.

Young, F. Yan klowitz, N. Zimmerman. ho declared an extra dividend of -inti, duplicating the action taken year, and- placing of Tiroken "er Bearing on a $2 annual' dtv- I basis along with the declaration 166.4 in extra $1, gained 2 points at 62 and was up nearly as much at l-A CABBAGE Ppstate, White Danish bulk ton yard sales 18.00-20.00, red 30.00-32.00. Downtown store sales Danish type sacks 50 lbs, white, mostly 45-50.

Domestic type, sacks 50 lbs, mostly around to, sacks 70 lbs, white Danish domestic 55-65. Red, sacks 50 lbs, 55-65. CARROTS Upstate teetione, topped, bushel basket washed 50-63. Sacks' 50 lbs, topped washed, few sales 50, sacks 100 lbs, unwashed 75-86. CELERY Western New York sections, In the rough, 3-3 'crate 2.00-2.25.

Florida style crate, 10-inch washed fair quality and condition, 1.75-1.87H. Half-orate washed 2.00-235. ONIONS Upstate various sections, yellow, U. S. No.

1, sacks 50 lbs, 1.00-1.15. Red, U. S. No. 1, sacks 50 lbs, 90-100 White, sacks 50 lbs, pickler and boiler 75-100.

POTATOES New. crop, Long Island Cobblers, sacks 100 lbs, S. No. 1,. 1.46-1.55.

Green Mountain, U. S. 1, south side north side 1.50-165 No 2, sacks 100 lbs, 60-86 Maine, bulk per 180 lbs, Green Mountain, U. S. No.

1, 235. Sacks 100 lbs. Green Mountain, U. 8. No.

1, 150 New Jersey Cobblers, Sacks 100 lbs, 1.35-1.40. COUNTRY DRESSED CALVES Receipts light with many carryovers. Market continued weak at unchanged prices. Per pound, choice, all weights 12H-13U: Ialr 10 BOOd 8H-9U; small (55 lbs, and under) 7V4-8K. LIVE POULTRY Receipts by truck and express moderate.

Freight supply also moderate. Market steady with prices unchanged, Per pound, broilers, Rocks fancy Red, fancy 20; Leghorn 18-20. Fowls, colored fancy 19-21; light 18; Leghorn 17-19. Pullets, Rocks 24-25; Reds, 22-25. Ducks 15-16.

Turkeys, hen 27; young Toms 24; old 20. Geese 17. 1 LIVE RABBITS Receipts moderate. Demand fairly active. Market steady at 12-17 per pound.

HAY New arrivals of hay were moderate at Manhattan via, rail and truck but were increasing at Brooklyn sections. Best quality was in limited supply, medium to low grade predominating the demand was tartly active for the top grades and slow for the under grades. The close was steady. Alfalfa was steady. Straw was i.

was one of the widest gainers, than 4 points at 105 1 others up 1 to around 3 -ludsd Schenley at B4 7-8, Interboro j2 7-8, General Motors at 54 1-2. iiartoan Commercial Alcohol at 34 4, at 86 1-4, Oerro de Pasco 6.2 4.5 61 1-4, Kennetott at 27 5-8, American Smelting at 60 1-2. POULTEf MARKET 3.7 aught mstot: -surwoea 140 and 1. 'eeawir run Methedlat Church, tb Ber. Wil liam Burnett minister Servloe, 10.40; school, 1140; Jr I- In tar L.

1. Atbol Methodist Jhurch. tb Bar W. N. Burnett pastor.

Servloe at 8. cnurca oi tne hojj cross, tn Bev J. Bill Johnson rector. Oomm union. -1: eiTte.

Wetltyaa Methodist Church, th. Rev. at chard Palmer, paator. Bvangeluua services at the home of Mr. Palmer.

Pre, pact street between Horlcon and ftmersoa avenues. -11 Pentecostal Cbureh. Barvtoea. 11 40 and ti tchrejr. 1040; young people.

840 Tb cospei tabernacle. Rive street Bible achool, 1040: tamos. 40 and 30. Pint Presbyterian Church, th Bar. A.

Lewie, paetor -Samoa 1040; achool, T. P. 0, 8:30. St Cecilia's (Catholic) Church. Tht Bev.

J. J. Kudul. 8, St Johat community Church. Dia mond Point tbe Bev O.

Bamman. rector; th Bee. Bugs Q. B. Orotby act: tng rector Oommunlon.

aarmsn, 1L LAKEGEORGE Presbyterian Church, the Bar. Walter Bradley, pastor. School. service, 11; union senrlot 1 40. Plrat M.

E. Church, tha Bar. Blmet B. Wast pastor. School.

10 J5: aemoat, and 740 St. James Episcopal church, the Ber. Edward M. Parrot, rector. Services Omitted.

saereo Bean cnurca, na am, KUduS, pastor. Mass at, 10 a. m. LUZERNE Wesleyan Methodist Chnrch, the Ber. H.

B. La Vera, pastor. School, 3 preachy log, 3, followed by class meeting. St Marrs Episcopal church, the BeT, Albert Oale, rector. Morning prayer and sermon.

school. 1040. BocaweU Fails fresbyterutn Church, th Bet- Borden Adama. pastor. Servloe, Methodist Episcopal Church, the Ber, hangman Oolledge, pastor.

Worship, 1040: tehool. 11:45. Hoi; Infancy (Roman Catholic), the Bev. Josepb Banlon, pastor. Masses.

840 and 1040. boltonTanding Blessed Sacrament Chnrch, tht Bar, Denial F. Cronln, pastor. Matt, 10. St Sacrament Church, the Bar.

Hugh O. aV 'Crosby, rector. Communion. rflsralJW-RraiM-tad Methodist Episcopal Church, the Bee, John W. Ouyer, pastor.

School, 10; worship. 11 and 8: B. Lh 7. Pentecosta: Mission, the Rev. Fred Koa nlg.

paator. SerTloee, 11 and 740; school, f'JO. First Baptist Chnrch, the Bar. T. Vss-sar Oaulklna, pastor.

Seivtos. 1040; school, 11:30. North Bolton Melheefart Csrarrh, Use Ber. John G'urer. paator Service and school, 3, hartFord first Methodist Bpiscopal Cnoxeh.

tha Rev. O. P. Banlu Bristol, pasttt. cfervlca It-.

Baptist Chareh, the Bar. Llnoola Wads worth, pastor, Worship. 11: school, Jr. O. 830; sr.

a aV I 'M Belcher Methodist episcopal Chore Th- Rev. O. P. Bristol Banlu, pastor. Bervlca.

9:30. Conaresauotul Chnrch, South Bartford, 8ervloa, 11: school, Jr. O. 8r, 7i 1st, Baptist Chnrch. AdanxavUa.

tha Bat. B. Boei. pMtor. Barrlce, 3.

North Bebron Baptist Church, the Bar. Lincoln Wadsworth. pastor. Worship. 0, school, 10.

forFann First Baptist Church, tha Rev. Hooka, pastor, Bervlca. 10:45 Methodist Episcopal Church, ths BV. O. al.

Winch, pastor. Services. 10:45 and school. 11:45: 6:45. West Fort Ann Mesodlst' Episcopal Church, ths Bev.

O. M. Winch, pss tor.1 Worship. 9 JO; school. 10 JO.

DO YOUR EYES NEED HELP? i TEW people have perfect vision, and nearly all require the aid of lenses' to compensate for natural deficiencies of the eyes You may not be conscious of visual defects which can be determined and corrected only by a scientific examination. HAVB YOUR EYES EXAMINED THE THRIFT MARKET 67 Glen St. Dial 2-2884 HEAVY WESTERN BEEF P'house Round Sirloin Delmonico Cube i Lear of Veal lb. 15c Leg of Spring Lamb, lb. 20c Home Dressed Chickens lb.

25c Boneless Rump Roast, lb. 16c Best Cut Shoulder Roasts lb. 15c Sausage rr. 2 lbs. 35c Vswioh 1 1 m4 ti am hut ff" 2 lbs.

25c Fresh Side PuiK, lbs. 43t Small Lean Pork Loins, lb. 21c Lean Plate Beet lb. 7c Br It NEW YORK, Nov. 1.

)' Live poultry weak. By freight: Fowls 18 a 22; other ireight grades unchanged. Live poultry. By express: Turkeys other express grades unchanged. Dressed poultry quiet and steady.

SARATOGA Metheetin IplKepai cb arch, Wanhlni. ton street, tb IteT. U. tl lverr. ptor.

BerTioe. ioflO and scnooi IS: rouiii rwopi, e. ft Clement's Romaa CatboUe Chunk, Lata 1.1. a acd 10 ja it Peters Reman Catnolie Cborcb, Broadway, tb aet. fatrtct aoullj.

I. A. 9 an 10 JO. One Chore. the Van Oars street and Voodleem avenus.

tb tn O. JnUotaoo. pastor. Berries. SAd 730: eobool.

10: run paopl. 6:45. Tne msDrtefiaii caorca. Broadway. tb Rer.

B. B. Olaion. pastor, Service. it ao; scnooi ttna Men etas, a.

rint Baptist Chnrrk. Wtabiotton street tb Iter Mtabion O. Tuauon. pastor- Serrtot. lOOi tcnool, Ui ount po pit.

(30. Drer Hemorui M. K. eiob kaeUst Cborcb, tb Mr WUllaa Ban The fare to sa rvacpai TtkerBUtt, 110 Sprlot street tht Ber. I Matthen Es-terlr.

rsbtlttwHlernon, 10 and IJOi school. U. Church, Itopl tnnu, th Bv. OtTtd eU Ijjticlii 4efTleee, and 130: school. 1.

Mt fittnt Baptist Church, eorntr of WUllam and federal street, th Bar. A. WUllama, pastor 6rr lose, 11 tad 30; school. ISO; b. I D.J;10, New (siuuid ConrrefadoiiaJ Ghorch, comer Circular and Oaroltu streets, the Bt.

s. A. rock, pastor. seme. 1040.

nt Chuck Christ, (c*ntlM, Circular street. Semoe, 11: tehool U. 6t Paolt BTtatelreal Lntberan Church, Benrj etrstt, bear Caroline street, the fur. Theodor. A.

Bonultce, pastor School, too; service. 10 and lao. Salvation Army, 18 Laae Avenue Cap tain turn aa -md Oaptala Ban Mel- son, officers la cbarg. Serflcea, 11 and scnooi. ISO: T.

9. free Methodist Church, 306 Begent street, th rt. t. W. Kindred, pastor.

Serrleet, 10:49 and class meetlnt. 10; school. U. Greenfield Canter Methodist EplscopaJ Church, th Bet, T. nowdea Thomas, ess tor 830: servloe, 7 Jerusalem Baptist Mission, 100 congress street, th St John, O.

pastor Service. 11 and echof4, 2: B. Y. p. D.

7. Bethesda Eplteopal Chwcn, the Ber. lfTlsg-T-Bsslllafdi paster. "fCTMattBtea. i service.

11. 1 SOUTli GLENS FALLS Methodist Episcopal Church, tb Ber Leonard P. It, minister. Service. 1040 and 730; scBooL 11:45: 1st K.

I. 130: Sr B. iao. meads' Church, th Bev. William Kent, pastor.

Services. 1040; school. li jr. a. sr.

v. first Baptist Church, th Bee. A OUbrlde, pastor, oervtces, ioo and 75; school, 11:49. teroolds corners VL Church, the Bet. Leonard p.

Ire, minister. Unified worship, cambrTdge CeUt D. p. Church, th Bar. M.

B. Patterson, pastor. Service. U30. followed hi tehool: rouns pcopi.

130. United PreshTterua Church, the Ber. a. Raymond White, pastor. Service, 11 and school.

13; P. 0 0. 7. Emburv M. a.

Church, th Rev, p. p. Adams, pastor. Servlc. 11: school.

13:15: i. U. :45. First Pmbvterian Church, th Ber Harold Hannon. pastorfichooL 10: service, lli roung people.

7. Baptist Church, the Bet. Cmmct 3 Case, pastor. Service, 11 aiid 730; school. It: 7.

8t Luke's Episcopal Church, tb Ber. P. HV Prlabtav B. D. reotor.

Services, and 10:45 St Patrick's Church, th Ber. Oeorgt O. Egan, pastor. Mass, High Mas. xienediction auer ruga mbas.

GRANVILLE Methodist Episcopal Church, tbe Ret. David LlTlngston. pastor. Service. 1040; scnooi.

ii jr. a. i or a. 'i. Middle Gran rule Welsh Prabrteriu Church, th Bar Richard Owens, pastor.

Ser.tcee In English, 10, followed hi tehool: Welsh servlc. a. Su Peter's and St Paul's Ureek Catho. lit Church, tbe Ber. J.

1. Kallock. pastor Masses. 8 and 10; vespers. 3.

Rt MarTt Church, tbe BeT Joseph O'Connor, pastor Masse. 9 and 1040; school after flret Mass: Tcapera. 7 i AU Salnu Polish and Slavic Church, Cb Bar. Bronlalaus J. Mendel, pastor.

Masses, 8 and 10 40; oomm union. 040: tespers. 740. Mlddl GranTllle Presbrterlan Church, -eerrlc. 1040.

followed by achool: a B. 1. Welsh ConcregatlonaJ Church Welsh service. 8. Trinity Episcopal Church, the Bei aenry Hoag, rector.

School. 10:15: Boll Eucharist and sermon. 1040. Welsh Presbyterian Church, the Bet. Samuel Prythercri, pastor.

English service. 10, foUowad by J'nday school: Welsh service, 8. Jerusalem Walsh Congretatlon Church. School. 11: prayer nutting, Our Lad; of Mount Carraal Church, tb Bet.

Daniel Borgan. pastor Mas. 8 St. Patriot church. West Oranvllle, 10 South GranTllle Congregational Church The Bt.

I 3L Fiel. pastor, Service. 1040 followed by Sunday school. WHITEHALL Church of Out Lady of Angel, the Ber. Edward A.

Dougner. pastor. Messes, 8. 7. 840 and 1040: Rosary and Benediction.

3:30. Methodist Chutcn. tn Bev, p. w. vo- gen.

paetotj School. 10: service, 11 and 740: lu 030 Presbyterian Church, tb Bev. WUllam r. Itaaer, pastor. School, 10: servlc 11; Bible Study.

730. East Whitehall Brlch Church, tbe Bet. P. W. Vogell.

paitor. "wvlce and school, f. First Baptist Church, tht Bar. ArnOt Dexter, pastor. school.

10: woraaip. Twpsn, J. Trinity Episcopal Church, th Bet. g. cector.

Holy Ooiununlon. 740; servloe. 10: school. 1130. Corns lock Community Baptist Church, the Bar.

Asnot Deiter, pastor Worahlp, achool. 10.. SALEM Bolj Croat Church, th Star. John pastor. Masses.

8 aad 10! Benediction of Blessed Sacrament after tast Mate. Methodist Episcopal Chnrch, the Bet. Thomas Stevenson, pastor. Worship, 11: school, BUI. United Presbyterian Church, tb Bar.

T. T. BampbUI. 11; school. 0 0..

840. First Presbyterian Church, tb) Bet Arthur Bpauldtng, pastors-worship, 11; school, 13:15. Hebron United Presbyterian Church Th Bev. T. Victor Scott, pastor.

Prayer. preaching, II; school. 13; P. 0. 7:45.

Wast. Bebron Methodist Episcopal Church, th Bar. Thomas Stevenson pastorService 3. Watt Bebron United Presbyterian Church, tbe Bev. Charles Lay.

pastor. -Servloe, 11: school. GANSEVOORT" WILTON OANSEVOOBT-WILTOI. H. ft.

PABISR Tbe Bev Lloyd I Olson, Pastor Wilton Services, 10:30. Ourn Spring Services. 7:30. Gansevoort 11: service, 11:45. South Wilton Services, 330.

STONY TREKK Methodist EplscQpal Church. Serrlces at 1040 and 7:30: school. 1140. Wesleyan Methodist tnurrh, the ReT A Cbadwiek. pastor Worship, 10; school.

II: evsnnellstlc servlc 7 28.4 42.2 Freeport Texas 29.4 Genl Amer Tank Car 43.2 General Electric 36 35.4 and Genl Food Products General Motors General Ry. Signals Gillette Razor Gold Dust Goodrich Rubber Goodyear Rubber Graham-Paige Granby Consolidated Great Northern Great Northern Ore Howe Sound Copper Hudson Motors Hercules Motor i Illinois central Intl Cement Harvester Intl Nickel Pow Pfd Jntl tel Tel Johns-Manville Kelvlnator Kennecott Cop Kresge Co Kroger Groceries Lambert Loews Ine Lorillard 33.1 54.5 35 17 173 11.2 203 4 12.7 27.2 18.7 54 16.6 26 7 151 32.7 58 4 323 131 10.6 87 13.7 27.2 273 26 32 1 53.1 33.5 35 16.7 17 16.7 17 10.1 19.3 3.6 .11.2 12.6 26.5 27 18.6 03 06 16.2 25.6 14.6 31J1 68 31.5 14.3 10.4 85 13.5 26.7 un in free 22.7 48.4 25.7 28.6 36.5 6 10.1 21.4 19.3 29.4 42.2 64.4 12.6 13.7 16.4 263 15 32.5 58.4 32.3 15.1 10.5 87 13.6 27.5 273 27.2 23.2 48.7 26 1: Turkeys 21-31; other fresh "Everlasting Punishment" Is the subject ol the Lesson-Sermon In all Churches of Christ, Scientist tomorrow. Thi Golden Text Is: "Create In me a clean heart, God; and renew a right spirit within me" (Psalms 81:10.) Among the citations Which com prise the Lesson-Sermon Is the following from the Bible: Tor thou deslrett not sacriflee; else would I give It: thou de-Ughtest not in burnt offering. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, God, thou wilt not despise" (Psalms 51: 16-17.) The 'Lesson-Sermon also includes the following correlative selection from the textbook of Christian Science, "Science and Health with KeyJo Majy Sake Eddy: "Christian Science commands man to tnasUr the praperutUt, to hold hatred In sbsyanoa with kindness, to conquer lust with chastity, rsrenre with charity, and to overcome deceit with honesty" (p. 405.) Wednesday evening, testimonial service will be conducted at o'clock In the Christian Science church, Lincoln avenue and be vis street.

The reading room, koom 329, In tht Insurance building, Is open dally from 1:30 to 5 o'clock. HUDSON FALLS Methodist Church The Rev. Bams f. Conner, faster. 'School.

10; worship, 11; U. 430. Zion Episcopal Church Tb an. j. Hngb Hooper Better 1 Roly Communion, morning prayer ana sermon.

11. St. Paul's Church Tht Rn. E. J.

R. Snrprrnant, Pastor. mai 18. St. Mary's Church Tht Rev.

Arthur s. Elffln, a D- Patter: tht Rev. Leonard A. Blcks, Anletaat. Low Masaee.

7 and 8: ehudrtnt lit, High Mass. IOM: Rosary and laneello- tlon. 4:30. Presbyterian Church The av. 4.

Servls UBae, Pastor. School, Paris and Collin Bible FeUowsblep, worship, 1J; T. 7. Advent Christian Church The Rn. (George A.

Persuson. Pastof, Services. and tehool. 12. The First Baptist Church Tht Rot.

Nelson K- Croesmtn, Paste. School. 10; service, 11:15. Seventh Day Adventlst v' Qaarry Crosslns and Blvd The Rev. Paul H.

Eldridce, pastor 10; preaching, Toung people's meeting, 2. Interdenominational Church 73 Main Street. Tb Rn. ft, D. Goodwin, vsstor.

School. 2:43: tervlee. 1043 and Toung People. 6:45. NSRROW WAT MISSION Narrow Was Mission of the Oburcb of the Gospel.

Lower Wall street, Btrbert ymonisy, wnnoi. 11 sarvutat, 11 ud 7 ADAMSVILLB BAPTIST CHURCH School. service with sermon by J. Poa. u.

-1 GREENWICH Christian Selene Church- Service. 11: school during service. Baptist Church, tb ReT. George A Pin-lay, pastor. Servloe.1 'II: school; United Prethyterlu Church, the Rev.

A Parvtn. pastor. Servicet. 11 and 7:30: school. 12: T.

O. U- Reformed Church, the Rev Arthur B. voerman. pastor. Morning 11; school, 12:15, 8t Joseph's Catholic Church, the Rn Prancls Qulnn.

8. pastor Uteset, 8:30 and 1030: High Mass followed by Benediction, memorial service nil churches will unite; school. St. Paul's Episcopal church, the Rev. L.

Bradley, rector. Ho communion morning prayer. 11. Methodist Episcopal Church, the Rev Harry S. Tltut.

pastor. Service, 11; school, Y. P. Jouncu. 8:45.

Batten'tlU etethodlsl Church, the Ret, Harry Titus, pastor -Mgmlng worship. 11. NORTH GRANVILLE Methodist Episcopal Church, tb Rn Charles L. Jenkins, pastor. School, 1030; eervlee, 1130.

IrulbvlUe Baptist Church, the Rot 3. C. LaOrange, pastor. Services, 1030 and 730; scnooi, All Saints ChapeL Th Rn. Henry Hogg, rector --Holy Conuxtunion- morning prayer, a.

and Bait5rn StanardTIme) Osnt. East. 4:00 6:00 Aba Lyman Mslodlana basic; Concert of the Organ Dixie 4 10 8r30 Crumit-Sanderson, Songs uaaic; jnusicai mooas raiawesi 6:00 6:00 Ray Perkins A Amateurs 5:30 6:30 "Smiling Ed" McConnell 646 4:45 Th Voice of Exoerienca 4:00 7:00 Alexander Woollcott Manhattan Moods Dixie 6:30 7:30 Phil Baker Show The Medinah Ensemble midwest 6)46 7:46 Yester Melodies mldw. 7:00 8:00 Eddie Canter Company) 7:30 6:30 Leslie Howard Play to 8:00 9:00 Detroit Symphony a to o1 9:00 King Orch, to 8) 9:80 10:30 Fred Is Rich Psnthousai east; Jack Hyiton Orchss. west! 10:00 11:00 Cart Holt Orchei.

saat. 10:30 11:30 Prsas-Radio News Perlodl 10:36 11:35 Little J. Little Orch eat. -east; S. Simon Orehes.

midw. 11:00 12:00 Frank Daiiey Orehes baslo: Geo. Olson Music midw. 11i80 12:30 Maria Carlson Orehsstrsi BOW JZ NETWORK BASIC Eaati wjs wbs-wbsa wbal wham kdka wgar wxys wlw wsyr wmal wfll; Midi wcky wenr wis kwk koU wren wmaq as- MIDWEST wmt wood-wlra NORTHWEST A CANADIAN wtmJ wiba kstp webo wday kfyr crct Cf -SOUTH wrva wptf wwno wis wjax wfla-wsun wlod wsm wmo wsb rwapi wjdx wsmb kvoo wky wfaa wbap kpro woaf ktbs ktbj wsoo wave MOUNTAIN koa. kdyl kgir'kghr PACIFIC km kfi ksw komo kbo kfsd ktar kpo kex kga kj? kya, keca -i 12:30 1:30 Nat'l Youth Conference 1:00 2:00 agio Key of Radio to 0 2:00 SiOO Your English.

Dramatio 2:15 3:15 Mountain Merrymakers 2t45- 8:46 Rosa Linda, Conctrtl Piano east: Jack Major mldwesti Vespers, Dr. Posdlskl 2:30 Design for Listening. 4:00 5:00 Roses and Drums, Serial 4:30 6:30 Bob Becker Chat on Dogs' 4:45 8:45 Gabriel Heatter'a Period 5:00 6:00 Tony and Gus, Comedy 6:30 6:30 Grand Hotel Dramatical 600 Jack Benny's New Show. 6:30 7)30 Robert L. Ripley also 7:00 8:00 Muaioal Comedy Revue 7:45 8:45 Hendrik Van Loon's Talk 8:00 6:00 Charles Prevln's Orohsst.

8:30 9:30 Walter Wlnchell's Column 8:45 9:45 Songs by Nelia Good die 9:00 10:00 Sunday with Ssth Parker 9:30 10:30 Velvetone Music. Orehes. 10:00 11:00 Fireside Singers, Quartet 10011 rlOPrfli-Rqdi Nffl pptntf 19:15 11116 Shandor and His Violin east, Wstsr Winchell--west repeat IQiSO 11:30 Jimmy Carr's Orcheatra enst; Jack Benny west repeat 11:00 12:00 DSr.cs In the Twin Cities Ili30 UiJO Earl Hinss and Orchestra unchanged. Frozen: Turkeys u-28 1-2; other frozen grades hurrtd. FOREIGN EXCHANGE YORK, Nov.

1. Foreign W. irregular: Great Britain in cents. Great Britain 1.91 1-2; cables, 451 1 is, 4.90 1-2; France demand, ies 6.59; Italy. demand, 8.12; i.2: Germanv demand g.

tourist 19.40, reg. comml BUTTER, CHEESE MARKET NEW YORK, Nov. 1. Butter, 38.4 20 45.7 243 47 243 32.3 4.4 33.7 19.1 33.6 93 Loose Wiles Blsc 38.4 Louisville Gas and Elec 203 Louisville Nashville 463 24.6 Ludlum Steel Lib Owens Frd Mack Truck Mathlson Alkali Miss Kah Tex Montgomery Ward Murray Body Mclntyre Por Mines Morsanto Chem Nash Motors Natl Biscuit Natl Cash Reg Natl Prod 47.4 24 2 32.5 343 19.3 35 933 17.7 35.2 18.7 18 3 4 3 4 17.3 34.8 35 18.5 175 Natl Distilleries 1.2 32.7 10.4 23.7 xNatl Pow and Light 10.5 Central 23.3 and and Norfolk Western North American North Am Aviation Northern Pacific Otis Elevator 3 8.3 195.4 253 4.1 18 20 3 33 193.4 193.4 25.1 263 2.1 3.7 17 195 20 38.4 20 46 24.3 47 24.2 32JS 34 193 35 93 17.4 18.7 17.5 33.1 105 22.7 4.1 17.6 '143, firmer. Creamery, higher than 29 3-4 a 30 1-2: (92 score) CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET CHICAGO, Nov.

1 (P Wheat-Dec. 97 7-8 a 98; May 97 1-2 a 5-8; July 89 7-8 a 90. Com Dec. 58 1-8 a 1-4; May 68 1-4 a 3-8; July 59 1-4. Oats Dec.

26 7-8; May 28 3-4; July 28 7-8. Rye Dec. 50 1-2; 'May 52 1-4; July 52U-4. Barley Dec. 41 1-2; firsts (88-91 scores) 27 a J9 1-4; seconds (84-87 scores) 26 av i-t; centraiizea vvu score; J8 3-4.

Cheese, 52,072, steady. Prices CALL MONEY NEW YORK, Nov. I. UP) RADIO PROGRAMS FOR SATURDAY AND SUNDAY Call SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2 (Central and Eastern Standard Time) Note, All programi to key and basla chaing or rnraps thereof anlesa pod-1 fled; coast to ooaet (c to o) designation Include! all available station i Program! eubjeet to ohang without prevloue notleo ln advano. P.

M. NBC-WEAF NETWORK BASIC Eait: weaf wlw wee! money steady; 3-4 per cent all day. Time loans steady; 60 days-6 per cent offered. CURB MARKET CLOSING PRICES Alum Co Am 82 Am Cyan Am Gas Elec Am Super Power mos 26.2 39.6 wtle wjar wtag wosh kyw wmo wibr wgy woen wcaa wiam wwj vau; mia ksd wmaq wcfl who wow wda MtDWESTwood wire NORTHWEST CANADIAN -j. WtmJ wrc iwlba kstp webc wday kfyr eret cfef tSOUTH wrva wptf wwno wla wjar wfla-wsun wlod wsm wmo wsb wapl wsmb kvoo wky wfaa wbap kprc 3.1 1 1 woai ktbs Rtna wsoo wavo wtar MOUNTAIN koa kdvl kxir ktrhl PACIFIC kgo bi kgw komo khq kffld iktar kgu kpo kx kta ajraya Keca East.

12.00- Now! Lee Gordon, Ore. 1:30 Dick Fldler A Orchestra 1:00 Rex Battle and Ensemble Bft Announced (i hr.i 15.6 15.7 28.4 28.7 65 6.6 793 79.7 27.4 27.7 25 2.5 54.6 57.2 34.1 345 44 44.4 36.1 37.1 11.6 U1.7 16 163 50 503 8.6 9.1 8 81 77.4 78.4 8i30 Chicago A Cappella Choir ei untco Kevue news 6:30 6: SO Press-Rsdlo News Period 8:35 6 1 55 Aim Kltohell, Contralto 6:40 6:40 Religion In News, Talk 6:00 7:00 Thornton Fisher, Sports 6:1 7:16 Poptya the Sailor. Sketoh Sllilers Maftj Trio 6:46 To Announced Th Parads of Hits to Mssoc Gas Elec A 'Kent St Elec ft fiies Service cnwlth Edia ,1 'nwlth So War cole Pet i Bond is Share 1 Rub "tfld Mot Canada A 1 i ord Ltd V.ulf Oil Pa 1 Hudson Bay Min Stumble Oil Pi mp Oil Canada I finternat Pet .1. ipiat Bellas Hess v.vrtiTrrnir. I Tel Pfd JJlag Hud Pow vennroad 1 it Regis 1 Paper 'v ud Oil Kentucky Cnns Lux 1 jnlted Fdrs I 11 rn Lgt Pow A 2i: 67 118.4 3 2.6 21.3 3.6 2.6 87.4 16.5 27.7 8.2 18.4 60.1 21.1 37.1 61.4 Otis Steel 16 Pacific Gas and Elec 29 12 2.2 .2 Packard Mot Car 6.6 Penney Pennsylvania Phila Reading I Philip, Morris Phillips Petrol Pub Serv Corp Pullman Oo Pure On Purity Bakeries Proctor and Gamble Paramount Corp Radio Corp Radio Corp Pfd Radio-Keith-Orph Reading 1 Remington Rand Republic Steel Reynolds Tob Safeway Stores St Paul Common St Paul Pfd Schulte Ret St Seaboard Oil Sears Roebuck Servel Corp Sbattuck Shell Union Oil Simmons-Co 79.7 27.7 2.5 57.4 35 44.4 37.1 12 165 503 9.4 8.1 ,78.4 5.1 35 14.4 18.4 57 34.5 1 15 3.3 30 6 59.6 11.2 10 12 12 1.7 4.7 34 14.3 18 56.5 34 1 15 S3 30.2 59 113 85 114 17.6 18.3 8:00 9:000, Rubin off Orch.

also SUNDAY, NOVEMBER (Cftntral NBC-WEAF NETWORK BASIC Easti weaf wlw wool wtlo wlar wtaa wesh kyw whlo wfbr wro wgy woen wcao wiam wwj wsaui mia ksd wmaq well who wow wdaf DWEbT-wooa wire NORTHWEST CANADIAN WtmJ rwiba Kstp weoo waay Kiyr crct oior faoUTH wrva wptf wwno wla wjax wfla-wsun wlod warn wnio wsb wapl wsmb kvoo wky wfaa wbap kpro woai kids Kins wsoo wav wtar mountain Una. kdvl ksttr ka-ni PACIFIC kgo kfl kgw komo khq kfsd ktas kgu kpo xsx xga iut xya Keca. Cent. 'East. 12:00 1:00 Reads to Romany, Musfe 12:30 1:40 Words A Muslo Program 1:00 2:00 Famous Dramas of Bible 1 1SO 2:30 The Voice of the Peoo 2:00 SiOO Bernard Levi tow Ensem 2:50 "widow's sons," serial 3:00 4:00 Chicago A Cappella Choir 8:80 4:30 Dorothy realm's Songs 8:46 4:45 What's In a Name, Drama 4t00 6:00 Penthouse Serenade 4:60 6:30 Allen 4 Fen nelly, Drama 4 146 8:45 Al Goodmsn'a Orchestra 6:00 6:00 Cstholto Program to 6:80 6:30 Echoea of New York wear; venutian'a orchestra chain :00 7:00 K-7 Sscret Story chain 6i30 7:30 Recital from the Fireside 6:45 7:45 Sunsst Dreams, Trios.

8i00 MaJ. Bowes Amateurs liOO 9:00 Merry Go 'Round to 8:30 8:30 Album of Music to 910010:00 Sunday Eve. SymphJ -toe Iosco mug Man lemons, Moioaiea oast; Sunaet Dreams west rpL 10:30 11:30 Prest-Radlo News Period 10:35 11:35 Glen Las Dance Orchestra 11:00 12:00 Willie Bryant Orchestra 11:30 12:30 Sammy Kayo's Orchestra CBS-WABC NETWORK BASIC East: wabo wado woko wcao waab wnao wgr wkbw wkro whk wjr wdro wcau wins wean wfbl wspd wjsv; Mldwesti wbbra wfbip. kmbo kmex wnas Xiao Kmc EAST wbns wpg whp wnao wlbs wfea cKao wlbx wmaa wesx DIXIE wgst wsfa wbro wqanv-wdod klra wreo wlac wdsu wtoo krld ktrh ktsa waco koma wdbo wbt wrtae wblg wdb wwva wmbg wsjs wmbr wala ktul kgko wcoa wdno wnox kwkh MIDWEST wgl wmb wian wlbw kfh wamk wkbn wcoo wsbt kscj wnax woe IWOWO' MOUNTAm kvor Wa koh ksl 1 COAST khj koln kfrc kol kfpy kvl kfbk kmj kwg kern kdb kgmb kgb Osnt. East.

1 12:00 1i0O-rSermon tn Church of Air 18i9 Mull) peFses-biii The Old Village Church midwest 1:45 The Sisters of the Skillet 1 too 2 100 Between the Bookende 1:15 2:15 Labor Program alo est: 1:30 2:30 Johnny Augustine Music i 2:00 3.00 N. Philharmonic to Cent. East. 6:30 Frank Dalley Orchestra 6:00 6:00 Fredsrlo Win. Wile, Talk 6:16 0:15 Three Little Words, Trio 5:30 6:30 Press-Radio News Period 6:35 6:35 Scores of Football Games 6:44 6:45 Saundra Brown's Songs basic; Jack Major midwest; nus sell Brown and Orchestra west 6:00 7:00 Frank Parker's Prog.

baslct Kurkdjlo Ensemble-west 6:30 7:30 Nlgsra Falls Band basic; Sunset Serenade midwest 7:00 8:00 We Amsnoans Answer 7:30 8:30 To Be Announced 7:45 8:45 The Troopers Concert 8:00 9:00 Nino Martini, Orch. to 8:30 9:30 Marty May Comedy Tim 9:00 10:00 Salon Moderns Concert 9:30 10:30 To Be Announced 10:00 11:00 Aba Lyman Orchestra 11:30 Clauds Hopkins' Orehes. basic; Herble Kay Orch. mid 11)00 12:00 Dick Messner Orchestra basic; Geo. Olsen Muslo mldw.

11:90 12:30 Stering Young Orehes. basic; Eddte Nelbaur Oroh mldw. BC-WJZ NETWORK BASIC East) wjs wbs-wbsa wba wham kdka wgar wxys wlw wsyr wmal wfll: Mid: wcky wsnr wis kwk koU wren wmaq kso MIDWEST wmt wood wlra NORTHWEST A CANADIAN WtmJ wlba kstp webo wday kfyr orot cfcf SOUTH wrva wptf wwno wla wja wfla-wsun wlod wsm wmo wsb wapl wjdx wsmb kvoo wky wfaa wbap kprq woaf ktbs kths wsoc wave MOUNTAIN koa kdyl kglr kghl -PACIFIC kgo kfl kgw komo khq kfsd ktar kpo kex kga kjr kya keca -Cent. 1:30 Old Sklppsi and Gang 1:00 2:00 Words A Muslo Program 1:80 2 1 30 To Ba Annsunoed (S hrs.) 4:30 6:10 Ken Sparnon'a Ensemble 4:45 6:45 Gabriel Hesttsr's Period 6:00 6:00 News) The Kindergarten 5:30 6:30 Press Nsdlo News Period 6:35 9:35 Football Morln Sisters 6:45 6:45 Master Builder Program 7:00 The Massage of Israel 6:30. 7:30 Chicago Muslo Jsmborea 7:15 8:15 Boston Symphony Orch.

6:15 9:15 Russian Symphonlo Choir 8:30 9:30 WLS Barn Danes baalo .9:30 10:30 Carefree Csrnlval also a 10:00 11:00 News, Dancing basic: Bsrn Dance west repeat 10:30 11 :30 Rsy Noble and Orohestra' 11:00 .12:00 Shandor and His Violin 11:08 12:06 Sleepy -Hall 4 Orchestra 1tt)viiifv-Tvrnwy Takr ttliwi-- 14.4 18.1 565 34 .7 12.2 253 12. Sooony Vaouum at Southern Cal Edison 26 3UEENSBURY PUPILS 30.2 59.5 113 10 12 18.3 12.2 23.7 9:30 Wallace Beery est to est 9:30 10:30 To Be Announced 10:00 11:00 Harold Stern Orchestra 10:30 11:30 Newel R. Chllds Orehes. ,11:00 12:00 Psul Pendarvls Orehest, 11:30 12:30 Al Lyons and Orchestra CBS-WABC NETWORK BASIC East: wttbc wade woko wcao waab wnao wgr wkro whk wjr wdro woau wjao wean wfbl wspd wjsv; Midwest; wbbra wfbra kmbo kmox vwhas Wabltrnt -EAST wbns wpg whp Whso wlbs wfea woro wloo ct rb ckac wlbx wma weag DIXIE wgst wsfa wbro wqam wdod kin wr wlac wdsu wtoc krld ktrh ktsa waco koma wdbo wbt wdae wblg wdbj wwva wmbg wajs wmbr wala ktul kffko wcoa wdno wnox kwkh MIDWEST wgl wmbd wiin wlbw kfh wbitiH wkbn weoo wsbt ksoj wsj woo. wowo MOUNTAIN kvor kit koh ksl COAST khj koln kfrc kol kfpy kvi kfbk kmj kwg kern kdb krmb kgb -CantJ East.

12rf0 1:00 Jack Shsnnon and Solos 1,15 Jack and It-at Mike 12:30 1:30 Buffalo, N. Y.r Presents 1:00 2:00 Tito Quixsr Tenor Solos 1:15 2:15 Football Souvenir Prog. tittO- di30 uoitill lArtwusast OB5tRVE HALLOWE'EN bout 50 parents and pupils, y. led a Hallowe'sn party at the road school. District 10.

Ouaens- 18 2 9.2 15 w.ik Wednesday evening. Florence 1 Ihefl, Kenneth Shea, Pranoes La-l i mountain, Lilliam Walkup. Joseph Southern Pao 18.4' Southern Railways 6.3 Standard Brands 15 Stand Gas and Elec 5 Stand Oil Calif 37.3 Stand Oil Indiana 27.7 Stand Oil 49.2 Sterling. Prod 1 67 Stewart Warner 17.6 Stone Webster 14.3 So Porto Rico Sugar 255 Studebaker (New) 7.4 Texas Company 233 18 14.8 3M.S 37.4 48.7 67 17.5 1X7 39.4 23 9.1 4.6 5 7.1 31.8' 37.1 27.6 48.7 .67 17.6 14.3 25.6 as.i B2 7.4 2 web and Arthur Johnson were warded prizes for unique costumes, lames were played and refreshment! we -Pupils of District fi and 10 schools toursday evening were guests of lendrick Van Rensselaer, foreman I the Top of the World farms, and ere taken to Glens Falls to witness 1 HaUtwe'en parade. Texas Gulf Sul 83 2 Timkan Det Axle, 9 J.

tl Hadltr U1U CEasUr-chool 100. 1.

The Post-Star from Glens Falls, New York (2024)


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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.