The State of State Legislatures (2024)

State legislatures, as institutions, have incredible influence over our democracy and economy. State lawmakers, as individuals, also wield considerable power in the decisions that affect all of our lives. But all too often, state legislatures are significantly underresourced and inaccessible to the public. Similarly, the job of running for and serving as a state legislator demands wealth, time, and access to power that most people—especially historically marginalized communities—lack.

There are unique rules and structures in place in each state legislature that determine how each of the nation’s 7,383 state lawmakers can govern on behalf of the people they represent. Altogether, these unique institutional features, like legislator salary, staffing size, and session length, can deeply impact who can serve as a state legislator and who is prioritized in key policy decisions.

Editor’s Note: This publication was written prior to the 2022 midterm elections, which resulted in some notable gains for representation in state legislatures. All across the country, states celebrated historic wins for Latinx, LGTBTQ+, and Muslim state lawmakers, while Colorado joined Nevada to become the second state to have a majority-woman legislature in the nation.

The demographic data reported in this publication predates the results of the 2022 election. Due to the limited availability of demographic data on state legislators, this publication reports data largely collected between 2020-2022:

  • Race and ethnicity (2020)
  • Gender, race, and ethnicity (2022)
  • LGBTQ+ identity (2022)
  • New American status (2020)
  • Generation (2020)
  • Educational attainment (2020)

See our Methodology Appendix for more information and a full list of sources.


The data shared in this publication provides insights into two key questions:

  1. How well resourced and productive are state legislatures as policymaking institutions?
  2. How do state legislatures compare with their state populations?

To answer these questions, this publication aggregates several datasets on state legislatures and state legislator demographics to provide the most comprehensive view of state legislatures across the country based on available data. The primary sources of data reported in this publication are from:

We compare the institutional characteristics – staffing levels, legislator compensation, bills introduced and enacted – across the 50 states. To better understand this data, we compare similar state legislatures based on a categorization developed by NCSL to assess “the capacity of legislatures to function as independent branches of government, capable of balancing the power of the executive branch and having the information necessary to make independent, informed policy decisions.” The NCSL categories are based on the amount of time that legislators spend doing their jobs, legislator compensation, and legislative staffing levels:

  • Full-time legislatures generally require 80% or more of a full-time job, are well-paid, and have large staff sizes. Full-time lite legislatures spend slightly less time in session, have smaller districts, lower pay, and fewer staff than full-time legislatures.

  • Part-time legislatures, also known as traditional or citizen legislatures, spend the equivalent of half of a full-time job doing legislative work, receive low pay that requires other sources of income, and have small staff. Part-time lite legislatures are slightly less traditional than part-time legislatures.

  • Hybrid legislatures are somewhere between a full- and part-time legislature, requiring more than two-thirds of a full-time job, being paid more than a part-time legislature but still requiring another source of income, and having intermediate-sized staff.

We developed a representation ratio (RR) to approximate the extent to which a certain demographic group is underrepresented or overrepresented within a state legislature based on the state population. The resulting ratio compares the share of a demographic group within a legislature with their share within the state’s adult population to reflect the universe of people within a state who would be eligible to serve (legislative candidates must be at least 18 years old in almost every state, with some states limiting eligibility for the upper chamber to those 30 years and older). For example, the RR for Black women in the Alabama Legislature is calculated as follows:

Black Women in the Alabama Legislature


Total number of Alabama legislators


RR for Black women in Alabama

Total number of Alabama legislators

Total number of Alabama legislators

The representation ratio is an estimation of how underrepresented or overrepresented a particular demographic group is based on their share of the overall adult population in each state:

  • Equal representation. An RR of 1.0 means that a group has the same level of representation in the state legislature as in the state’s adult population.

  • Overrepresentation. An RR of greater than 1.0 means that a group has more representation in the state legislature than in the state’s adult population.

  • Underrepresentation. An RR of less than 1.0 means that a group has less representation in the state legislature than in the state’s adult population.

See our Methodology Appendix for more information and a full list of sources.

Key Findings

How well resourced and productive are state legislatures as policymaking institutions?


What % of state legislators are paid less than their state median household income?


of state legislators are paid less than their state median household income

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The vast majority of state legislators are paid less than the median household income in their states. The average annual salary for legislators was $34,074, or just 50% of the average state median household income across all 50 states. Legislators in 45 states, or 88.3% of all state legislators, receive an annual salary that is less than the state median household income. Part-time legislators receive the lowest salary of any group.

  • The average full-time legislator received an annual salary of $76,253, which was 6.6% higher than the average state median household income ($72,250).

  • The average hybrid legislator received an annual salary of $29,978, which was just 44.8% of the average state median household income ($67,271).

  • The average part-time legislator received an annual salary of $11,553, which was just 18.8% of the average state median household income ($65,998).

The average member of Congress has...

The average member of Congress has 8 times as many staff as the average state legislator, but enacted half as many bills into law.

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The average member of Congress has eight times as many staff as the average state legislator. On average, there are 36.7 staff per member of Congress, compared to 4.4 staff per state legislator. Part-time legislators have the fewest number of staff of any group.

  • The average full-time legislature has 1,198 permanent and session staff, or 7.9 staff per legislator.

  • The average hybrid legislature has 622 permanent and session staff, or 4.6 staff per legislator.

  • The average part-time legislature has 230 permanent and session staff, or 1.7 staff per legislator.

Despite low pay and having significantly fewer staff than Congress, state legislatures are incredibly effective as policymaking institutions. In the 2021 session, the average state legislature introduced 3,036 bills and enacted 644 of them, or 28.8%. By contrast, the 116th Congress introduced 16,601 bills and enacted 1,229 of them, or 7.4%. Though the average part-time legislature enacted the largest share of bills introduced, they also introduced significantly fewer bills than full-time and hybrid legislatures.

  • The average full-time legislature introduced 5,373 bills and enacted 517 of them, or 11.8%.

  • The average hybrid legislature introduced 3,002 bills and enacted 819 of them, or 32.4%.

  • The average part-time legislature introduced 1,432 bills and enacted 410 of them, or 34.1%.

When measuring legislative effectiveness as the number of bills enacted per legislator, state legislatures in 41 states enacted more bills per legislator than the most recent Congress. While the average member of the 116th Congress enacted 2.3 bills, the average state legislator enacted twice as many bills, or 4.7 bills per legislator. Hybrid legislatures enacted the most bills per legislator of any group.

  • The average full-time legislator enacted 3.3 bills.

  • The average hybrid legislator enacted 6.1 bills.

  • The average part-time legislator enacted 3.1 bills.

Table 1. Full-Time, Hybrid, and Part-Time State Legislatures

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Table 1. Full-Time, Hybrid, and Part-Time State Legislatures

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x Upper Chamber Lower Chamber Legislator Compensation Permanent and Session Permanent Only Introduced Bills (2021) Enacted Bills (2021)
x State Districts Constituents per District Districts Constituents per District Legislators Legislator Salary Median Household Income Salary to State Median Household Income Mileage Per Diem Staff Staff per Legislator Staff Staff per Legislator Introduced Bills Bills per Legislator Enacted Bills (2021) Bills per Legislator % of Bills Enacted

Full-Time Legislators

2 Alaska 20 36,670 40 18,335 60 $50,400 $ 74,476 0.68 $0.56 $293 513 8.55 341 5.68 436 7.27 48 0.80 11.0%
2 California 40 988,456 80 494,228 120 $114,877 $ 77,358 1.49 $0.53 $211 2,101 17.51 2,098 17.48 2,768 23.07 249 2.08 9.0%
2 Hawaii 25 58,211 51 28,535 76 $62,604 $ 80,729 0.78 $0.56 $225 591 7.78 307 4.04 4,333 57.01 511 6.72 11.8%
2 Illinois 59 217,161 118 108,581 177 $69,464 $ 73,753 0.94 $0.39 $151 851 4.81 784 4.43 8,744 49.40 1,084 6.12 12.4%
2 Massachusetts 40 175,748 160 43,937 200 $70,536 $ 86,725 0.81 $0.00 $0 759 3.80 759 3.80 13,454 67.27 55 0.28 0.4%
2 Michigan 38 265,193 110 91,612 148 $71,685 $ 63,829 1.12 $0.56 $0 817 5.52 817 5.52 2,194 14.82 256 1.73 11.7%
2 New York 63 320,655 150 134,675 213 $110,000 $ 68,304 1.61 $0.56 $176 2,865 13.45 2,776 13.03 16,818 78.96 2,425 11.38 14.4%
2 Ohio 33 357,559 99 119,186 132 $67,492 $ 60,110 1.12 $0.52 $0 476 3.61 476 3.61 934 7.08 309 2.34 33.1%
2 Pennsylvania 50 260,054 203 64,053 253 $90,335 $ 70,117 1.29 $0.56 $178 2,358 9.32 2,358 9.32 2,819 11.14 115 0.45 4.1%
2 Wisconsin 33 178,598 99 59,533 132 $55,141 $ 67,094 0.82 $0.51 $115 649 4.92 649 4.92 1,228 9.30 121 0.92 9.9%
2.9 Full-Time Average 40 285,831 111 116,268 1,511 $76,253 $ 72,250 1.07 $0.48 $135 1,198 7.93 1,137 7.18 5,373 32.53 517 3.28 11.8%

Hybrid Legislators

4 Alabama 35 143,551 105 47,850 140 $51,734 $ 54,393 0.95 $0.56 $85 408 2.91 349 2.49 1,508 10.77 669 4.78 44.4%
4 Arizona 30 238,383 60 119,192 90 $24,000 $ 66,628 0.36 $0.56 $60 618 6.87 521 5.79 1,901 21.12 465 5.17 24.5%
4 Arkansas 35 86,044 100 30,115 135 $42,428 $ 50,540 0.84 $0.56 $151 532 3.94 435 3.22 1,865 13.81 1,126 8.34 60.4%
4 Colorado 35 164,963 65 88,826 100 $40,242 $ 82,611 0.49 $0.56 $219 316 3.16 228 2.28 678 6.78 551 5.51 81.3%
4 Connecticut 36 100,165 151 23,880 187 $28,000 $ 79,043 0.35 $0.56 $0 590 3.16 465 2.49 3,274 17.51 365 1.95 11.2%
4 Delaware 21 47,140 41 24,145 62 $47,291 $ 69,132 0.68 $0.40 $0 158 2.55 79 1.27 636 10.26 246 3.97 38.7%
4 Florida 40 538,455 120 179,485 160 $29,697 $ 57,435 0.52 $0.45 $152 1,613 10.08 1,446 9.04 3,163 19.77 314 1.96 9.9%
4 Georgia 56 191,284 180 59,511 236 $15,608 $ 58,952 0.26 $0.56 $173 431 1.83 221 0.94 2,100 8.90 1,053 4.46 50.1%
4 Indiana 50 135,711 100 67,855 150 $28,103 $ 66,360 0.42 $0.57 $183 305 2.03 252 1.68 1,251 8.34 408 2.72 32.6%
4 Iowa 50 63,807 100 31,904 150 $25,000 $ 68,469 0.37 $0.39 $172 342 2.28 167 1.11 2,146 14.31 203 1.35 9.5%
4 Kentucky 38 118,575 100 45,058 138 $15,810 $ 56,525 0.28 $0.56 $166 468 3.39 375 2.72 1,264 9.16 445 3.22 35.2%
4 Louisiana 39 119,430 105 44,360 144 $16,800 $ 50,935 0.33 $0.56 $160 922 6.40 743 5.16 1,665 11.56 1,133 7.87 68.1%
4 Maryland 47 131,430 141 43,810 188 $50,330 $ 94,384 0.53 $0.56 $162 773 4.11 656 3.49 2,361 12.56 770 4.10 32.6%
4 Minnesota 67 85,172 134 42,586 201 $46,500 $ 78,461 0.59 $0.56 $86 636 3.16 568 2.83 5,474 27.23 67 0.33 1.2%
4 Missouri 34 181,027 163 37,760 197 $35,915 $ 61,901 0.58 $0.37 $121 426 2.16 403 2.05 2,291 11.63 63 0.32 2.8%
4 Nebraska 49 40,031 0 0 49 $12,000 $ 72,024 0.17 $0.56 $151 236 4.82 229 4.67 1,001 20.43 311 6.35 31.1%
4 Nevada 21 147,839 42 73,919 63 $9,881 $ 60,956 0.16 $0.56 $151 585 9.29 284 4.51 1,197 19.00 587 9.32 49.0%
4 New Jersey 40 232,225 80 116,112 120 $49,000 $ 85,239 0.57 $0.00 $0 757 6.31 727 6.06 10,778 89.82 448 3.73 4.2%
4 North Carolina 50 208,788 120 86,995 170 $13,951 $ 60,266 0.23 $0.29 $104 678 3.99 370 2.18 1,706 10.04 129 0.76 7.6%
4 Oklahoma 48 82,487 101 39,202 149 $47,500 $ 52,341 0.91 $0.56 $165 299 2.01 224 1.50 3,225 21.64 650 4.36 20.2%
4 Oregon 30 141,242 60 70,621 90 $32,839 $ 76,554 0.43 $0.56 $151 454 5.04 303 3.37 2,519 27.99 714 7.93 28.3%
4 South Carolina 46 111,270 124 41,278 170 $10,400 $ 60,097 0.17 $0.56 $173 332 1.95 280 1.65 2,362 13.89 734 4.32 31.1%
4 Tennessee 33 209,419 99 69,806 132 $24,316 $ 54,665 0.44 $0.47 $295 322 2.44 264 2.00 4,981 37.73 2,754 20.86 55.3%
4 Texas 31 940,178 150 194,303 181 $7,200 $ 68,093 0.11 $0.50 $221 2,359 13.03 2,057 11.36 11,138 61.54 3,849 21.27 34.6%
4 Virginia 40 215,785 100 86,314 140 $18,000 $ 81,947 0.22 $0.56 $211 822 5.87 533 3.81 6,387 45.62 2,852 20.37 44.7%
4 Washington 49 157,251 98 78,625 147 $56,881 $ 81,083 0.70 $0.56 $120 793 5.39 536 3.65 1,168 7.95 398 2.71 34.1%
4.9 Hybrid Average 40 185,833 102 67,058 3,689 $29,978 $ 67,271 0.45 $0.50 $140 622 4.55 489 3.51 3,002 21.51 819 6.08 32.4%

Part-Time Legislators

6 Idaho 35 52,546 70 26,273 105 $18,691 $ 66,499 0.28 $0.56 $139 136 1.30 76 0.72 679 6.47 388 3.70 57.1%
6 Kansas 40 73,447 125 23,503 165 $7,447 $ 72,815 0.10 $0.56 $151 354 2.15 148 0.90 843 5.11 157 0.95 18.6%
6 Maine 35 38,925 151 9,022 186 $15,417 $ 63,440 0.24 $0.44 $38 206 1.11 171 0.92 1,810 9.73 623 3.35 34.4%
6 Mississippi 52 56,948 122 24,273 174 $23,500 $ 44,966 0.52 $0.56 $151 173 0.99 140 0.80 2,969 17.06 534 3.07 18.0%
6 Montana 50 21,685 100 10,842 150 $8,440 $ 56,442 0.15 $0.56 $126 251 1.67 136 0.91 3,378 22.52 626 4.17 18.5%
6 New Hampshire 24 57,397 400 3,444 424 $100 $ 88,235 0.00 $0.56 $0 150 0.35 129 0.30 1,069 2.52 222 0.52 20.8%
6 New Mexico 42 50,417 70 30,250 112 $0 $ 50,822 0.00 $0.56 $165 674 6.02 168 1.50 926 8.27 185 1.65 20.0%
6 North Dakota 47 16,576 94 8,288 141 $2,104 $ 63,657 0.03 $0.56 $189 122 0.87 37 0.26 914 6.48 538 3.82 58.9%
6 Rhode Island 38 28,878 75 14,632 113 $16,636 $ 80,012 0.21 $0.58 $0 259 2.29 259 2.29 2,504 22.16 892 7.89 35.6%
6 South Dakota 35 25,333 70 12,667 105 $12,851 $ 69,787 0.18 $0.05 $151 114 1.09 58 0.55 550 5.24 247 2.35 44.9%
6 Utah 29 112,814 75 43,622 104 $9,690 $ 83,670 0.12 $0.56 $0 227 2.18 133 1.28 792 7.62 518 4.98 65.4%
6 Vermont 30 21,436 150 4,287 180 $14,115 $ 66,902 0.21 $0.56 $75 92 0.51 55 0.31 749 4.16 219 1.22 29.2%
6 West Virginia 34 52,756 100 17,937 134 $20,000 $ 51,615 0.39 $0.49 $131 352 2.63 201 1.50 2,421 18.07 412 3.07 17.0%
6 Wyoming 30 19,228 60 9,614 90 $12,750 $ 65,108 0.20 $0.56 $109 109 1.21 36 0.40 441 4.90 174 1.93 39.5%

Part-Time Average

37 44,885 119 17,047 2,183 $11,553 $ 65,998 0.19 $0.51 $102 230 1.74 125 0.90 1,432 10.02 410 3.05 34.1%
7 National Average 39 166,367 108 62,897 7,383 $34,074 $ 67,910 0.50 $0.50 $128 627 4.44 517 3.52 3,036 20.50 644 4.67 28.8%

Source: National Conference of State Legislatures. See our methodology appendix for a full list of sources and calculation methods.

All totals for full time, hybrid, part time, and national represent averages for each group, except for the count of legislators, which shows the sum of each group.

How do state legislatures compare with their state population?

Race and Ethnicity

Black, Indigenous, and other people of color are underrepresented in the average state legislature and across all types of legislatures. Despite being underrepresented overall, Black, Indigenous, and other people of color have higher levels of representation in well-resourced legislatures than in underresourced legislatures. Nearly 8 in 10 state lawmakers are white, and white lawmakers have similar levels of overrepresentation across full-time, hybrid, and part-time legislatures.

  • The most underrepresented racial or ethnic group in state legislatures...

    Asian and Pacific Islanders are the most underrepresented racial or ethnic group in state legislatures across the country, followed by Latinx, Multiracial, Indigenous, and Black legislators.

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    Asian and Pacific Islander legislators represent only 1.5% of state legislators across the country and have an average representation ratio of 0.20 nationally. API legislators have the highest levels of representation in full-time legislatures (RR=0.39) and lower levels of representation in hybrid (RR=0.14) and part-time (RR=0.16) legislatures. API legislators are underrepresented in every state except for Hawaii, and 27 states reported having no API legislators.

  • Black legislators represent only 9.5% of state legislators across the country and have an average representation ratio of 0.83 nationally. Black legislators have the highest levels of representation in full-time legislatures (RR=0.97) and lower levels of representation in hybrid (RR=0.79) and part-time (RR=0.82) legislatures. Black legislators are underrepresented in all but 13 states (Alaska, Colorado, California, Florida, Idaho, Illinois, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, and South Carolina), and four states reported having no Black legislators (Iowa, Minnesota, Oregon, and North Dakota).

  • Indigenous legislators represent only 0.7% of state legislators across the country and have an average representation ratio of 0.75 nationally. Indigenous legislators have more than equal representation in full-time legislatures (RR=1.05) and are underrepresented in hybrid (RR=0.61) and part-time legislatures (0.79). Indigenous legislators are underrepresented in all but nine states (Arizona, California, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Montana, and Vermont), and 31 states reported having no Indigenous legislators.

  • Latinx legislators represent only 4.4% of state legislators across the country and have an average representation ratio of 0.34 nationally. Latinx legislators have the highest levels of representation in full-time legislatures (RR=0.53) and lower levels of representation in hybrid (RR=0.31) and part-time (RR=0.26) legislatures. Latinx legislators are underrepresented in every state except for Michigan and Minnesota, and 10 states reported having no Latinx legislators.

  • Multiracial legislators represent only 0.9% of state legislators across the country and have an average representation ratio of 0.50 nationally. Multiracial legislators have more than equal representation in full-time legislatures (RR=1.11) and are underrepresented in hybrid (RR=0.40) and part-time (RR=0.72) legislatures. Multiracial legislators are underrepresented in all but seven states (California, Illinois, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Rhode Island, and Virginia), and 27 states reported having no multiracial legislators.

  • White legislators represent 79.4% of state legislators across the country and are overrepresented by 14% nationally (RR=1.14). White legislators have similar levels of overrepresentation across full-time (RR=1.15), hybrid (RR=1.17), and part-time (RR=1.06) legislatures. White legislators are overrepresented in all but six states (Hawaii, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Hampshire, Utah, and West Virginia), though not by a significant margin compared to legislators of color.

Gender, Race, and Ethnicity

Women are underrepresented in...

Women are underrepresented in every state legislature except for Nevada, where women represent 58.7% of all legislators.

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Women are underrepresented in every state legislature except for Nevada. Women represent only 31.1% of all state legislators, with an average representation ratio of 0.62 nationally. Additionally, 25.1% of leadership positions are held by women, with an average representation ratio of 0.48 nationally.

  • Women have similar levels of underrepresentation across full-time (RR=0.65), hybrid (RR=0.61), and part-time (RR=0.60) legislatures.

  • When it comes to serving in positions of leadership, women have the highest levels of representation in full-time legislatures (RR=0.56) and lower levels of representation in hybrid (RR=0.50) and part-time (RR=0.40) legislatures. Women are underrepresented in positions of leadership in every state except for in Virginia, and there are no women in positions of leadership in seven states (Alaska, Iowa, Missouri, New Hampshire, South Carolina, South Dakota, and Texas).

Asian and Pacific Islander, Latina, and Indigenous women are underrepresented at higher rates than women overall in state legislatures. Despite being underrepresented overall, Asian and Pacific Islander women and Latinas have higher levels of representation in well-resourced legislatures than in underresourced legislatures, while Indigenous women have higher levels of representation in underresourced legislatures. White women have higher levels of representation than women overall in state legislatures.

  • Asian and Pacific Islander women represent only 1.0% of state legislators across the country and have an average representation ratio of 0.36 nationally. API women have the highest levels of representation in full-time legislatures (RR=0.45) and lower levels of representation in hybrid (RR=0.32) and part-time legislatures (RR=0.39). API women are underrepresented in all but three states (Hawaii, Nebraska, and Washington), and 22 states reported having no API women legislators.

  • Black women represent only 5.0% of state legislators across the country and are close to having equal representation nationally, with an average representation ratio of 0.99. Black women have roughly equal representation in hybrid legislatures (RR=1.02) and are slightly underrepresented in full-time (RR=0.97) and part-time (RR=0.93) legislatures. Black women are underrepresented in all but 21 states (Alaska, California, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Maryland, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Rhode Island, Utah, Washington, Wisconsin, and Wyoming), and eight states reported having no Black women legislators (Arizona, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Vermont). A previous report published by SiX with the National Organization of Black Elected Legislative Women (NOBEL Women), “No Democracy Without Black Women,” provides some additional insight into the important role that Black women legislators play in delivering lasting progressive change through policymaking.

  • Indigenous women represent only 0.4% of state legislators across the country and have an average representation ratio of 0.51 nationally. Indigenous women have the highest levels of representation in part-time legislatures (RR=0.83) and lower levels of representation in hybrid legislatures (RR=0.52). Unlike other demographic groups that typically enjoy higher levels of representation in well-resourced legislatures, Indigenous women are severely underrepresented in full-time legislatures, with a representation ratio of 0.02. Indigenous women are underrepresented in all but nine states (Arizona, Arkansas, Kansas, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming), and 35 states reported having no Indigenous women legislators.

  • The most underrepresented women in state legislatures across the country...

    Latinas are the most underrepresented women in state legislatures across the country, followed by Asian and Pacific Islander, white, Indigenous, and Black women legislators.

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    Latinas represent only 2.1% of state legislators across the country and have an average representation ratio of 0.30 nationally. Latinas have the highest levels of representation in full-time legislatures (RR=0.42) and lower levels of representation in hybrid (RR=0.28) and part-time (RR=0.24) legislatures. Latinas are underrepresented in every state except for West Virginia and Wisconsin, and 20 states reported having no Latina legislators.

  • Middle Eastern and North African women represent only 0.1% of state legislators across the country. There is no available state population data to estimate their representation in state legislatures compared to the adult population.

  • White women represent 22.8% of state legislators across the country and have an average representation ratio of 0.65 nationally. White women have the highest levels of representation in full-time legislatures (RR=0.71) and lower levels of representation in hybrid (RR=0.63) and part-time (RR=0.61) legislatures. White women are underrepresented in all but four states (Arizona, Hawaii, Nevada, and New Mexico), and no states reported having no white women legislators.


LGBTQ+ legislators are underrepresented in all but...

LGBTQ+ legislators are under­represented in all but nine state legislators and no legislators identified as LGBTQ+ in four states.

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LGBTQ+ legislators are underrepresented in the average state legislature and across all types of legislatures. LGBTQ+ legislators have the highest levels of representation in underresourced legislatures.

  • LGBTQ+ legislators represent 2.7% of state legislators across the country and have an average representation ratio of 0.63 nationally. LGBTQ+ legislators have the highest levels of representation in part-time legislatures (RR=0.67) and lower levels of representation in full-time (RR=0.53) and hybrid (RR=0.64) legislatures. LGBTQ+ legislators are underrepresented in all but nine states (California, Colorado, Delaware, Nevada, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington, and Wyoming), and no legislators self-identified as LGBTQ+ in four states (Alaska, Louisiana, Mississippi, and South Dakota).

New Americans

New Americans are underrepresented in all but...

New Americans are underrepresented in all but four states and no legislators identified as being a first- or second-generation immigrant in 10 states.

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New American legislators, or first- and second-generation immigrants, are underrepresented in the average state legislature and across all types of legislatures. New Americans have the highest levels of representation in well-resourced legislatures.

  • New Americans represent just 3.5% of state legislators and have an average representation ratio of 0.47 nationally. New Americans have the highest levels of representation in full-time legislatures (RR=0.70) and lower levels of representation in hybrid (RR=0.49) and part-time (RR=0.26) legislatures. New Americans are underrepresented in all but four states (Arizona, California, Michigan, and Ohio), and 10 states reported having no New American legislators.


Millennials are the most underrepresented age group in state legislatures...

Millennials are the most underrepresented age group in state legislatures, followed by Silent Generation and Generation X legislators.

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Millennials are the most underrepresented age group in state legislatures, while Baby Boomers are overrepresented in over half of all state legislatures. Millennial and Generation X legislators are underrepresented overall but have higher levels of representation in well-resourced legislatures.

  • Millennials represent just 5.5% of state legislators and have an average representation ratio of 0.27 nationally. Millennials have the highest level of representation in full-time legislatures (RR=0.35) and lower levels of representation in hybrid (RR=0.28) and part-time (RR=0.19) legislatures. Millennials are underrepresented in every state legislature in the country.

  • Generation X legislators represent 14.9% of state legislators across the country and have an average representation ratio of 0.76 nationally. Gen X legislators are close to having equal representation in full-time legislatures (RR=0.92) and have lower levels of representation in hybrid (RR=0.82) and part-time (RR=0.54) legislatures. Gen X legislators are underrepresented in all but 15 states (California, Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Nevada, New Jersey, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas, Virginia, and Wisconsin).

  • Baby Boomers represent 26.5% of state legislators across the country and have an average representation ratio of 1.23 nationally. Baby Boomers are overrepresented in full-time (RR=1.20), hybrid (RR=1.27), and part-time (RR=1.17) legislatures, and are overrepresented in 28 states.

  • Silent Generation legislators represent 4.6% of state legislators across the country and have an average representation ratio of 0.63 nationally. Silent Generation legislators have the highest level of representation in part-time legislatures (RR=0.68) and lower levels of representation in full-time (RR=0.45) and hybrid (RR=0.67) legislatures.

  • Generation Z and Greatest Generation legislators represent an extremely small share of the available data; as a result, these two groups have been excluded from this analysis.

Educational Attainment

Legislators with graduate or professional degrees are overrepresented in state legislatures by over 200%, while legislators with less than a bachelor’s degree are severely underrepresented in every state legislature.

Legislators with less than a bachelor’s degree are significantly underrepresented...

Legislators with less than a bachelor’s degree are significantly underrepresented in all state legislatures, with an average representation ratio of 0.03.

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  • Legislators with less than a bachelor’s degree represent just 2.6% of state legislators and have an average representation ratio of 0.04 nationally. Legislators with less than a bachelor’s degree are severely underrepresented across full-time (RR=0.03), hybrid (RR=0.04), and part-time (RR=0.04) legislatures, and are underrepresented in every state.

  • Legislators with a bachelor’s degree represent 29.3% of state legislators and have an average representation ratio of 1.51 nationally. Legislators with a bachelor’s degree are overrepresented across full-time (RR=1.51), hybrid (RR=1.53), and part-time (RR=1.42) legislatures, and are overrepresented in all but four states (New Hampshire, New Jersey, South Dakota, and Utah).

  • Legislators with a graduate or professional degree represent 38.3% of state legislators and have an average representation ratio of 3.21 nationally. Legislators with a graduate or professional degree have some of the highest levels of overrepresentation of any demographic group across full-time (RR=3.06), hybrid (RR=3.53), and part-time (2.74) legislatures.

National, Full-Time, Hybrid, and Part-Time Averages

The State of State Legislatures (1)

Table 1. Representation Ratio Averages: National, Full-Time, Hybrid, and Part-Time Legislatures
Demographic GroupNumber of State Legislators% of All State LegislatorsAverage Representation Ratio
NationalFullTimeHybridPart Time
Race and Ethnicity
American Indian/Alaska Native520.70%0.751.050.610.79
Asian/Pacific Islander1131.50%0.20.390.140.16
No Data2813.80%----
Women by Race and Ethnicity
All Women2,29531.10%0.620.650.610.6
Women in Leadership Positions8825.10%0.480.560.50.4
Asian American/Pacific Islander751.00%0.360.450.320.39
Middle Eastern/North African110.10%****
Native American/American Indian/Native Hawaiian320.40%0.510.020.520.83
Gender Identity/Expression and Sexual Orientation
New Americans (first- or second-generation immigrants)
New Americans2573.50%0.470.70.490.26
Generation Z (1998-Present)30.00%00.0100
Millennials (1987-1997)4045.50%0.270.350.280.19
Generation X (1965-1980)1,09814.90%0.760.920.820.54
Baby Boomers (1946-1964)1,95526.50%
Silent Generation (1929-1945)3414.60%0.630.450.670.68
Greatest Generation (before 1928)90.10%0.630.450.670.68
No Data3,56948.30%----
Educational Attainment
Less than Bachelor’s Degree1912.60%
Bachelor’s Degree2,16629.30%1.511.61.531.42
Graduate or Professional Degree2,83038.30%
No Data2,20229.80%----

Sources: National Conference of State Legislatures, Center for American Women and Politics, New American Leaders, Victory Institute. See our methodology appendix for a full list of sources and calculation methods.

Percentages for all are based on a denominator of 7,383, except for women in leadership positions. The percentage of women in leadership positions is calculated out of 350 total leadership positions.

*State population comparator data was not available for Middle Eastern/North African women.

State-by-State Data

Other Considerations

The scope of this publication is limited by the availability of legislator demographic data for all 50 state legislatures. Although additional data is unavailable, existing research provides some insight into other groups and communities whose members face significant barriers to serving as state legislators.

The State of State Legislatures (2024)


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