The Bridgeport Post from Bridgeport, Connecticut (2024)

THE BRIDGEPORT POST, THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 195J. SOCIETY SELECTS 13 AT TEACHER COLLEGE BOWLES URGES PARTY PRESS COUKTY DRIVE Chester told Stratford Democrats laM night that if he is nominated (or U.S. he will ut up i campaign headquarters in Fiirfield county. Democrats "must get over their Inferiority complex" in regard their class and who "possess June 12. Thirteen at Dtnbory State Teachers college have beer(elected for membership in Kappa Delta Pi, national education honorary society, five from the Danbury area.

The new members include one senior, Eleanor Macari, of 15 Library place. Membership In the society limited lo juniors end seniors who rank in the highest one-fifth to Republican domination In Fairfield county, the former Governor said in a talk in Odd Fellows hall. He shared the platform with former Congressman Thomas J. Dodd, who also is fighting for the nomination. The third contender in the race, former Senator William Benton, was invited to speak but was unable to attend.

"I have no sympathy with Democrats who write off Fairfield county," Mr. Bowles declared. But, he added, "you cannot run a campaign here from Hartford or New Haven. It must be done on the spot." Dodd Cites Record Mr. Dodd said he asks the support of the delegates on the basis of his record in Congress.

He said that if he were in the Senate now he would insist that the administration put inl effect without delay Ihe vast public works programs already authorized in an effort to stimul the economy. Discussing the present administration in Washington Mr. Bowles said "Hie Republican party has done everything wrong to date." He drew laugh.ter when he said "they don't even know how to run a recession. They have business down and prices lip, something only the Republicans could do. In foreign affairs their only outstanding -accomplishment to date was to send the Vice President lo South America and gel him back 1 Bowles Undecided On Primary, He Says ESSEX, June 12--(AP) Former Gov.

Chester Bowles, entertaining Democralic state convention delegates from New London county in his home said Tuesday "maybe 1 again, maybe I won't," engage in a primary. He said he regarded the inquiry as an "iffy" question at this stage in his contosl for the party's U. S. senatorial nomination with former Senator William Benton, and former Congressman Thomas J. Dodd.

The convention is scheduled at Hartford June 27 and 28. Mr. Bowles said he expected lo win the- nomination at the convention, any way "so why worry a- bauo any primary, he added. "I know what I would do if 1 were in the position of the others (Benlon and Dodd)," he said. "1 would look and see if 1 could win in a primary before I would commit njyself to it." Previouiiy Mr.

Bowles had said lie is prepared to carry his fight (or the nomination into desirable personal habits and leadership FORTY-ONE APPEAL PLANNED BY SCOUTS RIDGEFELD fUMENCE MOXGAN i Hrfr. fr r'T iaM "You-can count on her the children. The new float is only for the children. Miss Connie Oixon has been added to the life guard staff, and will give swimming to Ihe children free of tvery morning except Monday, Jonathan Amsel, who graduated from Cherry Lawn school, will be the regular life guard, with Miss Dixon assisting daily. War- iren Beardrew will be Ihe life guard evenings.

Saturdays. Suncan days and holidays. GEORGE F.GROfl REGISTRAR, DiES SocUlut Official, 49, Strict- en in Home; Convention Delayed OBITUARY Mrt. DtvU fctUerM. Sr.

Services for Mrs. Adele rini, widow of David Ballerini, widow of Junes M. Nelson, and sister of Mrs. Walter B. Lashar, of Fairlield, who died of 138 Papurah road, Falr-jfuesday in Cross County hospital Turner, 39.

of 65 Sparrow Bush icld, who died Tuesday will take Mount Vernon. "ane, wife of Lawrence M. Turn- ner, and Mrs. Martin Lawlor. eight grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews.

Mri. M. Turner MILFORD, June 12--Services for Mrs. Kathryn MacLaijghlin i ut;u The other twelve are juniors: (through -a letter appeal which Alberghmi, 220 Deweyjcalls attention to the fact that Cynthia through their activities in Girl MS Wells slreel, Bridgeport, Scouting, girls of Ridgefiekl arc Barbara Arnold, 208 White street, learning the responsibilities of Danbury. Jeanne Buchwalder, 49 goo citizenship, learning to worl Colony street, Bridgeport, Mrs.

with others, to live within a higl Merry Dawson, Albers road, RFD 5, Danbury, Marjorie Havi can. 12 Cornelius avenue, Water-, bury; Eleanor Kernicku, 120 Bond street, Bridgeport Alica Schaalman, 1837 Huntington turnpike; Kennelh Law, Boardman terrace. New Milford; Frances Smolskis, 228 Davis street, Oakville, Lawrence Sterry, South Kent; and Carole Wilson, of the Ridgefield Girl Scout's afternoon. No tags will be is- conimuniiy wide fund drive.jsued for Jess than JJO, Mr. Mar- which begin on Monday.

in has announced. The beach, The campaign will be conducted cSSfbiSuTSlS each family. To Gel UConn Degree Richard Carlton Roberts, son of Mr. and Mrs. E.

Earl Roberts of Island Hill avenue, will receive a bachelor of science degree in njlil uiiicia, lu I WHIlm 11 i code of honesty, loyalty and with high iTM. ur.n honors at the commencement ex- ice, as well as learning numerous special skills which will make them valuable and worthwhile citizens of lonjorrow. In launching the 1953 drive, Mrs. Gordon L. Walsh, finance of the Ridgefield Girl Scout council said, "We are gratified by the growing membership in the Girl Scout organf- jmp i LI i nc vjn i ijvuui 136 Lobdell drive, Stratford.

2at ion, and happy to be able to joffer increasing numbers of girls opportunities for serv- amping, for participation in international projects and happy to be able to open new fields of interest for senior scouts, However, any broadening of op- for our growing num- DEVON. June 12--Mrs. Johnjbers will depend upon increased 2 TROOPS STAGED- SCOURTOFAWARDS Hov-anic's Girl Scout troop 3 and Vfrs. Donald Calkins' troop 44 held a court of awards recently in' the Devon Union parish hall, with assistants. Mrs.

Thomas Drummond and Mrs. Joseph Omas 1 meier, the assistant Guests included'Mrs. John Mar-i A workshop for primary siu- vel, president of Milford Council dents ol St. Stephen's church will of Girl Scouts; Mrs. conducted this summer, ac- Davenport, director of Milford Council of Girl Scouts, Mrs.

Anthony Koval, chairman of the camp committee; and Mrs. Carl financial support. YOU can count 01. the Girl Scouts, to be good citizens of tomorrow," the fund letter concludes, "Can they coun't on you for your- generous sup" port." Plio Workshop cording to an announcement made at a meeting of the teaching staff and officers of the church school, in the home of Schroeder, mcmber-at-largc. rs.

Earl Wikander, Nod road, Awards were presented by Monday nighl Mrs. Davenport as follows: Troop! The workshop will take place 3. merit badges. Louise Bello, the parish house Saturday good grooming, pottery, dancer, athtele, and cyclist; Lynn Chase, good grooming, pottery, dancer; Marilyn Drummond, mornings, directed by Mrs. Frank Caslunan and Mrs.

Dennis Blans hard. Louis Read, superintendent, dancer, personal health, child presided over the session which care, conservation; Cheryl plans for a series of educa- son, pottery, good grooving, child care, dancer, cook; Joan Gqest, good grooming, pottery, dancer, and child care; Betty James, pottery, conservation, personal health, dancer, child tion meetings for Ihe staff in September. The Rev. Aaron Manderbach, rector, announced that the 9:30 a.m. family service willjcompany.

ommencement ex. ercises to be conducted at the University of Connecticut on Sunday. Mr. Roberts graduated from RHS in 1951 and served in Ihe Navy prior to entering college. He is completing four-year course in three and a half years.

At the college he was a mem- ier of Chi Phi social fraternity, and was elected to membership in-Tau Beta Pi and Eta Kappa Mu national honorary engineering societies, and Phi Kappa Phi. national scholastic honorary society. His engagement to Miss Lois Ineson of Suffietd was announced last week. Mr. Roberts lias accepted a position with General Electric company as a fellow in their honors' program for graduate study at Syracuse university.

He will report there June 30. Daughter Born Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. of Silver Spring Park road, are parents of a daughter, Holly Ann, born Wednesday in Greenwich hospital.

She is their first child and a granddaughter for Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Stachelberg of New York city and Dr. and Mrs.

Max Luthy of Ridee wood. N. J. 'Dinner For Scholars' Dr. Kaiser Kunz of Limekiln road, will be the speaker at to night's "Dinner for Scholars" in (Fox Hill inn.

The party will be attended by local high schoo students elected to membership in the National Honor society- and is being sponsored by the Ridgefjeld Savings bank and the First National bank and Trus be continued throughout the sum. r.ier in a shortened form. care, clothing; Barbara Johnson, Also attending were Mr. Blans- good grooming, pottery, secretary, Gordon Walsii cyclist, and cook; Marie Nielson.ivestryman, Nicholas Russo Mri' good grooming, pottery, clothing, Jerome Brvers, Mrs Joseph II housekeeper, hospitality; Audrey -Sears, good grooming, pottery, dancer, cyclist; Barbara Schroder, good grooming, pottery, tree, cyclist, and reader; Mary Elizabeth Story, good grooming, pottery, pen pal, and cook; Linda Vogel, pottery, personal health, dancer, child care, conservation, and clothing. a Voos, dancer, personal health, child care, and dothing; Arlenc Ul- lace tomorrow at 8:15 a.m.

in Ithe Frank Polke and Son funeral IMS Fairfield avenue, and at 9 o'clock in Holy Family They will be nd I di er who at 2 p.n;, in (he First Methodist church, Mount Vernon and burial will be in Woodlawn comettrv Tuesday, will take church with a requiem Mass. Bur- there. Burr Davis and Son funeral home. Fourth avenue, Mount Vernon, is in charge of arrangements. Mrs.

James Orosz Services for Mrs. Elizabeth Orosz, 63, widow of James Orosz, of 205 Nonopoge road, Fairfield, who died Monday, took place today in SI. Stephen's church with a high requiem Mass. Burial was in St. Michael's cemetery.

The Rev. A. Zoltan Seregely was celebrant, assisted by ihe ial will be in Lawncroft ceme- ery. Mrs. John Carroll Services for Mrs.

Annie M. Egan Carroll, 82, widow of John! Carroll, of 88 George street, who died yesterday in St. Vincent's hospital, will lake place Saturday at 8:30 a.m. in the Mullins and Redgate funeral home. 1297 Park avenue, and at 9 o'clock in St.

Augustine's cathedral with a requiem Mass. Burial will be in St. Michael's cemetery. Mrs. Carroll, a native of this city, was the daughter of the late Patrick and Annie Dolan Egan.

Before Tier retirement, she had been employed many years by the Warner Brothers company. She is survived by a sister, Miss Rose Egan. of the same address. Wittman, Mrs. Norman T.

Kunut and Mrs. Merrill Jones. Sermon Topic Listed The Rev. Clayton R. Lund, pastor of the Congregation a church, lias announced (he topic for his sermon Sunday at the a.m.

service as "What Does the Church Expect of Us." The' Attended Convention Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Wohl forth of Rockwell road, attende( the convention of the American Booksellers association in Atlantic City last week. They stayed at Haddon hall.

FIREMEN PLAN BAZAAR PARADE GEORGE F. GROM George F. Grom. 49, Social- st registrar of voters and secretary of Ihe, Socialist party, died unexpectedly yesterday in his home, 44 Trojan drive. Mr.

Grom, who was taken ill during lunch, died soon after I m. Because of Mr. Grom's death, the Socialist state convention, meeting in Workman's Circle hall last night, conducted only brief then adjourned until June 19 to act on nominations. In respect to Mr. Grom, a minute of silence observed ty the group at the convention.

Former Mayor Jasper McLevy, slated to be nominated as Socialist candidate for governor, told the group Ihe death of his long- lime associate is a "sorrow to us all." He added. "This is a sad situation." Services will take place Saturday at 9:311 a. m. in the Dennis and D'Arcy funeral home, 1046 Fairfield avenue and at 10 o'clock in St. George's Episcopal church where a requiem high Mass u'ill be celebrated by the Rev.

Delmar S. Markle. rector. Died Of Heart Ailment Dr. Edwin R.

Connors, medical examiner, said Mr. Grom died of a heart ailment. There had been no previous indications of illness, and associates said Mr Grom had worked at Ihe regis trars' office on Slate street a usual yesterday morning. Mr. Grom, long identified with the Socialist parly here, had been registrar and party secretary since 1935.

He was once v. candidate for alderman. A nativi Mrs. Harry Carroll Mrs. Loretta Carroll, C5, DEATH NOTICES i Thurs In Oil 1 9 5 3 1,1 Jo Hose 1 Funeral place tomorrow at 3 p.m.

in tfie Cody-White funeral home, 107 Broad street. Tlic Rev. Hcrhci! 0. Kelscy. minister of the W'ood- mont chapel, will officiate, and.

burial will be in King's Highway! cemetery. UKIV, June ') a.m. i Mrs. John Novotny NORWALK, June Jevi sic F. Novotny, 93, of J--m road, widow of John 1 1 died yesterday.

Mtrm'i UK Services will lake place Satur- i-iTM day at 11 a.m. in the Grace Upis- nu.KHIM--In FaJrneW, 10. 1918, Artele a vsMoiv of a bal- lerini. of 133 Pauurah f.d.. Fair.

(KM. fVien'is Invited lo alien 1 Irwii lh- Funeral netldfiue ol Frank Polke and 1346 corner Hanco*ck on Friday. liwn Caurcli will be oMere4. Interment in Ijiffncron cemelery. Friendi may call Wednesday From 5 1o 10 2 trj- jvm.

June 13, 5 ot Ihe Holy Family at copal church. The Raymond lu- neral home, 5 East Wall street, is in charge of arrangements. Burial will bo in Greenwood ccm-j f'unerai Rev. Raymond Stephenson. dea- etery, Brooklyn, N.

Y. con, and the Rev, Andrew Far-! Mrs. Novotny is survived bv a' I 3 kas, sub-deacon. Committal serv- daughter, Mrs Gilbert God-' S' ices were conducted by Father dard of Norwalk; two sons ity. Wednesday.

lie it. EKan Carroir, i Carroll an-l sU1er it an. or gs Georae f-1 11 tend the Ijr.ecaJ (rom of ilulllnl Iird 297 a i on t. USl, at a 2 i calhtdral ai reiiulem Jnler- h.iel's temelery. 7 Thursday, ana may cat) I'nday his i Jur.t (0, I93E, klr.i ol 353 foleman A.

ces i be of it. McUonaM Seregely. Bearers were Robert sedge, Stephen Semonkovich, Andrew Hallas, John Nisetemski, Gene Arnold and William Cotton. liam L. of Brooklyn, N.

and! John H. Novotny of Norwalk; 1 -four grandchildren, ind three! great-grandchifdren. i Kra IhL, n. Of I 373 Nohle avenue, wife of Harry Carroll, died at 2:45 a.m. today 1 in St.

Vincent's hospital where he was admitted May 31 for medical treatment. Services will lake place Saturday in the Cyril F. Mullins tu- neral home at a time to be announced. Burial will be in Lake- cemetery. Mrs.

Carroll is survived by her husband, Harry Carroll. William Hoch William Hoch, 74, of 1M Jackson avenue, Stratford, a retired employe of the Baird Machine company, died today in the Stratford Convalescent hospital. Services will take place Saturday at 2 p.m. 'in the A. G.

Bake good grooming; Meta Omas- Permanent' lighiing of the thence to Main street, where they, player, re.der. cook dab- cnurch has arrariged wm turn e(t en Woos FUNDS OPPOSED AT BUDGET AIRING NEW MILFORD, June 12--The chief 'discussion of the new 51,181,279 budget for the coming fiscal year centered around a special highway appropriation of S64.300 Board of Finance public hearing, Tuesday, night, Merrill Barker, GOP chairman, and Gerald Marsh, unsuccessful Republican candidate for selectman in the 1957 election, led the opposition. Both proposed rental of equipment instead of purchase. The Selectmen are seeking an appropriation of $14,000 for a pay loader, J22.200 for two dump trucks; $2,800 for a roadside mower. The Selectmen told the meeting they would investigate the rental plan.

Mr. Marsh also raised Ihe question of why the expenditures for the current budget to date were not printed with the estimated budget. J. Leo Murphy, Finance board chairman, said thc practice had been discontinued when the budget reached its present day large proportions. He said thc board would restore the practice if thc taxpayers felt ihe! need.

The only question on the Board of Education budget was that of the town owning buses. Supl. of Schools Weldon Knox said town ownership had been investigated and it was found that keeping buses in repair and obtaining drivers created problems. Troop 44: Virginia 7es cook, housekeeper, reader; Kath- board of trustees will church buffet dinner party in Mrs. John E.

Remar Mrs. Bessie Nagy Remar. wid-' pw of John E. Remar. died today in thc home of her daughter, Mrs.

Andrew Kovacs, of 1673 Melville avenue, Fairfield. Services will lake place Saturday at 10:30 a.m. in citu Lesko and Son funeral home, 1390 Fairfield avenue, and at 11 o'clock in Ihe First 'Hungarian United Church of Christ. Burial will be in Mountain Grove etery. Mrs.

Remar is survived by two other daughters, Irene' Szabo and Mrs. Priscilla Halkov i Bridgeport; nine grandchildren, and three great-grand- 1 children. Mrs. James Roach NORWALK, June 12--Services 1 1 for Mrs. Stanley Romano Madeline Gregory Roach, 39.

wife of James Roach, Second street, who dieil Tuesday in Norwalk hospital, will be conducted tomorrow at 10:30 a.m. in the Collins funeral home, 31 East avenue, by thc Rev. Robert Sanders, assistant pastor of the First Congregational church, Burial will be in Riverside cemetery. In addition to her husband, Mrs. survived by a son.

Terrence; a daughter, Sharon Ann; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Gregory, all of Norwalk. and three sisters. Mrs.

Florence Deer. Mrs. Dorothy Kempf, both of Norwalk, and Mrs. Beatrice Van Heiningen of Deep River. In lliLs cily.

June to. Junn. Kerrig Stratford Burndy Manufacturing company, Milford, who died Tuesday, will ue. The Rev. Rudolf Ludwig, pastor of St.

Paul's Lutheran church, will officiate, -and burial will be in Union cemetery, Stratford. Mr. Hoch, who had been employed 35 years when he retired from the Baird Machine company, was a member of Sons of Hermann lodge, ODHS; the East Sick Benefit society and of St. Paul's Lutheran church. Surviving are his wife, Amelia! Hoch; a son, Walter Hoch; two daughters, Mrs.

Rudolph Hammermeister a Miss Lydia Hoch, and four grandchildVm, all of Stratford. John' W. Kerrigan Services for John W. Kerrigan, 39, of 22-1 Seaview avenue, an assistant auditor in the People's matio, 51, of 100 Mercer strcd Alrs a Mallory a machinist for the REDDING, 12--Mrs. Dorothy Mae Mallory, 58, wife nf Edward Mallory.

of Lcnora Jane, 19:9. husband of Mary I'isley (iiorn. ol -14 Trojan BriJge- iKtit, Pervlces i held on a a ui 9 0 n.rn. (rorn ihe Funeral D'Arcy, D4 yaiiticia Ave. antl al 10 a.m.

at acorvV" Kpm al Church mth a hlah Mai re i PrtenUi may call Thuri- day MO I and Friday 2-lQ p.m. -afford. June 12 ticch. at'e 74 a I ua- elia Hoch, or I Jacioen ami talher ol Waller Ho-h Mrs. Kuril flmnmFrtnelittr find Miss Lydia Hoch.

Friemii may atltnd He funeral Irom ihr luneial home. Slralford on Saiimlay, Jur-c ai 2 p.m. The Rev. HHjwia i olliciate. Intermtnl in me a i ilot in Union remelery Stratford.

Friends may vail Thursday IQ 10 jun. atvl Friday 5 lo 10 JfemiKTi- of Katt German Sick Benetit "If? Por wn pliH.S urn meet at the funeral home at o'clock. i-Fida A age 3g to ancAl )fr Kaker Kuni i. husband ol Muriel of 524 Seavlevr Friends are invited itineral from ffie A. G.

Home. 1533 Stratford al Intci ment 2-5 KOHLItEKIi--In this City. take place tomorrow at 8 a.m. injdied last night" in her home. hn 6 REc a0rds daccino a 1 Services will take place Sal- home 499 Washington avenue.

at 10:30 a.m. in St. Sle- hd Ck Stl James Episcopal church, u' 8 ield wilh the Rev Aar Man- quicm jMass. Burial will he in St. Michael's Mrs.

Manuel Solo Services for Mrs. Mercedes Solo, 65, widow of Manuel Soto, of 2SO Main street, who died Tuesday, took place today in the Chap- of Bridgeport, he attended Lin- Savings Bank, who died Tuesday, coin school ami the Butler Busi-j place Saturday at 8:30 ness school. Before his entry irUoi a lc A. G. Baker funeral politics, lie had been ome 1S88 Stratford avenue, and by Remington Arms at 9 o'clock in Blessed Sacrament He is survived by his wife, hurcl1 'ft a requiem Mass.

Bur- Mrs. Mary Pistey Grom; a son, ial wi be in ParJ cemetery. George W. Grom, of i lerbach, rector, officiating. Bur- af be in Riverside cemetery, Norwalk.

Born in Danbury, Mrs. Mallory bad been employed by the Ridgefield Launderette. She was member of St. Stephen's church el of Our Lady of Guadalupc with a lltlon to her husband, she a solemn high Mass of requiem is survived by a daughter. Mrs.

Burial was in SI. Michael's ceme- Ne a i of Redding, anil a In Family iy. Friends may call Irom 7-10 P.m. and Friday 7-10 p.m. Al mi Kohl be ca.

widow ct Kohiberir, of 59 Fj-mionl S1. Funeral services Lv htid from Alber- Syear luncral hamt, 1722 an Friday, June (3, at 1 i ni Ve ailor. ill follow i Mount aln C.rove crematory. Frienils may rail trine i ilay evenlne and Thursday after- ralrllelJ, 11 I95E Rose 1-aiko. vvlloiv ol Joseph ol 424 HialiMai.

Ft are Invited to a i ihe trom itie Funeral Hide nee of Frank Police and Son 1546 FqlrlleM Cflrrer Hanco*ck A on salurday, unt K. at 5 a.m. and fiom si. Emery's Church at iO a ituh a Rrqulem Jass. rnenl in Mountain Grove cemeter.

rienilj may call Thursday Irom 5-ic u-m. and Friday from 2-10 p.m. may nttend Ihe luneral from Iht God- ticy avid Conway FuneraJ Kgme, Ave, on FTMir. 13. al a.m.

A funeral Mans will offered at Fl. Raphael's Church al 9 n.m. Inlcrmert in St lllctifiel's cemt- tery. Donato Tedesco Serviccs for Donato Tedesco, 78, of 65 Vernon street, wiio died Monday, took place today in Holy Rosary church with a solemn high Mass of requiem. Burial was in Michael's cemeterv.

granddaughter. Mrs. Alcssandro Alancinell: TRUMBULL, June 12--Services for Mrs. Edna Ridolfi Mancinelli, 62, widosv of Alessandro Mancinelli, of 10 Wendy road, who died Monday, took place today in the I A. R.

Abriola and Son funeral unera Tne Rev. A. Fred Constantino home, and in St. Teresa's church was celebrant, assisted by the Grom, of Bridgeport; thn brothers, Walter E. Grom, of Bridgeport, Peter E.

Grom Bearers, all grandsons, were iav niTt i dieti Marchelli, Andrew Alex- They will be conducted at 2 of Wallingford, and Fred cl' the AJb ert W. Spear fu- June 25, at the annual Visitingl Grom, of Stratford; a sister. ncral nornR 12 Fairfield ave- Firemen's Night of the firemen's Mrs. Eleanor Sabadosh, of rhe Rev William H. Atder- Dr.

Pat Per- illte, Harold Darak and David Robertson. bazaar. The units will form on Black- 1 er, dabbler; Karen Coulspn, a er, housekeeper; Cornelia,|cobbjs MitTinn Ju'nc' and' South streefTnd' t0 at end should down Gre a Pl a ader R. left onto Chest Ernest Travers i Services 'for Ernest Travers, jcnurch, will officiate. Cremationlof 2SO State street, who died be in Mountain Grove crema- day, took place today in Ihe A.

G. Baker funeral home. The Rev. a solemn requiem Mass McMahon as deacon and (he Rev. John J.

Draper as sub- the committal prayers. Bearers werp lames and Robert Patrignelli, Lee Mancinelli, bier, good grooming; Enid Pol- CONGRESS RACE Wl s--jmusica, unit? and'apparatus dV rowski; Iroop 44, Em Joyce Terbush; second classjj iy awards, Iroop 3, Mary Elizabeth Donations for Ihe fair's auction i 4 nia wil1 collected June 14 and 23, tporter Nomina- t-Large to Oppose Sadlak Again i WESTPORT, June 12-- Joseph becin the parade promptly at I p. Ly ford announced today tha 1:15 and will be ready for cheivlded into three main divisions.) Ichurch's annual Nutmeg Festival' John Schnabel. marshal, A native of Sweden, Mrs, Kohlberg had resided in Bridgeport the greater part of her life. Surviving are two sons, Clinton A.

Kohlberg of Fairfield; Victor S. Kohlbe'rg, Bridgeport; two daughters, Mrs. Clara Allen and s. Viota Donnelly, both of Bridgeport; seven grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Ol.lVKit--Suddenly in this city June 11 1958.

Lawrence "Larry Oliver, beloved husband of Stella Oliver, of I TnimbulL service? be fcelii Jrcm Ihe Cyril K. Uullins Triimbull Funeral Home. unite I'lalns iTumbulf, ICi'it 50, Merritt on Friday al 9:15 a.m. and at 10 a.m. frnm ft.

Teresa's Chumi with a solemn hiah Mais of requiem, Jnter- menl In XL Michael's cemetery. Friends ma call Wedne Jay and, Thursday 2-10 p.m. rKXKZ--In tlilx City, June KJE. Pablo, bclovcri husband o( ilaria EILsa Perez. Friends arc invited lo aitenrt the luneml Ironi ihe Charles W.

Dcuiii- etlo i Sors a hcme. 798 Ave- Friday at a.m. and In Ihe Chapel of our of GuarlaIupe Zi? Kasl Main at 9 a.m. wilh a re- nufem high Must, rnfermenl in Michael's cemetery. Friends may alter 4 p.m.

1.K.MAK--In Falrl.e.d, June 12, Bessie a P.eniar. widow of John E. a Ihr home of her daughter. deacon. Father McMahon rcadl KO aw 73 attend tlie funeral from ihe John Letko i i-'on tuneral homr.

12 93 Falrtield on Saturday. June u. 1958, al 10:30 a.m. ami from Ihe Fusl Hungarian United Church ol chrUt ai 11 n.m. iviih Ihe Kcv.

Emit Nauy i L-iaimz. inlermfni In Mountain Grove cemetery. Friends may call Ttiursday 5 lo It), Friday 2 lo 10. J. Arthur Budding, rector of St.

Luke's Episcopal church, officiated, and burial was in Lakcview cemetery. Frank L. Lappin BRIpGEWATER. June 12- Committal services for CUss schedule The parade will be a highlight las, Kathleen Calkins, Karen awards, troop 3. Louise for six days.

A grand Ihe annual Firemen's bazaar con-, Bello, Lynn Chase, Chery! Ericson, Joan Guest, Barbara Johnson, Linda Kerkla, Lorraine Niel-! son, Barbara Schroeder. Audrey Sears, Mary Elizabeth entitled to transportation ar Linda Vogel. and Janet Yuill; i de the school buses on that on June 20, the morning'and afternoon classes of K-l a'nd K-2 will meet from 9:15 to 11:15 a.m. Afternoon kindergarten children are to on the I vi jv a i j. ra 44.

Suzanne KaMe Mela, morning sch le. On June 21, was elected president of award will be a feature of the bazaar on Ihe final night, June 28. A matinee for children will be staged that day also. Woman's Club Elecls Mrs. Lewis E.

Goodsell. the Ihc'lt "actively seek" the Democratic nomination for congressman-at-large. Mr. Lyford, a 39-year-old foundation executive, in New York city, lost a similar bid four years ago to Republican incumbent Antoni N. Sadlak, 455,887 to 474,585.

He said that since being endorsed by the Westport Democratic Town committee last week P.i a une Omasmeier, Enid Pollard, and only Ihe morning session of K-l Bethel Woman's club at the meet- Joyce Terbush: curved bar, and 2 nl 5 ng vnicn (o 0wed an ind oor pic awards. a i Drummond, dismissed at 10 a.m. Betty James, Unda Vogel, Ar-, or, June 20, gr grades one Zwicharowski. SELENA YOUNG DIES; FOUNDED GOLF UNIT -STAMFORD. June 12 (AP) picnic Tuesday at the VFW hall.

Others elected are: Mrs. Fred Scharmveber, vice president, and A. Mrs. Edward English, secretary-treasurer. The will be available.

Mrs. Robert Harma, Mrs. lene Ulrich, and Mary through four will'be dismissed at 1:15 p.m. and grades five through i I mi i- oiirr-rn siv at The cafeteria W'" DR. RALPH E.

SWARTS I 1 open on Friday and hot' the nominating committee in- I IN NEWINGTON Mrs. Frank Laszlo Services for Mrs. Elizabeth Laszlo, widow of Frank Laszlo, of 171 South street, Fairfield, who died Tuesday, took place today in St. Stephen's church with a requiem Mass. Burial was in Mountain Grove cemetery.

The Rev. A. Zoltan Seregely, celebrant, also conducted committal services. Bearers were Oros, Frank Gyori, Joseph Bejcsi, Joseph Kiss, Louis Simon and James Takacs. June 21, all classes at Veterans Park school will be dismissed June at jo a am those at East i E.

Snarls, 67. Ridge elementary school at 10:10 avenue, retired- rom June 16 through June surgical director of the Aetna 120, high school classes will end Casualty and Surely died al 12: p.m. and jjuses will VMtPTrtaV at 1 .1 i Dr. 26 Clifton yesterday at the Newitigton Veterans hospital. He ivas a native Charles Canovcllo, Mrs.

Fred Hibbard and A. E. English. The club, organized three years ago, now has a membership of S5. with a fpw women who have he has received "additional pledges of support from delegates all over Ihe State who believe that a hard-hitting campaign on the important issues facing all thc voters of Connecticut can elect a Democrat to this congressional seat for the first since 191-1." He added, "I am not one o(j a 3:15 a in 'he Frank Polke Mrs.

Joseph Lasko Services for Mrs. Rose Lasko, widow of Joseph Lasko, of 62-1 Kings highway. Fairfield. who died suddenly last night in her home, will take place Saturday those who assumes Democrats can win next fall with unknown candidates sitting on their front porches. We have to get cut and and Son funeral home, 1546 Fairfield avenue, and at 10 o'clock in St.

Emery's church with a re quiem Mass. Burial will be in Lawrence Oliver TRUMBULL, June 12-Services for Lawrence Oliver, 57, of 41 Williams road, who died Tuesday will take place tomorrow at 9:15 a.m. in the Cyril F. Mullins Trumbull funeral home, 335 White Plains road, and at 10 Teresa's church L. Lappin.

63, of Skyline Ridge, who died Saturday In New Milford hospital, took place yesterday in Bethany, W. Va. The Rev. Benjamin Axleroad, rector of SI. Mark's (church officiated at 'services here Monday, for which bearers were George S.

Pratt, Harold Gustafson, Lester Randall, Bruce Randall, Benjamin Ranney and Levi Warner. Mr. Lappin retired in 1945 from his association with the motion Frankl 0 0 00 in St with a. solemn requiem Mass. Burial will be in St.

Michael's cemetery, Bridgeport. Mrs. Walter Purdy STAMFORD, June 12-Services for Mrs. Jeannette A. Purdy.

widow of Purdv, of -30 Mulberry street. Springdale, who died Monday in Stamford hospital ill be conducted tomorrow at 1:30 p.m. Emmanuel Episcopal this June 10. 1933. ilanley isall beloved husband ol Joseph me Tobla Romano, ol ICO Merce SL.

Slraljoril. are in- vilerl to attend the funeral from the Hichacds-S-uadHcclno Funeral Home xo vvashinslon Ave. on Friday June 11 al 8 a.m., anI from St. James church at 9 a.m.. with a solemn hiHh Mas of reiuiem.

Interment In SI. Michael's t-omelen-. Friends may call Wednesday 6-10 p.m. ant) Thursday p.m. I New Haven Hospital.

I I95S. Kalhrjn MacLauuhlin Turner, beloved wife of l-Tvreix-e Nf. Turner of 65 in her 40th year. Funeral be held al the (xly While Funeral Home. 107 Hroa-1 MUlord.

en Friday June 13 at Interment in Highway cemetery. Friends may call Wednes- a frcrn 7-9 ivrn. and Thursday from A rvOTICF. lull le a nicmh's mind tefi fnr the lain Harriet Jennie on Friday.

13. at St A Cathedral 7 a.m. N'OTICS There irill be a filth annive for William Francis Snee on Q'clncK at St. Amhioae Cliurch. ary Mas Crockett.

rector. Burial will be in crais, an organization designed to provide a forum for members in small communities. Surviving are his wife, Elizabeth: his father, the Rev. S.S. Lappin; a brother and two sisters.

William J. Present! DANBURY, June 12-William Prescott, 54, of 10 Grandview avenue. Danbury, a maintenance Ticrp be .7 3rats for c.iJI SatuKta, u. al 3 o'clock at Pt. Ambrose church.

with a fpw women whn have demonstrate our ability and de- Mountain Grove cernelerv. in the Bullard company, to towns nearby i-elainingltcrmination to provide leader-! A native of Hungary, Mrs. died yesterday in their membership. Cilv Kan University of alter. All students who wish tolSept.

9, when a board of former Gov Chester Bowles in (remain during the afternoon forjtors will be named. There will! 1949 and managed William Ben- am no meetings in July or August, ton's successful campaign against Senator Prcscott Bush in 1930. KISHI REF.LECTED As the Democratic candidate s-sSS pecial help mav do so. On June Mrs. Selena L.

S. Young, whojschool. I 1 iy i av. i i i and Johns Hopkins high school classes will bei port; and Golf association and was an ace golfer herself, died yesterday at Stamford hospital. Survivors include her husband, William H.

Young, a New York insurance broker; a daugh- in the Army Medical Corps and was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross and the Croix dc Guerre. Dr. Swarts was a day. scrvative Notmsukc Kishi was re- Albert P. Morano by 56.898 votes.

Francis D. Martin, head of 1 elected prime minister ol Japan Great Pond Holding corporation, which operates Great pond as a of Parliament. The 61-year-old! COURTHOUSE SOLD a i i mcmbcr of i municipal bathing beach and pic- leader of the dominant Liberal CHAMBERLAIN -UP1) i xv organizations, nic area, has announced tlial the Democrats first became old Bnile County courthouse ter, a sister and four brothers, and me author of a book, "Back-ipond opened last Thursday with ir 01 courthouse Services will take place Injury or Disease?" three floats in the water and f. afternoon Daricn. His wife and a son survive.

safety line established today 'by the new lower housej ko came to this country in 1S9S.jDanbury hospital after a She was a member of the Williaml Penn association and Kossuthl Services will lake place Fri-j Carnp, Woodmen of the World, jday at 11 a.m. in the She is survived by three sons, jHomestuad. 3.K5 Main street, wilh: Louis Lasko, former commanderf'he Rev. Daniel Bennett, pas-of the Thomas'J. Nelson post, of the Bethel Methodist' S427.

VFW, of Fairfield; Julius'church. officiating. Burial will also of Fairfield, and in Elinwood cemetery. Bethel. I Lasko.

of Englewood, Prcscolt was born in and two grandchildren, Rose'Mount Vernon, N. Y. and had! Marie Lasko. of Englewood, andllived in Danbury nine years. Thomas J.

Lasko, of He is survived by his wife, Olga Swinton Swenson Mrs. James M. Nelson, Jr. jPrescolt: a son, William J. Pres-; MAPS NOTICE vxiJI Ix- A Isrrh CMrpo on Fri'lay.

Jur? 1 3 J'rltx-k al Fl. palrirVv rt-iircli. T( I And. Tel! Wiltxmt When 'o traniln of trie Greal vat I i you xr. rtcniar-l.

heeded tru call Our correct Mlrf In wrtt- 34 in dite. Mall TetocMm. ttrfrrt. It's haM or lift, rm rto our February ,957 Today he de- here was sold at public 'S hrre md fcated socialist Mooburo Su S850, which was S100 for Mrs. Louise Inske LTMv sldaughicA a I of Be hel Mrs for 290 162 i' han ihc a PP rai M.

of Mount Vernon! Sge St'olle Mrs George Frank Polke Soi FUNERAL RESIDENCE FAIRFIELD AVE. PHONES ED 4-5174 ED 3-0685 ED 4-3812 LADY CMIILKCK That I Lrt looks like a a cfferu ol the ilomjc a known i four starrd Ih i 4 diuchler..

The Bridgeport Post from Bridgeport, Connecticut (2024)


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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.