Vermont Phoenix from Brattleboro, Vermont (2024)

THE VERMONT PHCENIX, AND RECORD AND FARMER, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1884. oppfi, will rI musical tho town hull on evfulng next, nnnieteil by borne Ulrnt nnii two or three artists from abroad. ltHltorn( THl ttOIlK ON THE NRW HAlLliOAD SLOWING VP. TUu work uu Him narrow-gauge railroad between the tact end of the llooflao tunnel and adkboro City, projeoted solely by the Knluii Hrolhera of Uolyoke, Las been hurried rapidly until of late, and now they are going uiore slowly. An engine and gravel train now run as far north as Monroe's bridge, aud about this point will be the heaviest trritliug that will have to be done on the bol route.

Iiait week J. 0. Newton, who baa charge of the Keadsboro work and of this rsilroad, returm from Europe and took ao-tit" dirictiou of aBairs. Ou aooount of the heavy grades and the largo trestles, It la prou-alik that the railroad will not be completed tbuJ'V. The work will continue till about tbren and a half miles from the terminus at adxboro City, aud then will atop till next nunnH-r.

1 lie pulp manufactured at tho mill III ll' adslioro this wluter will be conveyed by teams to the railroad, three miles and a half. The town of Iteadsboro constantly increases in population aud prosperity. The pulp mill employs 2 tnon constantly. North Adamn Tranneript. Miration.

a aunrmsE tabit. 0u September 4tb, 1834, Henry I. For-rritiraud Lucy A. Uptague were born, some time In June, 18iS, they were married, and on Thursday, -pt. 4, 1884 being their mu.

tual "()th birthday anuiverHary guests num. biinug US gave them a surprise party at their home. Among the guests were Mrs. Tyler Wall. Wallace Davidson, wife and daughter, and Mm.

K. I), I'limplou of Wardsboro, Mr. ami Mu. W'light Kidder of Terre Haute.Ind., Mrs. aud Mia Johnson of Jamaica, and many relatives and friends from this towu.

Dinner wm served about two o'clock, and from the loDg table loaded with luxuries it was impossible to go a ay hungry. Gifts In money and wearing apparel were then presented, which were acknowledged by Mr. and Mrs. Forres, ter in a few appropriate words. The party then joined in singing the "Doxology," and noon ards bade their host and hostess gondby and repaired to their several homes.

Xfiwnb-nil K. L. Hastings and 0. Q. Stebbins fill tbt ir kilos UU week.

The yiuld of corn is good. Fifteii men are employed three days in tilling each stlo. The village schools commenced Mnn.W with JIHa Nenis Drown of West Towushend teacbei oi the Urammar department, and Miia lla Martin of the Primary. This la Ml-s Utown's eighth term of teaching and Miss Jlartiu a ruth in connection with the auie schools. There aro about scholars in eaeii uepartment -The V.

0. T. U. held their meeting this wiui laic, tne preaident. Mrs.

H. 11. Carpnutrfr, Henry Salisbury and MrB. Ora Oler wtre appointed delegates to the klate meeting at Middlebury. Mrs.

Churchill reporti a good degree of interest among tho meiuoers oi me nana or iiope. A good deltgation from this village and viciuiiy attendcu thu lecture by Mrs. Mc Laughlin at Newfane. It would havu well in. paid a much longer journey, and we feel that many thanks aro due to the W.

0. T. U. 0f mat tuwu tor furnishing the lecture. the visitors to our beautiful village, as well as our citizt-ns, are pleased to see the improvements that have been made In the old cemetery.

Wotkmen have been employed there for the past few weeks. The under-bruth baa been removed, the stones cleaned and stialghtened, while other improvements are being planned. It Is an interesting spot to as so many of those who were identified with tho early history of the town are bulled there. IIInadBlfi.n.lI, 0. J.

Amldon lis. shut 1.1 MI1I a time. He will make he starts up again. Halle, Frost A Co. are running their mill four days in a week.

J. H. Henry baa bought a building lot on liraltleboro atreet near A. 8. moon's nouse ana will commenoe bulldlug soon.

There will bo considerable house paint-log done In town this fall. N. E. Pratt is painting his cottage on Klver street. Many are getting sick of white for outside and are painting In colors, which are more durable if the proper colors are used.

MapUwood park grand horse and oattl'e exhibition will be held Oot. 7, 1884 1 93.10 In prizes for trotting and drawing, Apple trees are breaking down under their load of fruit In many plaoes. p. flftruurdalon, Maaii Rev. V.

L. Jenklus of Hoston will preach for the Unitarians next Sunday. George Tyler haa reuled his house and goes to Leydeu. An attempt will soon bo made to have the county commissioners lay a now road to Turners Falls via Fall ltlver. Frank Wild left Monday for Amherst college.

About COO listened to Mr. Moody's ser-uion at the towu hall Sunday. Mrs. L. M.

Fieroe of lllackstone visited friends in towu last week. Clayton Burrows of thla town was drowned in the Deerfield river at Shelburue Falls Friday. His remains were brought here for burial Sunday. It has been decided to ljulld the now road at Dull ltun and It will be laid Oct 10. Miss Edith Cartwright haa returned from Nantucket and opened her school on the green The town school books are kept on sale at h.

II. Gould'a. Comical Drown gives an entertainment at the town ball Saturday evening. The Unitarians had a successful fruit festival Tuesday evening. I'rof.

Goodridge moves into Mrs. Wild's house. A number will go to Springfield next week to attend the bicycle tournament. Faro ror the round trip Services will bo Id in the Universalis! church next Sunday at one o'clock.

Matthew Connable and wife have return-od to Xenia, Ohio. Preston Crowell arrived In town Monday. Tne Methodists held sociable with Miss Hattie Frizzell Wednesday. Dev. F.

Grimes and wife attended the county conference at Orange this week, and Ilev. L. Sbepardson the Ilaptist association at Conway. There is another elocutionist at Wake, field. The Congregational ladies are preparing a box of useful articles to bo sent to their former pastor, lttv.

Mr. Merrill, who recently lost all his goods in a fire. A NEW ItAlLltOAlT HOVE of tbelr time In considering complaints for liquor selling, which should be bandied and looked after by the local authorities 1 VrnuN. the cnuncn struck iit lioutnino and bad. X.T DAMAGED.

On Monday eteniiig, about o'clock, the lightning hiruek the Union church, plajed eoiue curious treaks about the edifice, and set It on fire in the vestry. The lightuing-rod from the sleeple was discontinued at 'the bell deck when repairs were made some years ago and very likely it is to this fact that much of the misth'ef doue is due. The fluid apparently psshtd down from the Bpire about forty fett to the eaves of the bell deck, and from there It appears to have jumped down about 10 fet, where it tore off the north side of the steeple down to the ridge of the main building. It then passed down to the vestibule where the stove stands, tearing oil lath, plastering, and melting some nails in the fiour, aud thence into the basem*nt about in the centre of the house; thence north on a joist to the sill of the bouse and to a book in the veitry used to fasten the curtain-wire to. It melted thiB wire, set fire to the curtain, aud passr around to the west side of the veslry, where it tote off lath and ceiling from the inside, bourds from the outside, and shattered the studding then it passed along the ground to the northwest corner, whence it followed the lightning rod to tho wet land near by.

Auolber and larger portion of the fl'iid appeaud to pass aloog the stove and pipe to the north side of the vestry, where it threw off the blinds, tore out windows, boards, lath and celling, badly shattered the studding, and then passed into the ground. The turf was torn up where the fluid eeemed to have parsed over a space where a piece of the lightning rod was gone near the corner of the house. Some of the slating was also torn from the loof. The vestry presents a very demoralize appearance, aud the total damage to the building is estimated at iJ.TOO. The firt- was fortunately seen at once by eome one at Whithed's and was extinguish ad before doing serious damage.

A very successful test seance was held on Sunday la-t at the bou.e of Chester L-e. Thirty spirits were described aud recognized by friends present. Tho medium was Mrs. 8 A Jesmer of Amsden, Vt. L.

TnE CONNECTICUT B1VEK HAlLliOAD LINE EXTENDED 11T AN ALLIANCE WITH THE CONNECTICUT A PAfcRUMrslO KOAD. At the annual meeting of the Connecticut Passumpsic railroad at Newport, Wednesday, the following directors were unanimously elected: Emmons Kaymond of Cambridge, W. Dlodgett of Boston, A. Harris of Springfield, Frederick Billings of Woodstock, Alden Spear of Newton, Amos BarneB of Boston, Osoar Edwards of North-ampton, 0. W.

Pierce of Boston aud S. S. Thompson. At a subsequent meeting of the directors Emmons ltaymund was elected president and A. B.

Harris vice-president. Hillings, Edwards aud Harris are direotors aud large stockholders of the Connecticut River, Vermont Valley, Sullivan County and Asnue-lot railroads which comprise the roads kuowu as the Connecticut Kiver system, aud have recently bought a large amount of the stock of the Passumpsio road. Their election to the board of directors is a move toward still further building up a through Connecticut River line to Quebeo and Montreal. The Passumpsic system includes the Passumpsio road between White River Junction and Sherbrooke. P.Q.; tnuMassiwippi, which is leased to the Passumpsio; the Southeastern railroad of Canada, whioh connects with the PassumpBio at Newport, comprising about 300 miles, one-quarter of which is owned by the Passumpsio and the St.

Jobnsbury and Lake Champlain road, which crosses the Pas. sumpsio at St. Jobnsbury, and is about 130 miles long. Previous to the lease of the Northern Boston, Concord Montreal railroads, by tne Boston Lowell road, the Passumpsio had two outlets for its Boston traffic; but when these roads both went into the hands of one corporation, the managers of the Passumpsio found themselves hemmed in by the Boston Lowell ou one side, and the Central Vermont ou the south, and wisely sought an alliance with the Connecticut River system. In this way the Passumnsio road now has two routes to Boston, one by tbo tioston fc Lowell avBtem.

and the other by the Cheshire and Fitcbburg roads. At the same time the Connecticut Passumpsic road is the natural ally ol the roads comprising the Connecticut River line, and this new alliance will tend to build up and strengthen the business of all the roads concerned. nittnlniler. Iter, and Mrs. Cbas.

Dickinson of Lowell, who have been speudingmost of their six weeks' vacation in this town, took a carriage trip, accompanied by Miss Hannah Watson of wporl, R. and Miss Hattie Goodridge of Westminster, through a portion of Windham and Windsor counties last week, vi-iting many friends of tho Dickinson and Goodridge families in Ludlow, Londonderry, aud olb placts, often camping along the highway somewhat in gypsy btyle, and making inquiries for old family relics, Buch as old clocks, furniture, ancient china tea-seU, etc. The trip was very enjoyable, and they were hospitably received by all their friends. Mr. D.

klusou returned to Lowell ou Wednesday to resume his labors with tbeKirk-st. church. William. slllo. Mr.

and Mrs. Alexander Spence of Up brtno. who have been spending the sum mer months in Scotland, are now visiting Mrs. Spence'a brothers, O.E. and N.

11. Perry. lliulutflon. O. Lawton, T.

B. Deming, Willie Dav ennort. Mrs. H. F.

Forrest. J. R. Buell'sgirl, Miss Cora Bailey and Mrs. Daniel Wheeler are ou the sick list.

Eddie Fox and wife of New York, Frank Burr aud family from Canada, Sidney Durrof Boston, J. Udell Balchelder, Annie CrOBler aud Luman Copeland are' visiting in town this week. The high school commenced last Monday under the charge of Mr. li. 31.

wrigui. A party picnicked on Haystack last Tues. day. Verv warm. The mercury haa none high.

er some days this week than at any time be fore this summer. Mrs. Emily McLaughlin of Boston gave a very intertsting temperanoe lecture to a full nouse bunday evening. The ladles of the Uulversalistsooietyhad a basket picnlo at the Shatter grove last Mat-urday. Jesse Williams cut his irm very badly on the saw of a horse-power wood-machine while sawing wood last ween.

Arthur Blanchurd, from Florida, Mass, ij the new clerk at the bank. Willie Vogle and wife went to New York last Monday. W. Riohardson of Brattleboro, who, with his wife, has been visiting at Ware's this week, bought some fine cattle in town. B.

Miller of Ooleralne, Is plas terms 0, Ware a house. 'I he verv heavv thunder shower of last Monday did some damage to the roads in this vicinity. The Bi nnington stage route goes into omer hands soon, which will niaae me nun cnange of proprietors within a year. It is understood that the tin-shop at one time run liv A. 0 Jones, but which has been shut up for it short time, will be reopened eoon.

Charlie Andrews is spending his vacation in ii'ision and elsewhere. -Our lawyers and some others are attend ing court at New fane this week. The basket plcnio of the cornet band at "ay pond on Wednesday was well attenaeu, ana all report a good tlm. Tim Niurs in nniEV. It Is estimated that a orowd of 40,000 people filled the streets of Geneva, N.

on the occasion of Judge Fulger'a funeral. During a thunder storm at Middleton, Monday evening, lightning struck tho tartu bouse of George J. Tufts, setting it on fire and nearly destroying it and the contents. The nine-years old daughter of Mr. Tufla was instantly killed.

Three tramps were found on the trucks of the evening train on tho Derby railroad at West Haven, Monday night. Tbo train hands dislodged them, a fight ensued and the tramps drew revolvers aud ran the train to Derby, where two were arrested and one escaped. Passengers had a narrow es-cape from Hying bullets. The police think the men are professional burglars aud sup. pose tbelr Intention was to rob the passengers.

The small town of Clear Like, was badly wrecked by a storm between and 0 o'clock Tuesday evening, Halt the town is in ruins. Three persons were killed aud many Injured. The storm first struck a mile and a half north of Minneapolis. One-half of the structures in Clayton, were blown duwn by the storm. A oyolone struck White Bear lake, on Tuesday evening.

Its track was less than a mile and a half wide. There was the usual funnel-shaped conformation of clouds, slightly green in color. Cleveland, Ohio, had the worst fire Sun. day night which the city has ever experienced. The fire broke out early in the evening among the lumber yards and mills on the low lands aiid burned till 2 a.

m. Every vestige of property between the Cuyahoga river, the railroad tracks and Scrauton avenue was destroyed. Not a fragment of anything combustible remains unconsumed. Brick walls of factories and buildings are crumbling to the ground. The loss is over and the insurance not half that.

About GO acres were burned over, nearly half of the great lumber iuterests of the city being destroyed or badly crippled. It was a terrible night for the rlreuitn. Tho intensity of the heat can scarcely be described. The Enterprise coal mines, three miles from Wilksbarre, cavtd in on Thurs. day night, 4th lust.

The air was expelled from untlerueath with terrific violence, rushing along the works antl up the shaft with the violence of an explosion. Loaded cars wtie burled from the track like showers, and bracing work and ventilating doors were broken into kindling wood. The men who were at work in the stables aud at the foot of tho shaft were picked up and dashed about as by a hurricane, and though none were fa. tally hurt hardly one escaped without bad cuts and bruises. The wind rushiug up the shaft blew clouds of dust and fragments hundreds of feet in the air.

The men escaped through the second openiog, only just in time to avoid being suffocated by black damp. which filled the woikiugs. Two of the men were overcome by tho gas, but were rescued. Eight or uino mules that remained in the mine perished. It is thought that the mine cannot be worked again, STATEAFFAIIiH.

The ConarreffKtlonitl Cunfrrenre, Thi 43d annual conference ot Couurega- tional chuiches in Windham county, held at Dummerstou Wednesday and Thursday.Sent. 3d aud 4th, was well attended, most hospita bly entettained, ana resulted In practical measures that cannot fail of good in the coming year. The report of the churches, given by Rev. J. L.

Sewall of Westminster, from statistics gathered by correspondence, was exceptionally full and on the whole encouraging. Al though several places report no settled minister and only occasional preaching, the aggregate membership shows a decided increase since the first of January. The church in Bellows lalla la rejuiuing in largely increased congregations since entering the new bouse of worship, and Brattleboro reports a net gain or in church membership. Special interest was aroused for the feeble churches in Marlboro aud Saxtons River. In behalf of the former a movement was started to supply their pulpit for a ttme by the voluntary service of the neighboring ministers, Rv.

Li. uroul leading tne way ana wun special reference to the latter, a committee was ap-Dolnted. Rev. A. D.

Dascomb, chairman, to confer with leading meu in the place and ecclesiastical authorities outside, aud bring if possible some principles of denominational comity into action for the furtherance of the cause of Christ. The destitute field of Bir. tonsville was also brought into prominence by the report of Rev. C. H.

Kenney, who has been laboring there with success during the past year. The report or tne treasurer or nenevoient contributions, II. Thompson, gave the gratifying exhibit of an increase ot about $600 over last year, the aggregate amounting to nearly $2800. The committee on ministerial standing were instructed to make a record of the ere-dentials of all ministers claiming Congrega- tional fellowship in the county, and report annually to the conference, that the roll of membership in that body may contain only such ministers as are accredited. Incidental, ly it is hoped that this may serve also as a protection to the churches.

The program of general exercises was car-ried out according to appointment with more than the usual interest and enthusiasm. The weather left nothing to be desired, and the beauty of Dummerston scenery appeared at full advantage. All of whioh, together with generous entertainment provided, conspired to make this 43d gathering of the churches one of the best within the memory of receut WINDITAJlf COUNTY COURT. David L. Bemin vt.

Central Vt. It. It. Co. Xbis was the first case set fur trial.

On the first day the defendants filed a demurrer to the declaration. On hearing the court overruled the demurrer and held the plain, tiff's declaration to be sufficient. The defend, ant excepted and the case was passed to the supreme court. State vt. Alfred Hoicard, apt This was a complaiut of the town grand Juror of Jamal.

ca, charging the defendant with the larceny of a quantity of sugar, and came to this court by appeal. The evidence on the part of the state tended to show that in April, 1882, the defendant stole two tuba of maple sugar from one O. Lauphere of Jamaloa of the value of about $6. The evidence on tbe part of defendant tended to show the contrary, Verdiot, guilty. Waterman and 0, B.

Eddy for the state, Martin and Ried for tbe respondent. Tbe case of Ongoodv). Hutteret al. which ia an action of trespass, is uow on trial and will probably continue through the week. The grand Jury are etlU In session, but no one knows as yet who will be hit by their presentments It would seem by tbe length of time consumed by them, as compared with several years ago, when their work was .11 Hnnn In two or three davs.

that the peo. pie of this county are growing criminally wloked very rapidly. Or do they apendmost I The Orange county veteran soldiers' reunion held at Chelsea recently was a success. Tbo next reunion will be held at Randolph. Col.

John B. Mead was elected commander. The fourth story of the new college bulldiug at Burlington has been converted during the summer into dormitories for the students, and this work has been doue entirely at the expeuse of Johu P. Howard, E-q whose, gifts to the university seem to be as unfailing as lh -y are munificent. A span of horses at the Poultney slate works recently backed over the edge of the quarry with their wagon attached aud fell a instance of "li feet.

Three men who were working a drill saw them Just in season to run, and one of thi horses struck the drill, driving it through bis neck. Frank Lane, aged 18, son of Rollin Lane of Cornwall, was drowned in the Otter Creek at Middlebury while bathing Monday afternoon. Fifteen or 20 other boys were in tbe water at the same time and one of them was nearly drowned in trying to save young Lane. The body of William Wentwortb, a 'negro barber at Woodstock who disappeared a year ago while insane, was fountl Uunday in the woods about two miles from White River Junction. There were no marks of violence, and some money and jewelry were found in a vest pocket.

The body bad lain out all winter. M. J. Malony, editor of the Ricbford Ga zette, was arrested Monday night on an indictment found against him by tbe grand jury of Orleans county for defamation of tha character of Cbief-Justioe Royce of St Albans. Ahrani P.

Morrill, a Montpelier machinist, aged AO, killed himself with poison Tuesday. A pickerel 3 feet long and weighing 21 pounds was caugu- in Like Champlain the other day. Tbe St. Albaus Messenger thinks this settles the lake serpent question. William Bean of South Wheelock picked 4002 kernels of wheat from one stalk recently- H.

B. Stevens of Bradford has owned a livery burse eleven years which has earned 4,000 in that time. Ludlow has a phenomenon in tbe shape of a boy, twelve years old who weighs pounds. He is not above medium height lo, a 12 year.old. but is "as large round as a hogshead." ills fleih is firm aud be is all right as regards deformity, excepting the left foot, which has six toes.

He has been offered 50U0 and bis father's expenses per year to travel, but his father declined. It la said that a railroad will soon be begun from Barton to Greeusboro Beud, and that thu Lake road fiom St. Johusbury to the Bend will be thrown up. President Har. ris is reported as sayiug that tbe new road can be built for what it would cost to keep ths road from St.

Johusbury to the Beud in repair for three years. TlilctlrV JlvrClngs. State Superintendent Dartt gives notice that educational meetings wilt be held at Marlboro Sept. 17th, HahlaxHept. lHlli, Gull, ford Centre Sept.

lltlh. These meetings are not for teachers only, but for all the people. Teachers can attend without loss of time. All are invited. At tbe Marlboro meeting there will be a session afternoon and even-ing.

At tbe other two places, morning, afternoon and evening. The Boston Republicans held a grand jollification meeting over the Maine victory 'lues, evening. In spite ot the intense heat Tremont Temple was packed. Ex Gov. Doutwelh Gen.

Joe Hawley and Hon. Emory Storrs were the speakers. Mrs. Garfield, tbe mother of tbe late Pres. ideut, cau be seen almost any day walkiug about the grounds or sitting in her arm cbair on the shaded veranda at Mentor.

On Sun. day she is frequently at church with other members of tbe family, and is able to take a seat in, or alight from, tbe family carriage with little assistance. She has passed her 83a birthday, aud seems to be in tbe enjoy, uienl of ber usual good health. Thewsrm weather oftrn hat a ilrpretiiog And de-blllutiug rffoct. lieod'a bArsapsrlllt oTercomn all laosuoraod Lmltude.

China propoies to adopt postal carda on and after Jan. 1, tam. If You Wtttt To enlov eood health aud preveot toe aeeda of dlaeaie Irom ripening in your aralem, uaa tbe beat medicine In tbe world, Salpbur Sittera.wblcb will prevent your ajattm from bring all run down bj making it atroug Twenty atates and teriitorlea bare adopted compulsory education. trjL Xw Mult. Fadtd articles of allllndare.

atored to tuelr orliciual beauty by Diamond Dyea. Prr feet and simple. IOj. at all drugglata'. WelU, Rich-ardaou Burllugtoo, Vr.

Tho Hessian Issl, Many rlreunstaneM combine lo render the coming aeaalon of tbe lrglalatnre an Interesting sod Impor tant one, and all who wlah to keep fully peeted on tbe doings of tbat body should send for tbe MoKTrKUsa liAttr Journal. It will be enlarged and printed on new tjpe, and 111 give full reporta of tbe regular proceeding, committee bearings, and everything of Intpreat. You ought to have It. Terms! 11.60 for tbe seaMon; Ate copies, ten copies, 10 00. Ad-drraa V.

W. t'aEsooTT, t'ubllaber, Montpelier, VL "Rlood food" Is the auggestlve Dame oftrn glrrn to Ayer's Rarsaparllla on accoubt of Its blood-eurltblog qnalltl'S, Tbe cost of tbe publlo prtbllng uow amounts to abbually. llamtiarea In Until Wiaya. Rlrkness la tbe ni'tst cxprnalve tblng hi tbe world. It puts one to a direct coat and also prevents one from working to earn money.

We say uotblng of auffer-Ing, for money cannot pay for that. How mtieb Letter to keep oue'a self li by tbe use nf Parker's Tonlo whenever there Is tbe least sign of 111 bt-allb. DYSPEPSIA Causes Its victims to bo miserable, hopeless, confused and depressed in mind, very lrrlta bio, languid, and drowsy. It Is a dlseaso nldcli docs not get well of Itself. It requires careful, persistent attention, and a remedy to throw olf tho causes and tone up tho digestive organs till they perform their duties willingly.

Hood's Raraapariila has proven Just tho required remedy In hundreds of cases. I have taken 1 local's Harsaparllla for dyv pepsla, from which 1 have suffered two years. I tried many other medicines, but none proved so satisfactory as Hood's Barsaparllla." Tiiosus Cook, Jiiusli Klectrle Light New York City. Sick "For tho past two years I hate been afflicted with severe headaches and tlyspei" sit. 1 was Induced lo try Hoods Batsapa-rllla, and have found great relief.

I cheer-fully recommend it to nil." Mns. F. Ankahle, New Haven, Conn. Mrs. Mary C.

Smith, Cambrldgrpnrt, tvas a sufferer nun dyspepsia and tick headache. Slio took Hood's. H.irsaparllla and found it the best remedy alio er used. Hood's Sarsaparilla Bold by all lj six forts. Mado only by 0.

1. HOOD Si Lowell, Mass. fOO'Dosos Ono Dollar. CROSBY OPERA HALL, TueHilay, Sejit. Kltli.

orsxan istioxxt oiNrxj-sr. THE CHARMING KOtHIRETTE. MISS CARRIE SWAIN, known th HoDg Bird of tbt Dramatic Ktap. RTUICTLV 01UOINAL, ,1 rrr Imlliklfi Alnuja Orlfflnafra. Hopportfd bf a ft ron and efQiDt romitaoy under tb manintmtot Fred MicncR, Id Leonard Qrovf r'a play, 1o Afp OAD THE TOM-BOY, Writ Oil xrriy for Cirri Swalo, who will appear at "uaa, wun ner worid-knowa Nnng-a, Duncri, Mpr cltalllr.

Etc, PrlfM 38, 00 and 73 cu. Rrtrv-d ant aal at WllUtd drug fctorc. (IRANI) INTERNATIONAL Birtfjs. In Brattleboro. Sept.

4, a too to Mr, and Mra. Whltf. In Cambrldgeport, Sept. 6, a ton to Mr. and Mra.

O. Tor re j. fHarrta0C0 In Saxtons River, Sept. 10, by Rev. Geo.

Obapin, II. Knight of Bilious River and Miss E. A. Hough- tnn nf Athena. Ti Jatrknnvllle.

Sent. 9. bv Rev. H. Eastman.

Jot, Graves of Wnitiugbam and Mra. Nellie Bennett of Readsboro. In South Vernon, Sept. 10, by Rev, E. W.

Whitney, Richard R. Finn and Mry F. Smith, both of 8. V. In Wilmington, Sept.

10. by Rev, II. Forrest. Charles Ilibbard of Wilmington and Cora I. Ually of Somerset.

Iii Qulocy, Sept. 8, at tbe residence of tbe hridfi'- At ber. Dr. O. B.

French, bv Rev. E. W. Whit. ner, assisted by Rev.

U. Sawyer, l'stke B. Swift of Atnoi ana usoei rrencn oi no cru. Headache OP THE SPRlSOnBtD BWVBLB CLUB, SPRINGFIELD, Sept. 10, 17, 18 niul 19, 1881.

1) EXCITINU RACES EACH DAY. arand Parade Wed1 esday( 8opt. 17. Fireworki Display Thursday, Sept- 18. THE CHAMPIONS of England, Ireland, United States and Cimudii will appear.

$8,000 In Prizes! $0, Geo. M. Ukmdxk will on this memorable occasion coolest with Hits Uliampluni of Old hogUnd. fflTXKKI THE FIELD OF KTAIITKKS. RICHARD IIO WELL, thf King of the bel, and Champion of tb World Tllhli WOOD, 0-mlln Obamptnn nf England.

JACK KEKN, fX'Cbarnpli'ii of England 1 JA KM, one of England' brat. UilN PRINCE. Champion vt 8. W. J.

MOW. AN. Champion of Canada. M. UODIMIOK.

Ctiarorttan uf Ireland. II. S. HttillAM, Isong Uktanc- Champion, U. O.

IUOAN, IbfTflebratHl Ffncb Flier. AMATEURS. EO. M. IIENDEE, Champion of U.

U. CIlAMUhRH, Chiropiou of EnKlaud.ind tbe win ner oi 34 out of B.1 lUce this year. O. W. of Eugland.

It. ILLS 1 U.N, the Ut mail. C. I'ALMKIt, ei-Champt-Wj of England. KU I ION, esCtiiniiou oi England.

ilA.SK. HUUllK, ex.Uhampioti of England, and tbe mm of 1R42. II. EEEMINU, a rtdrr of Kngtand. KELLERS, a noted rider nf llirmlngnani.

MA PUL.U1, criampl'iu udiq. KItAZIMt. Chamnlon Star KIW. JOHN HHOUKH, lO mllf Champion of V. 9.

li, w. 3.mii ciiui i'D or u. i. HAirs, uoiut-r oi me uiumiu rrize uap. E.

NORTON, f. UESTEUVELT, r. iiURMi am. c. li,, L.

R. HAMlLTcN. W. MAXUELL, t. l'ALMKll, C.

H. LOU, U. ftOKH. Remember the Springfield Rlrjcle Club held the uriteai lunrnamtni in ine norm. V.Tlualc each iluy and rvrnliir All.niNttMI.X OXtY 50 CKXTM.

Park mn eat-h day at Rand Concert at Race at Parade Widneday, Sept. IT. at ID a m. EirmorkH Tbnmday evenlue at 8 Vluek. lH-pl wltuiiptd the t-TMit lo 1883, and A.tniO ptopb cict to wttoesa tbe Tnurnsuifnt of 1884 37 County Examination of Teachrrs, A public rumination for licens to teach In the com mini schools uf Mudbani eniioty fr nrt yt-sr win ie nf id lu lirattleimo Sept.

20 ami common mil at lti clock. A.M. Candidates fr aJmiiti'j "mnt be twenty tear of ane. If men, aod elJbtteu years. If wuiupn, mutt bring tettimonlala from tb tnn superintendents wb- granted their certinraien from tb coram it It- who hired -log ttut tbev bsve taught mrc-fully in tbecommou stbools ol tbe stattt for at l-at ten weeks, and approving their moral character; or tt shall a nuftVteut qallflct.m fur admi.n to such xaminat! if lb" t.

aud Mate hold a county license granted In another county. Ibe written eismlnstlon will be In Arithmetic. Grammar. Oeoorapav. History, ruysioioay, sud Cltil Government.

Tue oral examination will be in tbe retmlnloft bra tic he required by law to be taught In tbe co mm no ncbouls of tbe state. In drawlnK, and In L. II ME.U1.IL.Ij, Mevy Elaminiua ird, methods uf teaching. Wet Ursttleboro, Bept. AUCTION AUCTION! TWO HOUSES IX OXE DAY! 1 shall "ell at 'auction to the hi gb eat bidder, on inn nrtMT i.iu mat.

2 ciuci, tue tuilowlug desciloed real estate, viz: Two Cottages on the South Side of Pearl Street, Owned by Mm. F. It. flTOUD 4RI). Bile positive.

Tej-tus mado known at sate. 8. N. IIEIUIICK. Anrt'r.


rUHlTlON of the NEW K.N 41 1. A IAHT1TUTR, and tho llulld-lnc of ncau-ly AC It IX OF FI.iOIt HlVACr: crowded with Interesting -hlblta. Tho arand Achievement uf Me am. Hclenre. nod Art I tthp l'rixeMf of MttnuTuctoro In Full VrM tlonl tbo Agricultural.

Fore-f, Mineral Wealth the Mouth and th Wonders or Metlro, thut S.nnri of 'erl Romaneei Two etpnelou -ullerte IIuiik with and Vnlanhle Works of Artt Mucnluent Display nf Wunten'a JlAnillnork Immense Maleut Allelic tlona Ilallyt Irr. It. If. Muhr, (hi Pro. tile's Favorite, In FraU of Magic, Ven.

trllwqMlam uml All these itttrietio(i. Including the menl the MAMMOTH NUATINU ItlMi.ure 8 50 CENTS, Which nUn Ir.r1ttf.c- HUROPOMTAltf HO It Mi; S'Alt JOUIO.V (ir bought riovwn town or In the country), without extra charge. It II KM II I. it, the INMTI. TUTi; FA lit la hrlrt In She UXIlllllTIO.N ltlHI.IM.Nfj.iit the Iliinllnatou Avenue, which It TIM thwn any other Fair Ilulldlng lu New JKngtnnd.

rattis In Townshend, Hept. 6.L. II. Cithan, 07, Tn Vernnn. Rent.

10. Olive P. Kamea. 1 6 mns. In Vernon, Hept, 8, Joanna, wife of WUIardF.Htod- dara, ai.

llln.rlil. V. Sent 0. Merrick Newton. 63.

In Greenfield, Mass Hept. 8, Claris Coats, 64, ID ureenneia, Aug. ui cuoiera iuiuiuuj infant son or cuariea i. ana rueon a. woicoii, au unndion ot Mra.

Sally Jproutv of Marlboro, fi moa. In Brooklyn, Aug. 13, Wm. L. Wood, a native OI Ualiiat.

BARGAINS! THE BEST TIME TO BUY IS WHEN YOU CAN BUY GOODS CHEAP limine: bought tho entire slocl. of goods in tho store of tho Into II. F. HOUUHTU.N, mnl hnvin just relumed from market with a fresh supply, ivo shall oiler theni at prices that will make it an oh iect for nil to will and examine. Many goods that have, been in stock some time must bo sold, and price will do it Ono lot conuiiio Alexandre Kid Gloves in sizes 1-2, 5 3-4 and at nnd sizes 1-4 aud up at u()e pair.

Thoso gloves aro worth $1.50. Ono lot Gcrniantown yarn slight lr soiled on tho end at a skein Three lots Hamburg Edge at 1 1.2. lfi niirt 17e flint, are vorv plionn We havo just unpacked all of our cotton nannois, Mixed and Check Shirting Flan nels, which will bo sold at much less than tho regular prices as it is early In tho season, hut tho prices will make it an object to buy now. A few now Cnrnots which will bo sold at tho same low prices to help sell tho old stock. A now lot of fresh Feathers.

Wo thank our friends for favors in tho past and hope to seo you all at tho now store. F. KUECH GO To Buy House mill Garden. A few tr rrs of land would be no objection. Addreaa Look Box 15, Brattleboro, Vt.

aire 'foil dewlptlon and price. 37tf IjUTItA GOOD NEW EXP JlESS WAGON li for Bale. Low Price. NOTES H. WHITE, Ulgb Wtrtet, llrtllebor.

EVERYBODY wants any Dry Gouds is nvited to examine FALL STOCK now al mm. arge assortment, correct styles and several exceptional bar gains, TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. And it concerns nil intending to buy IB CHEAP FOR CASH, To call at South Main street Store, 1'iper's old stand. NEW STOCK GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS And all kinds of Goods usually kept'in a first class Grocery Store. Having had some experience in Making I shall make FLOTJE, A SPECIALTY.


Grass Seeds, FIIFKII Fit O.Tl CIIICAGp. lorludloff Htrdi Orii, Jlrd Top, Red tnd Whit Clover, Orchtrd Grin. HungixitL md Milieu. HOWKEIl'S AND QUINNIPIAC FERTILIZERS PLASTER, LIME AND CEMENT MASURY'S RAILROAD COLORS Tbe beet Paint lo tbe nwktt. WHITE LEAD, ZINC, OILS VARNISHES, ETC.

BARNA A. CLARK CROSBY BLOCK. Farm, Stock and Auction. Tools by Tbe farm of tbe late Joseph Bruce, Rttuated about three-quirtert or a mtia ouid oi uariDoro ucoirf. VIII D(9 aula vj puouc union, on iaa prrm uu TufBilar, Neiitrmlirr Ktthf 1HH4.

At 9 o'clock m. Tbe farm coutalua about acrei uf mowiog and tillage, tbe reat la pailure aud wood laDd, Tbere la a augar orchard of 300 treea.and fruit im nou0h tar tha At the aame time aud place will be told tbe atork belonging to tne urm cow, aoeep aua joung tie. Aiao au tue larmiDp tool. Terma at aale. OKO.

WINCHESTER, Admr, Marlboro, Aug, 80, lUtt. CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED. Read the evidence. Go and see those who testify. If this is impossible, write to them, you are interested in tho subject, cither on account of your own condition or that of a menu, send at once for Dr.

Schenck's Book on Consump- lon, Liver complaint, and uys- Bopsia. it is tree. Address, r. J. H.

Schcnck Son, Philadelphia, Pa. FROM A ft LA NO, MASS. Dr. J. It.

Foienck. Dear In the month of Dorember, 1830, took a heayy cold, which Anally terminated in iTieumonta, Mjr lunjr were noon very much weakened by tho train of my cough, which wu almost without cemttion. 1 had Kcyere- pain In my tide nnd back and between my ahouldera; my breathing was nulck and there was peat oppres- atun on my chest. I could not Ho down without coughing. At thla time my physician told me that had Consumption.

I ratad large quantities of matter and had ncvcral severe hemorrhagea. I became much emaciated and very weak. 1 waa confined to the house for five montlis. After tho doctors had given me up as Incurable, 1 con eluded to try your medicines. I began using the Seaweed Tonic nnd Pulmonic Syrup, and In a short time aiiw considerable Improvement in my worst ywj)toras.

I could lie down without bringing on coughing Aprils. My breathing at all times was cotter. I had no more hemorrhages, and after I had taken tho medicines for ome time, I got bo much better that I mutd walk a few rods from the door. 1 am now well, but vet my lungs are weak, and 1 am told by the physicians who first atU nded me, that part of on lunp is gone, but that tho cavities are now healed. 1 hey also say that your medicine have wrought wonders for me.

Doctor, I cannot tell you how sick I was in a letter, but if any one who Js afflicted will call on me, I will give them all particulars gladly, or, I will answer their letters in caw they can not come to ace me. lours truly, MILS. JEXN1E M. JONES. Junf 1C.


JVTJVS HO VDHX, Inidmre, It. I was discharged from the fl. Army in June, 1801, as an incurable Consumptive. My discharge reading thus "Advanced Mage of Consumption of the Lungs." I was advised by the army surgeon to live out-doors as much as pnmible. He in- formed my friends that I was incurable, but that with care I might re made comfitrtAble fora time.

My cough was without remtton. I raised matter from my lungs in large quantities, and I had all the other well-known fymptoms of tbo disea I took many remedies without benefit In September I ui-nt to we Ir. Schenek, and soon after began to uw- his full cour of medicines. 1 soon felt their t-m ficial effects, my cough grow ing less and lew, and my strength coming back to me very fart. In the following April 1 was entirely well, and came to lrovidence and went to work.

From that time to this I enure. itull, not spending one dollar fur doctor or mcd'clur for imnelf. I therefore know that lick's medicines are good and reliable lu Lung Mr cure was coimoerea ainion a mirat le i mce who Lnew me when was discharged from the JULIUS BOY DUX, Of Boyden Whclden. Orooci, So.

fT4 N. Main Providence, P- I. Formerly of Btmlh Walpole, Mass. July 4, CURED OF CONSUMPTION AFTER TWO YEARS OF SEVERE ILLNESS. Dr.

J. n. PcnEcK. bear Sir: I feci thnt I am crm to others by telling j-u what y-ur raMicliH have done fur mo I whs fttk with (-numptlon for over two years, and after tr Iins many remedies ana employing tne iN-n pujnumm in uns ruv. without i it itt, I was induced to ne your medi cines.

I had Imrdly laken the nt tttle Kfre I felt mucn Utter, ami aner coiituminir meir u4 for some time was entirely cured. This was over six years no, and as 1 have continued enjoy pood healih slnei I feel thnt ray cure Is t-r manent. I am happr to add my testimony, with manyolhcp, to the efficacy of your meilicines. I enow inhnyoiuers in woo nave oeeu benefited by their uh-. MK3.

FOI'IIIA M. IWSO.S. No. GO Ann St Ncwburgh, X. Y.

Xarc 4, 1ST9. FROM MR. ELI P. FORBY, OF NEW YORK. JCrv 1 Vt.

Prrrmbrr 12, Da. J. It. PctieNCK, rinladelplila. ra.

Dear I wish to tell you what your medi cines have done tor me, I believe that many lives may bo saved by my doing so. I already know of one who has been Influenced by me to uc them, after having been told by several physicians that her cose was hopclom. But to my own case. In the year 1875 I was at tacked with Inflammation of the Lunc the result of a heavy cold. It was a severe attack, ami I grewworso very faL Ammis my friends It waa reported that I had quick Comumptlon.

I had a continual cough from the fin-t. and won began to ratxe largo quantities of phlegm and matter from my luftg. 1 1 wt my appetite, and, of course, soon grew very wcuk weak that I was obliged to go to bed. Weakness brought on night-sweats, and lack of nourishment great loss of fleh. Id six weeks I lot over thirty pounds.

All this time I was taking the medicines of two of Albany's best physicians. I do not wish to blame them, but I do not think that they had made such a study of lung as is necessary to treat so serious a cafe as mine was. At tho end of these fix eeka I lost faith in everything; I was salljfied that my time had come, and I told ray doctors. Then, as is unal, after all el had been tried, some one sucgeMcd jour nn dieines, and neither expecting or hoping for relief, began to use them the Pulmonic $)nip nnd Seaweed Tonic. In two weeks I wftspo iter Unit 1 got up from bed and went down tmn; and in lour weeks I felt welt.

In the i.cxl thnrc months I gained over thirty pounds or nnd 1 nin ery happy to Fav that I have lccti well man ever since my recovery, which 1 consider is entirely due to you. I hnll pleased lo we any one who may be interested In my case, or will gladly answer letters from those ho find it Imp-iiile to call on me. UU I. roitBY, Ko. 271 Tourth Avenue, New York City, To anr one who Is acquainted in Albany, N.Y I cau refer to lunuy who lnnv of my DR.

SCHENCK'S Do not product lckne at tlie stomach, naitoea. or griping. On tbe contrary, they are ho mild nnd aereeiib.tMti their hcllon tliat aiersou mitTcrlng wlia Hick HMrtacht. Sour HtomHCh.or Pain In the Ilnw els, la speedily relieved of tbe distrifwiiifr wympioma. Ihey uct illipctlv on the Liver, the orttnn which, whtn in a lieaUli.v coDdition, purilies tbe blood lor tbe whole bod.

Jnallcnof Liver Complaint or Propepsin, a'hen tbere is givat weaknesordehllUy. Dr.rhrnrka fca treed Toiilr rbould be used tn counccUoa wlib tbee PUU. DR. SCHEHCICS MEDICINES: MANDRAKE PILLS, SEAWEED TONIC, PULMONIC SYRUP, Are sold by all TJrutnrtsta.and fall directions for their nae ore printed on tbe wrappers of every package. Bran AND Middlings Come, or wrfto, nud got our prices on Urnn and Middlings, bulk or sacked, by tho tou or car-load, de livered from our Mill or at any sta tion on the Ilrattloltoro White hall, Vermont Valley, or Now Lon don Northern Railroads.

We aro prepared to make BOT" TOM PRICES, and furnish tho best feed. Cash paid for Bran and Cotton seed sacks. VALLEY MILL GO. Hear Depot laallroad Croaalair OUR Fall Stock: OF CLOTHING is ARRIVING THIS WEEK STARKEY WELLMAN, BROOKS BLOCK. LATEST FALL STYLES OF Hats Caps At AMBROSE KNAPP'S.

A full lino of Gents' Furnishings Underwear of all grades and prires Uloves and MittensLinen, I'aper and Celluloid Collars anil Cnlls All the desitrns in NcckuearUmhrellns, Travelling Hag and Canes Wool and llress Shirts, Overalls, Jumpers, etc. AGENCY FOR TROY LAUNDRY. Opposite American House, Brattleboro, Vt. aLcgal Noyces. OTATK Or VEIIH05T, Marlboro SS.

I1 I'robate Court lor nilil U.ptrirt. To all persons lotfrisMl In tbe Estate if BOS AN NAU WILLIAMS, late of Guilford, In eaict District, deceased, (irettlDK. Tou are hereby notiflM that tbiConrt will decide QpHin tbe allow anr of th acccuot of F. O. TAY-LOll, AdmluUtrator upou atd wUtr, and dwrf di-tributioo tbrrpof to tbt imoui thereof to be held at tbe I'robate Office la Brattleboro on tbe last Saturday of A.

I. 18-U, ben and where you may b- btard the premice, it you ate cauiie. L. W. STOUUAKD, UcKiater.

STATE OF VKHMOjrr, MarlboroSH. Tti ProUte Cmrl for id Dictrlct. To all persona lnteriated In the estate or 1I0LLI3 TO.N, late of SimerHtt, In aatd distrlrt, deceaifd, Orettn(i. Ton are hereby notified tbat this Conrt 111 decide upon the allowLce of tbe arconnt of Iloilia Town, Administrator ukiu naid Latat, ard derr-e diRtrlbn-tluu thereof to tbe peraona eotitled, at the ff thereof to be held at the Trnuite office id Brattleboro on the laat Saturday of A. D.

1881, when and wht-rejoJ may be heard In the pr rotie, If yoa ate cauae. 37 E.V HTODDARD, MTATE OF VCll.HO.TT, Marlboro HS. The Probate Court ror aaid District. To allperaona Interested In the estate of EPHHAIM BICE, late or Wardbota, deceased, Ureetloe. Wbereaa, A 811 LET KICK ha presented to this Court an Instrument purporting to be the lant Will or aaid decafeti, for probate: Toil are hereby notified that tbla Court will decide upon tne probate or aaid Iatrainent at tbeaeeslon tbereof to be held at tbe Probate Office in Bntttk-boro lu Paid district, on the lat Saturday of A.

I. when and where you may appear and contrttbeiuni, if you aee cauae. 37 E. W. STODDAKD.

Uegiater. Market Reports. NEW TOBK, Sept. 9. Flour Rnperflne Western and State, 2.4Ja2.90, eitl a 3.GOi5.7S patent Mir Sbeat No.

2 interred 0.86J No.l, white, 0.95. Hye, CCaOO c. Barley, 0.8J. Corn, No. 2, 61aG2Jtfu; No.

2 white, aTOc. Oata No. 2, 31IM; do. white, 3Gj00. Butter firm btate, I8a25; etern, 8a24.

Chee Mtate, BjalOiC. CHICAGO, Sept. 2. beat No. 2 Oilcake "prlnff, 74475tfc.

CorOpSSVaVSc. Oata, 25c. Bye, 63X0Oe. Barie), 67c. 3rr York Aiocli and Itlonvy narkei.

NEW TOBE, Sfpt. 9. Oorernment Bonds C. S.3a loo do. new 4 1-Ja coupon HI 3-4 do.

new 4a 120 ponniNNiffXEnN notice. ESTATE Of MASON A. 810E. The undersigned, bariDB been appointed by the Hon. Probate Court for the Distl let of Marlboro, comraiaaiouera to recolTe.etamtne aud adjust all claims anddemandaofallperaonaanalnft tbe estate ol Mason A.

8a Re, late of Wardnbori in said district, dt-ceaned, aDd all claiina exhibited in offset thereto, hereby give notice tbat we will meet for tbe purpose a foresaid at tbe ball of A. J. Dexter, tn Wardaboro, on tb last Tuesdays of September aud October next, from 10 a. M. till 4 P.

m. on of aid days, and tbat alx mouth from the lhth day or Augu-t, A. D. 184, is the time limited by said Court for cald credit-ora to preoenttht-lrrlaima to ua for examination and allowance. Dated at Wardshorotmazotn aay oi Angusi, Commisaloneri.

3 Light Concord Buggies Anil PIAvOHOX ntOOIEM, to lifi oii rrr luw. Alio wauuh Tilt I la aand Mpabra, Call at mr reaidence. on Prospect at Brattleboro, 26-38 EDWABD EDWARDS. Bend alx Cents for poatase. and re ceive free, a cottl box of sooda which will all of either aex to more mo- ufi riKUk iwit inin ataTiainir eiH in thla world.

Fortunea await tbe workera abaolutely aura. At onca a4draiTatJK k. lyli II PRIZE. Q071MHSMI0.1E11N' XOTICE We. the anbaerlbera.

dnlr appointed by the Hon. roUte Court for tbe District of Westminster, Com-mlaolouera to r-ceire, examine and adjust all claims and demands of all peraons a pains tbe estate of DR. JOEL HOLTON, late of Jamaica In said District, decesed, and aUo all claim and demands exhibited In offset thereto, and six months from tbe 12th day of August last being allowed by aaid court ror tbat purpose, we do therefore hereby notice that we will attend to the husineaa of our aaid appointment at tbe residence of tbe deceased ia Jamaica, In said dis-trictton the last Mondays of October aud January next, from.lOo'clock a. u. until 4 o'clock p.

m. ou each of aaid days. uaieu at Jamaica, mm in ust oi oeju-iiiurr, iom, aro. W. Holtoo, Admr.

30-38 CARRIAGES Both new and second-hand. Now lot just received from the best makers and in tho very best and latest styles. NO SUCK HANDSOME YARIETY EVER SHOWN BEFORE. A good guarantee stands back ot even- one of tlieni. J.

L. RAY, i4tr nnATTLERono, vt. niato Wool BOSTON, Sept 9. Tbere baa been agnod baatneaa In wool this week, aalea amounting to 3,000,000 lbs. or all kinda.

Ohio and 1'ennn) Watili, 33434 ror XX niicmizau, uuaai, i iae No. 1 comhing, 34J7. Polled wools, for common and good supers; 35a37 for cholcofastern. Wialrrlown Union Lire ftiock Yltarhe-t. TDESDAT, Sept, 0, 1884, Market Beef Choice.

19 75al0 00: extra.8.00a9.00. tlratquallty, 700a750; secoudquality. 5 00660; third quality, 4 OOj4. 75. fN.B.

Cliok-t includes nothinir bnt stall-fed 1100 to 1400 lb. bullocks. Extra and nrst quality include the best fat oxen. Second and third quality Include oxen and two and three year old steers. Store Cattle Working oxen, per pair, from 100 to 225.

Milch Cows and Calves, 20, 38a48. Farrow cowa. 17a28. Fancr cowa. SOaSO.

Vearlinus. 1020: 2 xtxtn old, I4a29; nwine western iatt lire, at uafii-2c a in. wortn-ern dretaed bogs, 7'c. Sheep and Lambs In tola, 2 50, 3 00a 4 SO each; extra, flOOaSSO; or from 2tf to 6c per lb. per lu.

Country Hide G)a7c per Country 12 a4 l-2c. i'elta (sheared) 15a3i5c each. Calf Skins, lu llcierlb. Boilon Tltark Xntr. TFrom tbe Journal's City Article, 91b.

But for the warm weather there would probably be an active butter trade thla week, and as it it there Isa lair trade with prices on tbe rise. Stiictly fresh Western creamery commands 23 1-2 to 25 cents. Flue Vermont dairy commands 21 to 22 cents, aud fair to choice 18 to 20 cents, in trade lots. Small lots command 2 or 3 cent more. The cheese trade has started up a little, and as tbe weather becomes cooler a brisk movement ia expected.

Holdera or floe atock are asking 10 1-4 to 10 1-2 cents, but np to yesterday it waa not easy to the trade at over lOcenta. Nt. Albuna II tier Market. St. Albami, Sept.

9. General price 19a20c. per selections llratileboro Prices Current. WHOLESALE. 160 a 3 00 Hides, lb 65 it 60 Cliff Una 9 2 75 a 3 00 Pork, dreaaed 7 a 7k 23 a 27 Beef 6 a 8 12alS Mutton, live weight 4aS lo iamu, tio Veal, 5 a 6 Turkeys, dreaaed 17 a 20 Chickens 11 15 a 20 RETAIL.

Apples, bbl 2 00 a 2 HZ Teas Japan, lb 25 a 60 70 a 75 Oolong 40 a 75 23 a 3U loung ttyson 40a 5a 16 Boiled Oil, gal 70 20 Haw do. 67 40 a 70 Keroan 15 a 25 SO a 100 Turpentine 00 7a9 Hay, ton 16 00al8uC 12 a 17 Wood 4 50 a 6 00 60 Flour, bbl 5 60 a 7 75 1 10 Hye rural 3 00 Cotton Heed meal 1 45 75 Bran 1 10 1 'W Trovender, 1 45 60 Middling 1 20 1 35 1 35 Graham meal, per lb 4 2 tQ Barley 1 00 Apples, bbl Potatoes, bu. Beans Butter, lb Cheese Ecus, doz Maple augar, tub 0 a 12 do. cake, a 14 Butter, tb Cheese, lb Eifita, doz Molaaaee, gal Syrup, sugar, refined do. maple Aalt.Tl, bourne, bbl Ooro.bu Northern Oats Meal, per hundred, bolted FOR SALE.

Farm of 160 Acres, miles from po.t offlcf Miliablj illvl.leil Into pasturage nnJ Ullage. 400 Hugar trees. Gooit Lull. Alsoa hep. rate truci or 40 acres of meadow laud, lo be Bold alone or with tue farm.

quire on tbe premUea. 4 1. It. EDWARDS, 89 UulliorU Centre. For Sale.

The Frank W. Harris Place OnWeatern Arenuejaxt outside tbe Tlllige limits. Oneof thevery beat huusealo Brattleboro; 1M nf land; fineaprlugof water lo short, one of the moot desirable residences lu Brattleboro. Will be sold obeap on easv terma. Apply to CUDWOBTH GUILDS, 32 Brattleboro, Vt, XTOTI0E.

TUB TAXPAYEU8 ol tbe Iak nf rtntlfnrd sre herebr notified that a tax bill of 60 cents oq a dollar of the Grand LUt of en Id town for town purposes, aud 5 cents ou a dollar for Kb.t school Ux baa this day been placed In tbe banda i.f tbe Treaanrer for collection. Therefore, know ye, bat days are RlreD by law for tb payment of said tax, and a deduction of 4 per cent ou tbe town tax will be made If paid wttblu aaid time, WM. W. BARNEY, Treas. Guilford, Sept, 1BS4.

37-39 NOTICE. THE TAXPAYEH8 of tbe town of Vernou are hereby uotlfled tbat tbe Se lectmen bare tbla day placed In tbe bauda ot the Treaaurer for collection a towu tax ct 25 rents on tbe dollar of tbe Grand List aud the State ecboot tax of 1894, aud tho Highway arreara of 1833. 9) dsya freintbelat day of September b-ing given by law for the payment of tbe aatne to tbe Treasurer. AU persons paying their town aud State school taxea to me before the expiration of the above time mentioned will be entitled to a discount of 4 per rent. ADDISON nUITHED.Treaa.

Vernon, Sept. A. 1884, 87-33 VEUMONT MU rUAL. Tbe annual meeting of tbe member a of tbe Vermont Mutnal Fire Insurance Company will be held at their office on tbe Wtbdayof October, A. D.

1884, at 3 nYIocrf P. for tbecbolcaof Directora aud tbe transaction of any other buslnea thought proper hen met. By order of the directors, Mootpelier, Srpt 1, 18. JAMES Ti SABIN, Secretary. oo-ai Agcntsl Political CLUIIS for the th.spsat I1I.1IK anil BOOKH.

(ooly 60c) ClIAUTH. rlClVIIKN, HADUKS, JtC, uncial ft.tcp. i. iuti u. Ournlilll, lloaton, and Ooacard, H.ll.

gV WANTED THE TIME TO BUY! Come and see the Bargains in You will find on my counters special bargains in SUMMER SHOESandall ODD LOTS at prices to close, REGARDLESS OF COST to make room for new Fall and Winter Goods. VISIT THE POPULAR SHOE STORE. BROOKS HOUSE BLOCK. F. E.

DROWN 5 IJrattlclwro, Tt. PATENTS. HI. JVo.TO Miatffi eppoalt It II by, lloalon, Securea FatenU in the United Statea also In Or eat Drltaln, France, and other foreign couutrlea. Copies of the claims of any Patent furnished by remitting one dollar, Aaalguments recorded at Waablngton, Vo Agtiicy in (A United Statt poatae uptrier a cilitu for obtaining J'aUnt or ascertaining the pat.

tntabititu of invention. It. M.KDIjY, Solicitor of Patents. TISTIHOIIULS. "I regard Mr.

Eddy as oue of tbe mot capabU and $uccesaut practitioners lib whom I have had official Intercourae. Chab, Masom, Commissioner of Pat en la, "Inventors cannot employ a peraon wort truatwor tby, or more capable of aecurlng for tbem an early and favorable consideration at the Talent Office. patents. Iloston.Oct.lP, 1870. It.

H. EDDY Esq. Dear Sin You procured for me, in 1840, my first patent- Since then you nave acted for and advlaed mo In bundreda of cases, and procured many patents, reiaanea and extensions. 1 have occasionally employed tbe beat agencies in New York. Tbiladelpbla aud Waablngton, but 1 still give you almost tbe whole of ray bualneaa In your line, and advise others to employ you.

Yourstruly, QtottQg Dunii.

Vermont Phoenix from Brattleboro, Vermont (2024)


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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Author information

Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.