The Selden Independent from Selden, Kansas (2024)

KANSAS NEWS OF RECENT DATE. Rapi Washington Oftcials Who Control Military Matter. i REFRESH And Acts Pleasantly and Gently. tat slrColtsn 0 VEfvCOfAB 1 permanently With many millions of families Syrup of Figs has become the ideal home laxative. The combination is a simple and wholesome one, and the method of manufacture by the California Fig Syrup Company ensures that perfect purity and uniformity of product, which have commended it.

to the favorable consideration of the Promotion for Charles Klemlnit. Merit was recognized and faithful service rewarded in the promotion of Charles Fleming to be chief clerk to James Donahue, assistant general passenger agent of the Frisco railroad system at Kansas City. Fleming was born in Fort Scott and began railroad work seven years ago as office boy under General Passenger Agent Lock-wood, of the Memphis route. Young Fleming's father is a well-known commercial traveler out of Fort Seott. Dear Peed and Star noutes'.

W. C. l'enn, of the railway may service, returned to Topekn. from the western purt of the state, where he has been advertising for bids on the contracts for carrying mail on the star routes, which are hereafter to be utilized largely as rural free delivery routes. He reports that the high price of horse feed this year is greatly hindering the work of getting satisfactory bids.

New Irrigation Scheme. XV. 1). Gilliland, a farmer four miles south of Atchison, has just completed an irrigation plant by which he will irrigate 12 acres of fruit and vegetables next season. He has a five-horsepower gasoline engine with which will pump water to the top of a hill from which place the water will be distributed by gravitution.

Famous Jerseys tor Kansas College. Secretary F. D. Coburn hns pur t'liqualllird'y fntforsrs tit* Antl-CnnIeo Lw, Which lis buy Hun ltius Much tlouri Totul MmiKtli of the Aruijr Agcregt SI.JI3. Washington, Oct.

00. Lieut. Cen. Miles, in his annual report, gives the total strength of the army at thn present time as of which number 33,874 are in the United States, 3.23!) in the Philippines, 4,014 in Oba and the remainder in small detachments being in Porto Hico, Hawaii and Alaska. He says it is expected that the force in Cuba will bo very much reduced and hopes that the force in the Philippines also con bo reduced.

Gen. Miles docs not approve of the prenent organization of lie artillery corps, saying that It establishes another bureau in Washington. He believes in the former regimental organization. Speaking of the army canteen, which is abolished hy the army reorganization law, lie says that no injury has resulted and in the main the law has been beneficial. Gen.

Miles states his objection to the management of military affairs in the war department in the follow, ing language: "While congress has made ample provision for the management of military alTairs in the organization of the army, yet the tendency has been to absorb and usurp the entire conduct of the military establishment in the city of Washington and especially in the staff departments. I recommend that decent nidation be effected as far as possible and that nil proper and lawful authority be restored to subordinate commanders who ore provided with an efficient organization and who can safely, be intrusted with responsibility for the efficient and fait lif ul ru'ri-mistration of militnry alTairs commensurate with their important commands." As a large portion of the nrrny Is stationed in the western part of tho United States and over one-half west of the Pacific ocean, Gen. Miles recommends the establishment of, a military school in southern California. He also recommends the establishment of a war college in the city of Washington. Ilurton hnym He'll Ilrnt TUpiu.

While la Kunsns City, the other day. Senator J. 11. llurton was served with a petition in a suit for the pny-ment of nine promissory notes tip-gregatinff $20,717. It was brought ly a bank at Manchester, N.

anil is for money alleged to liuve been borrowed during Senator llurton's land speculations in Colorado in 1S88. Senator Uurt.on said: "It is the name suit I won at Deliver a few months ago. They have no case and I'll beat it in Missouri." W. C. T.

t. Convention. The Kunsas XV. C. T.

U. convention at Ottawa was attended by 200 delegates and prominent visitors, including Mrs. Lillian II. M. Stevens, national president, and Miss Tingling, of London, an associate of Lady Henry Somerest.

This present state officers were re-elected. The convention pledged $000 toward building a memorial hall to Francis K. AVil-lard in Forest park at Ottawa. An effort will be made to raise $100 Comities slu*t Far Vp. State Treasurer Grimes is going to try to collect delinquent taxes due the state from 08 counties.

The amount is The deficit in state expenses which the next legislature will have to meet will aggregate about $300,000, and if these delinquent taxes can be collected it will reduce the deficit to $120,000. M. C. A. Thnuka Helen Gonld.

The state Y. M. C. A. convention at Fort Scott sent a message of thanks to Miss Helen Gould for her interest in the Kansas work.

Gov. Stanley and State School Superintendent Kelson were made members of the state executive committee. An effort will be made to raise $0,000 for Y. M. C.

A. work in Kansas this yenr. SnfTnmlntn Active Helen Klmber, president of the Kunsas Kqual Suffrage association, issued a call for the annual meeting to be held at Mcl'herson November 7 and 8. She has been organizing the state preparatory to another fight for suffrage and one result is expected to be tt very large convention. riioeKslon from Pn-m.

Sadie Hutchings, of Maine, this state, van away from home because her father would not" permit her to most eminent physicians and to the intelligent appreciation of all who are well informed in reference to medicinal agents. Syrup of Figs has truly a laxative effect and acts gently without in any way disturbing the natural functions and with perfect freedom from any unpleasant after effects. A In the process of manufacturing, figs are used, as they are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinally laxative principles of the combination arc obtained from plants known to act most beneficially on the system. To tet its effects I Jt. it J.

tv chased for the Kansas state ngricul- SI -ML. ffc ws IV 4f Louisville Ky. SArN New YorMIX PRICE PER BOTfLB roit sale bv all oruooisto SOMETHING AE0UT CARROTS. ALLUREMENTS OF OFFICE. cro with the boys.

He found her nt l'arsons and she agreed to go home on the promise that her beau would A sirup is prepared rom enrrot s. Carrot is eosy of digestion, and gently laxative. Boiled carrot is ust as a poultice for foul sores, and as vermifuge. In the reign of Charles I. hulicu' wore carrot leaves as nil ortiii inent iastcud of featherfc; and the beauty of tho leaves is still acknowledged hy placing a root, or the upper portiou of one, in water, that it niny throw out young leaves to adorn apartments in winter.

As on article of food carrots eon-tain a large amount of what are fulled heat-producing compounds, with a small proportion of flesh-forming mutter, lfeonsists essentially of tnreh, he permitted call at the house Tuesdays, Fridays and bundays. when iho "loft ovith" Are naved for tVii if The Family Huttm Hun. Tlie nntinnul (ta-ne is frequently proline. tiva of "lioinii 1111m," nml one of tlie mont interest iiiR of tliis variety of tullien was miulirby a I'Mlndulphiit batsman in Hi- hit the hull Mquurely, and drove it over the riRht lield fence. It cntcrod the window in the Reconil story of a house, rolled down tho back stairs into the kitchen and lodged in pan of dough under the stove.

The natural inference that the family partook the next day of bull-bcarintf bread. Youth's Companion. I'nrnctlae fur 'rmnr n. To him who knows not where to go, there can bo no better place unK'ste(l than tho i'ueono niouiititiiiH, lying in tha hoi'Uii'uhI-cin part of 1'ciirinylvaiuu, along Die beautiful IJelawuie river. Whether you no for health, or xport, you can hardly experience the hitter without Requiring tho former.

The elevation of the mountains varies from 1,000 to feet, and are one demc growth of pine und lir tree. Deer, hear and other large K'l'nu nro plentiful, and UioukIi the rexiiin is wiled by iJiouwindH of orUmen every year, there neeins to be. no noticeable ilecreaKC in tlie attractions oll'ereil. Tho I'ueono mountain hotel, tniups und giinic nreKerves are readily mci'Mnilile by tho Lackawanna Pnilinnd, the (treat trunk lino between iNeiv York and the tireat Xrfikci. 'i no priMo imm inpior flnvos mni Mnsqneratlert tin n.

Cmbor. A girl 19 years old was arrested at Ejrf t'lokltrlM-l wmnll.ln. j. Baxter Springs while masquerading as a cowboy. She was.

found riding a black pony, smoking a cigarette and "-il. lien. ClmlTee Srv All tlie Filipino aro Against the I'nltecl 6ttrs Khvs the Oiivs on the Puy 'Oct. Sixty thousand men are not too many to preserve, order in the Philippines. In spite of Secretary Root's determination that 42,000 men are sufficient, this La the opinion of competent military observers who have just returned from' the Philippines, and who, while theie, made an exhaustive investigation of conditions.

These gentlemen 'hold the view 1hat It is entirely too soon to nttemt to observe civil government and that military control should be Uen. Chaffee says that the whole' people of the Philippines are engaged in making war against the' United States. The few Filipinos who are friendly to the United States are those holding office, and that their loyalty will continue only so long ns they have the opportunity of drawing American dollars. The Filipinos have established their bravery by attacking1 with bolos American troops whose gallantry is unquestioned and whose ubility to shoot straight has been shown by the thousands of casualties suffered by the natives. sugar and nlbunien, with a volatile oil dressed us a cowboy.

She said she had no friends and no home. She was given a good home and promised tA which cornmunieates flavor unpleas' ant to many dyspeptics. 1 THE TEACHER'S WIFE. sober down. Office for W.

W. Prlee. Fvod W. W. Trice, recently' elected city clerk of Anudarko, on the ilern Is my to uno, enn't lirt'uU or riMt.

Ci ciiiirm cr snlo nt tilt liai'dwAro. (Icparimi-ntftti'l U'idki'. finnl.ililiiHBtoifB. ocrntic ticket, formerly resided at Atchison. He wag state grain in npector under Gov.

Leedy and in t)8 prllii)c HousikotjA "jTi ill) ri'ifiiiM. ex en e-K si'o. riKurrt. rBIUHl.l,la, lu ran against Charles Curtis for' con gross in the First district. IIouieitenler Mniit Move.

Clarissa, 26th. Mrs. Clara Keys, wife of Clias. Keys, behou! en Cher of this place, teils wonderful st ory, For years her life was one of misery. Her buck nched nil the time, her head ached all the time; neuralgia pains drove her to jdesperatiou.

She used much medicine, but failed to get any relief t.he tried Dodd's Kidney l'j'lls. She says: "Very soon after I began using Dodd's Kidney Tills all my aches and pains vanished like the morning dew. I consider this remedy a God-send to tural cojleg-e four pure-bred Jerseys from II. 0. of Orfodville, Wis.

These Jerseys' are full of the Combination blood, the blood that produced the three cows that triumphed over all competitors of all "dairy breeds at the Columbia world's fair. Knnsnns in a Sew Enterprise. C. S. Jobes, Frank L.

Brown, Cyrus Leland, Morton Albaugh and Isaac K. Lambert are associated in a new telephone enterprise to operate in southern Kansas and northern Oklahoma. They have obtained a franchise in Wichita, which will be the headquarters for their proposed system. He I.Ikes Jnll Life. John Iledrick, n.

jointist, was sentenced to jail for 30 days and fined $100 for selling liquor. The sheriff allowed him to go to Oklahoma after he paid his line. Iledrick last week returned and applied for admission into the jail to serve his sentence. Populists Drop Into Third Plaee. The secretary of state will give the democrats the second place on the official ballot this fall and the populists third.

The vote of the democrats for fall was 83,388, and of the populists, 81,220, with four small counties missing. Fluorine; on Municipal Ownership. The Abilene city council will inaugurate a movement to own its own waterworks plant at the expiration of the present franchise a few days hence- Sand springs, four miles west of tdwn, will supply pure spring water to a population of 50,000 people. i Spiritualist Was Convict oil. Dr.

Louis, Schleisinger, a spiritualist, was convicted in police vourt at Arkansas City for carrying on the business of a fortune teller without a license. There are several hundred spiritualists in the city and a bitter feeling has been engendered. To Feed Cotton-Seed Meal. J. XV.

Robinson, an extensive stockman of Hutler county, will feed his 500 cattle cotton-seed meal mixed in equal quantities with cracked wheat and corn meal. He bought eight carloads of cotton-seed menl to start with. tVonld ItouiKl Oat Ills Xante. Tev. K.

L. Bowman, A. LL. a negro of Kansas City, wants to be assistant United States district attorney not so much for the salary, but the title would round out his name so nicely. Iane Cnlversitf's ISew President.

Lane university at Lecompton has a new president, Dr. J. IJ. Droke, of Tennessee, He succeeds Dr. Charles M.

Brooke. Lane university is a United Brethren college. Honor for Mrs. Belle Kansas is entitled to one member on the woman's board of managers of the St. Louis world's fair and the honor will go to Mrs.

Belle Everest, of Atchison. A Kansas Prod art. Wilkerson, the tallest maw in the world, is a Kansas product. He was born and reared in Butler county. He is nine feet high and weighs 540 pounds.

The Conelentions Tasparer. In Barton county the assessors found only in cash. The statements of the banks show that there is $1,323,317.71 in cash on deposit in the county. Ilia Herniation on It. Prof.

Hash ford, a chemist of Chicago, who has been experimenting with the Trego county shale, stakes his professional reputation that" it con Poor "Why, pa, this is roast beef exclaimed III tie Willie at dinner on tlie evening when Mr. C'hunipleigh was present as the guest of honor. "Of course," said the father. "What of that?" "Why, you told ma this niorninf tht you vrrrc Roinj to Ininj- hom*o for dinner this evening." Philadelphia Press.

Kent for I he ltMTcl. No matter wiiat ails you. headache to a Attorney General Godard tele- grpphed from Washington that the land department decided the Fort IN WET WEATHER A WISE MAN TAKE UP NEW SEARCH. Hayes military reservation homestead cases in favor of Kansas, which will give the state clear title to all the WEARS cuiner, you will never gef well until your suffering womanhood." laird in the reservation. Sew Hooka toe Convict.

Dowels are pul MKlit. l.ascarets lielp nature, euro you without a K' ipti ar pain, produce easy, uaUiriil movements, eojt you just 10 cents to utart getting your Health back, t'usesrets 'andy Cutiuirlio, th, put up in nietul boxes, every lablt.t has 0. (J. Ktanipcd on it. Jicnure of imimtions.

Encouraged by (heir success in lier own Jlrs. Keys induced her mother, an old lady of 74 years, to use Dodd's Kidney Villa for her many Warden Jewett ordered $1.10 worth of books for the state prison library The money was derived from the con tributions of visitors and the ten aches and pains. Aoiv both mother and daughterrejoicein perfectfreedoni from illness or (suffering hied Is something neither had enjoyed for yean before. cents admission fee charged. Sew lee Plniiln.

OILP.D VYATER ROOF CLOTHING 61 AT ON tri LlM Am ice plant to cost $30,000 is tinder ICnon-lctTsr nml tpfrrh, "One nrrat trouble," said Uncle Klen, "is dat when a man is smaht tnoiigli to my any (if wuf hearin' he is bIko rnougli not to talk tnucb." JW. To Cars a oltl In On Vny Take f.stat;ve Uromo Quisir Tulilets. (lruguislsrofundmouey if It fulls ciire.2.rx;. way at Arkansas City and Wellington nip You Day Ronsnc uzi wia fHx You it llaltrnrlnn Start Oat to Find MIh Stone Cnptlv Hidden In Cellar. Sofia, Bulgaria, Oct.

20. Six young Bulgarians hnve banded themselves to search for Miss Stone, the American missionary, n'hd her enmpanion, Mme. Tsilkn, and with the consent of the Bulgarian authorities have left Samakov for Mehomia with this object in view. The absence of tiews about Mifls Stone has led to a revival of the report that she has already been killed and that the brigands hnve dispersed. mprlmineil In a Tellnr.

London, Oct. 29. A dispatch from Sofia says that travelers from Pausko state that M. Tsilka lately received a letter from his wife, who was abducted with Miss Kllen Stone, informing him that she and Miss Stone sre confined in a cellar. THE GENERAL MARKETS.

will erect a similar plant to cost TA KD 3l3TITUTe3 CATALOfiUK'Ji P- snowm pull uns orjAmifNTi AwrtArs 000. Each -will manufacture about Kaunas A.ti i owt-K ca. CUJ I UN. riAOS. CATTU4 Ee sitters 30 tons of Ice a dtiy.

Willi It tlie Beat. Nutivo Hlockern Wentern stefers BHKKP WIIKAT No. 2 hard No. 2 red Ity, Oct. 30.

ftp 6 43 ii it 4 2 75 61. i uii mj 2 50 4 on 67 7V 61 tov. Stanley will call the Kairens "world's fair commissioners together in a few days and urge them to make the Kansas exhibit the greatest of JOHN No. 2 OATH No. 2 mixed The sverags man's guardian'I han't tints to take vacation.

Cairat Daily News. TTule's Honey of Ilorehonnd and Tar relievos whooping cough, l'iks's Toothacue Drups Cure in one ninute. It is enny to corvine woman, will not stay convinced. Wanhingtou 'la.) Uemociat. 11VB No2 all the states.

Tlionuli Only Thirteen. Onto Cont Buys tho Bent whea oa subserlbs by tlw ynr for HQ Story fjo pur tun thnn on onn rh fir now, onr. riftbuM w.r)iti Uf rnicS auihurs iotirt P.rr, Itr.Kl noKv.lll. Ooji. KIUK Op llJ.

K. 11 ilil Kt mini A'li, tift4 't'liftiiflt, lrrn Ka'oelir. y.tin-k.i 'i I'Linua'Prtiin. Iinrr iJa.lnp l'ina 11.4 Jitllo I'rSlU Jitatmik All of tbaiMl fiihfi vnt f. bill mtmitilf riiuajidm III UM, KlHiiUt oop 11 tr.t -m tiurtm i.

Jm uua com iacA. Ill trinitf UOOK, 167 iNwrbvra htt-ie. i'lXt'H lard wh't patents. Soft wheat HAY-Tltnothy Donld G. Close, a 13-year-old at Hnnnewell, is one of the wonder's of that locality; He is 5 feet Prairie Tit! A Hacked liUTTKf I 'holce to 'HE(-Ji Full crtain 3 3 SO 2 Hv 3 10 it on (r13 14 1 10 17 BO 4 1 4 25 Hi 2 Of 4 6 71 Wl 2 7j 3 5 ui U.

PUTXAM r.MWATSH DVES color Wool or cotton perfectly st one boiling. Vanity guiss ol mode-tty for purpone. Jaiiy Mews. fOTATOKB Western 8 nd weighs 280 pounds. Kverr Will Be Welcome.

I On the evenings of November 5 and fi tWv. and Mrs. Stanley will give pub BT. l.OL'13. CATTLR Uwf A fion Kzploile Purt Ieavenworth.

Leavenworth, Oct. '29. I5y an explosion of a Colt's automatic firing gun at Fort Leavenworth yesterday Copt. Menolier and five men of the Twenty-eighth battery of field artillery were wounded, 1 hree severe-lj': The gun, a new one, was being tested and was allowed to become too hot, and when a fch'dl crime into the breach after firing the shell exploded, tearing out the breach, fragments of which struck nnd injurtxl the men. Texas steem lic informal receptions at the new ex JIOOH l-ar-kt-rs itfiAiiiiiis vv Titt.s iurjKrt to iilv anytkix-j 1.4 ns coi i.poi havj -ti I '1 I'iOV Atii K'iK.

PtH SiW AL.U bfllJTlTUTI.S Oil fllF.KP-Native Wintt-r pattiits WiliOAT No. 2 red. 72 til 724 it is f'OKN No. 2 OATS No. 2 II VK lil TTKKUnliy 1HY K.A f.T MKATS.

UAfO.M IttlUTI -PBESIQEHT-EMI1JIEY: "Neuttr, My Ttf. "IamiI. Klntll l-lght," r.te. ABSOLUTELY ggEE CHICAGO. i fir riVl i id, J22ua Sur wii 1t JH 2S it ft 6 'tf.

ti i.j 3 in (ii 7 i i 2 rn Ki f.fixerl tm'chero. A run Arrive from Kan Francisco, Oct. 2'J. The transport Mead arrived yesterday frojn Manila and Nagasaki with sol ecutive mansion. Ilarrla favors rannma ttonte.

In a recent interview nt Washington, Senator Harris declared his individual preference for the I'anama canal route. Santa Pe-Prlneo Vmrvhoup. The Santa Fe and Frisco railroads jointly purchased the line extending 60 miles from Arkansas City to Anthony. The price paid was It wili be operated for joint account of the Santa Fe and Frisco systems. Harris I rrri C'lark'a Claim.

Kenator Harris was at the white house wrging President Koosevelt to giif Cant. Adna O. Clark, formerly of the Twentieth Kansas, a lieuten-n'' commission in the regular diers, including nine companies of ML THE WORDS. ALL THE MUSIC. IV rlUt lor litem.

rMit tu a. I I I- i I iaul.ii on. tttm t2. coast artillery the Sixtieth, Sixty-first, Sixty-second, Sixty-third, Sixty-fourth, Sixty-fifth, Sixty-eighth, Sev rill' A'l. Avt.

IHInley Music 9. VOKK, 74 I C7'A f-HHKP Wcrtcrit Winter Jistents WHEAT No. red co*kX-No. 2 cats-No. 2 f.

LARI Octotx-r I'Ult jv4.m; KEtV VOIiK CATTLK Htf-rn HO'W WesU-rn HJIEEP WHEAT No. 2 red co*kN-No. 2 OATS-No. 2 tains no gold. He believes it.

will make paint and cement, hut says that It is of no other value. Leased Thousands Aeres. The city of Fort Scott has leased several thousand acres of land from nearby farmers upon which to drill tncov r.RY; r- fn.t-n. f.f r. w.

u. cnr k- A. riti, 4- N. lS8t nr.i vruiiiNC i Attti.ETi:t.- ri t-K that MW tMm 4wiIhmM ta entieth and Setenty-firM. The companies have een much active service in the Philippines.

A number of army officers came as cabin passengers on the Mead, which also brought a few discharged soldiers tnd 21 military prisoners. Tj Ki 75 ts i Hi 'J' 7Hi Ki tASLJ. tJ ,,4 Bwrt Jii.nh kynp. invto. CMM Kl for gas and oil, the city having recently Voted bonds far that purpose..

The Selden Independent from Selden, Kansas (2024)


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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.