What Are Those Plastic Arrows You Sometimes See on the Wheels of Trucks and Buses? (2024)

Considering the distances they cover, it's no surprise that trucks go through serious wear and tear. That's the reason behind some of their more eye-catching design features, like the spikes on their wheels and their extra sets of tires. The plastic arrows on the wheels of trucks and buses aren't as noticeable, but they serve an important purpose as well.

According to Jalopnik, the brightly colored bits of plastic on wheel lugs are called "loose wheel nut indicators." As the name suggests, they're supposed to alert the driver when the wheel's nuts are coming loose.

Lug nuts help fasten a vehicle's tires to their axles, which means they're just as vital as the more sophisticated machinery beneath the hood. Lugs become less secure over time and need to be refastened. In large trucks that spend a lot of time on the road, wheel maintenance is a constant concern.

Loose wheel nut indicators are a cheap and simple way to spot loose nuts before they become a problem. When they're first attached to the wheel nut, the plastic arrows point in a specific direction. Maybe they're lined up end-to-end to form a circle, or paired together so the points of every two arrows are touching (as pictured above). However they're positioned, the indicators make a pattern that's easy to recognize. That way, when a wheel nut starts to come loose, the driver can spot the arrow that's askew.

The shiny spikes on semi-truck wheels also attach to the lug nuts, though they serve a different function. Instead of indicating when a wheel nut is loose, the dramatic ornaments protect them from dirt, rain, and other elements that could damage them and cause them to loosen.

[h/t Jalopnik]

What Are Those Plastic Arrows You Sometimes See on the Wheels of Trucks and Buses? (2024)


What Are Those Plastic Arrows You Sometimes See on the Wheels of Trucks and Buses? ›

Those little plastic arrows are loose wheel nut indicators, and you've likely already figured out how they work before you finished reading this sentence.

What are the plastic arrows on truck wheels? ›

Plastic arrow indicators can be used on wheels with any number of nuts. They point in a certain direction. If the wheel nut comes loose, they will be pointing away from the other nut. In this case, the top right nut has had two indicators added.

What are those plastic strips hanging off truck wheels? ›

The strips, which are simply placed under a tightened lug nut, are a signal the wheel is in motion. If the truck is on the road, why wouldn't it be? Several reasons. A truck's air braking system may lock up or fail to engage after stopping and starting the engine.

What are the things on bus wheels? ›

A common type of loose wheel nut indicators are small pointed tags, usually made of fluorescent orange or yellow plastic, which are fixed to the lug nuts of the wheels of large vehicles.

What do wheel nut indicators do? ›

Wheel nut indicators are fitted so that the pointers are aligned and set in a recognisable pattern. Should a wheel nut loosen off, the indicator moves with the nut and so the pattern is broken, thus indicating the wheel nut has begun to rotate and therefore to loosen.

What are the pointy things on truck tires? ›

If you're like most drivers, you probably don't know if those truck tire spikes are supposed to scare you, look cool, or do something else entirely. You might be surprised to find that tire spikes on big rigs actually serve a practical purpose: they're lug nut covers.

What are the plastic covers on wheel nuts? ›

If you mean the ones on the wheel nuts, they're there to help the driver or mechanic see if any of the nuts have “backed off” or come loose. They're put on after the nuts are tightened to show a particular pattern so that the triangle of any nut that has loosened will be visually obvious.

What are the yellow strips on truck wheels? ›

In the winter brakes freeze to the drum, the yellow strip makes it easier to see if the tires are rollin. Some semi trailers have it as a visual indicator to the driver to make sure the lug nuts and the hub seal bolts aren't coming loose.

Why do buses have spikes on their wheels? ›

The spikes are designed to protect the lug nut from normal wear-and-tear and weathering damage, such as rust from heavy rain. The spike design helps flick moisture away while the wheel is spinning, too.

What are the things on a wheel called? ›

Parts of the Wheel

Before we get into the types of wheels, you should familiarize yourself with the various components of the wheel, which include three main parts: the tire, the rim, and the hub. The tire, which is the width of the wheel, goes around the rim and gives the wheel grip on the road surface.

What are the orange arrows on lug nuts? ›

Generally, green or yellow are basic indicators, orange tends to be for higher-temperature applications, and red is used to indicate when the wheel has been replaced, yet the nuts have not been officially re-torqued to spec.

What does a wheel nut do? ›

A lug nut or wheel nut is a fastener, specifically a nut, used to secure a wheel on a vehicle. Typically, lug nuts are found on automobiles, trucks (lorries), and other large vehicles using rubber tires.

Why do wheel nut indicators melt? ›

CHECKPOINT loose lug nut indicators are designed to melt when there is excessive heat at the wheel end, usually a result of brakes sticking or problems with the bearings. CHECKPOINT Point-to-Point is made of specific material that will melt at 257*F.

What is the plastic around the wheel? ›

If you look at the wheel well, you will see a curved panel right above your wheels. They are more clearly visible when the wheel is removed. This is called the fender liner, which is a plastic lining and is secured to your car's fenders by bolts, clips, pushpins, or screws.

What are the spikes on truck wheels for? ›

The spikes are designed to protect the lug nut from normal wear-and-tear and weathering damage, such as rust from heavy rain. The spike design helps flick moisture away while the wheel is spinning, too. Warning: Truck tire spikes are immediately noticeable, and that is intentional.

What is wheel hop on a truck? ›

You may have heard the term wheel hop and it sounded confusing especially if you're not familiar with cars. So, let's take a look at what wheel hop is, its causes, and some fixes for it. Wheel hop occurs when the suspension system allows the tires to momentarily lose contact with the ground.

What are the green things on bus wheels? ›

Generally, green or yellow are basic indicators, orange tends to be for higher-temperature applications, and red is used to indicate when the wheel has been replaced, yet the nuts have not been officially re-torqued to spec.


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