The Colby Tribune from Colby, Kansas (2024)

THE TJttlBUNB. ANOTHER LETTER. Tho CcmrnissionorCivosSomo Pointers. COX AG RATION. Tho Most Dostructlvo Flro of This Generation.

and rain improted th3 voudition of wheat, gram a id oat wh c'i nr prte i growing rapul y. 1'lo igU and' aro arly completed cxtremo onion ff Minnesota. KHive raitw in oouth'-ast Eausa were doubth-H urif ivonib't; to corn and som-Mla iiag i miii had i tc xirt iu Teim sH' o. 'I bs fruit crop in all i tion wan iinpiovc'4 and i gen ral'y flno condition. The growing kiuii hi I favorably in New an I Sea Vork where grain, grass mil oil Tei'iw favorably alleet-d but inijr i r.iiu is ue-b.

in this section. sect ten of the country. Arrangements aw being made to have a force of deputy collectors and rvvtuue collectors on baud tu s-e that the laws are enforced an 1 th-it tho in. terotsof the got eminent are preened. Crossing the Strip.

Toi'kka, April from the southern ord five a vivil picture tf the trtart of eiiiijrai.ts. The reals are very i'jft, tho mud hu! deep. Uetwven cumpj at Arkansas City and tli fhto line thn road is nnm and fenv.l with h'-dgo i.ud burned wire. Many fauuiie slept the last jdtfht before tho sturt in their wagenj. in Hue tho deep mud.

Good order prt va led during ths night and during the first march. J'arties liavo bon permitted to co ahead and const met rudo bridges where cro-sin of streaiis was impossible without them, with tho privilege of charging a toll fee to tU'di wagon. A. WiiliiuiiB, from Chmtaurjua cojnty, with his wife nnd hva children, were lu the leading wagon. Dan Sikes, of Kingman, lend a ten wag com any from Kingman, and carried the American ring.

It was plainly seen fot miles. Meantime police olticers were looking for Sikes. to tell him the sad news that ins son, N. G. Sikes, had killed himself at Wichita.

Tho Arkansas City crowd the first night at Salt creek, fourteen nines south of tho state line. All along tho march, whenever a team was tuck in the mud, or other trouble wasex. jierienccd, volunteer assistance was promptly given. The tirst march was remarkable for the good order maintained and the cheerful acceptance and manly conquering of obstacles. Tho start from Arkansas City wa made at 8 o'clock a.

and from Caldwell two hours later. Tho Caldwell crowd had agreed to first occupy their claims before going to the laud cilice. United States Commissioner F. S. Rogers, with deputy inarhiils, have gone to Kingfisher to bo ready to open court in a tent ut once, upon tho arrival of the crowds.

Flro In a Special Train., April 20. The din-ingroom and kitchen car of Dr. Webb's special train narrowly escaped being consumed by firo. Fortunately the car was saved by Dr.

Webb's presence of mind. Tho train was nt Santa Monica, whero Webb, who is president of the Wagner sleeping-car service, and party, stopped for the night. While breakfast was being prepared, iu some manner lire broke out in the kitchen. Dr. Webb, who was in bed, sprimg to his feet and seizing an ax mounted the roof cutting through, thereby allowing the smoke to escape nnd thus saved the interior decorations from being destroyed.

The servant meanwhile extinguished the fire with water. The train was taken to the shops of tho Southern Pacific company, in this city, where the damage was partly repaired. In the meantime tho party drove about the city and left for the north later. The damage i estimated at about $2,000. Santa Fe Backers.

Topeka, April 20. A letter was received in this city engaging suits of rooms in the Hotel Throop for Hon. Thomas Baring, Colonel John J. McCook and G. C.

Magoun, of New York who will arrive in Topeka May 7, and remain several days. The letter was written by James W. Rein-hard, general auditor of the Chicago, Santa Fe California, tho Chicago, Kansas Western, the Gulf, Colorado Santa Fe, tho California Southern and California Central railways, at Boston. Baring Bros, are the famous New York and London capitalists COLBY, KANSA8. F.x.

Postmaster 1 1 tiry (I. Pearson, of Now York, is dead. 'J'lio "presi cni" win hitched to tho -t fruin 't of AikiuisaH City, and had ty pa-senger on II, J. llnrwi, of Hill City, in pretty mru of tiiKiiiitj)iciit a tpeeiul agent of the treasury department. day and tx- llanna Hatton-by, liarnuin's fat wnmnn, tliedla-t week, ml now li'T husband of thirty-years, liarnum's living hkelofon, lin1-Ursby is dying.

She weighed pounds lind left nu estate valued ut Two, nnd probably four dorks, who nie informed iih to tin; detailed work of a local laud olllco, havii Is-cn i t. by th'i general land olllco to Guthrio and KitiytUhtT station ill Oklahoma, to ttsnirit the local land Tho basis of tho hint ruling excluding whisky from Oklahoma, in that it in nur-rounded by "Indian country," and tho liquor cannot roach there without passing through such prohibited territory. A good horse, Hupioscd to ho extra fast, brought at Purcell. It was hcniirht by towns! to manager who wanted to reach a certain location iirst. 'J hero was groat tic lnand for fast horses.

At Kansas City Union depot, tho boon crowds wore so great that it was almost, impossible to start a regular tram filled with parties holding local tickets. Special trans followed immediately. A rumor by tho way of Fort Smith nay! that a coach on tho Hoiilheru hol der of )kla-lioma, tin tho hanks tif tho Cnnadian river, had been robbed its, passengers hold as prisoners, and tho coach burned. There aro combinations forming among tho Okhihomneuiigrutit*, with mutual agree-mont that they will stand by each other in occupying claims on the "Outlet" alter failing to get claims oil tho lauds opened foi KCttlemerit. An attempt was made to burn the Santa Fo freight depot at Wichita.

It was frus-tratod by tho night watchman. Tho entire end of tho building was saturated with coal oil and a mulch touched. Tho loss is lilit. There is no duo to tho incendiaries. A party of thirty boomers from Texan, Louisiana and other noiithom states, who had trespassed on kliihoinn lands, have taken prisoners by deputy marshals after a light, in which ono marshal and coven rough wore wounded; two of tho latter probably fatally hurt.

An attempt to pot firo to tho United State? National bank block at Atchison was discovered just in titno. The arrangements for ho fire had been carefully made, and there would have been little chance of saving tho building had tho night watchman not discovered it as ho did. Reuben Pardon rmd Thomas Dnnsby, two of tho men convicted by tho United States circuit court, at Little Hook, for violating tho election laws at tho election last November, have been sentenced by Judge Brewer, tho lirst named to llvo years in the penitentiary ami tho last to pay a lino of Tho enso of B. Hughes, for embezzlement, has been dismissed in tho Shawnee county district court on motion of the ci unity attorney, who stated that a caso could not bo mado against Dr. Hughes in tho faco of tho statement mado by Mrs.

Mowrcy, the complaining witness, that she gave the money to Dr. Hughes to uso upon his own in procuring tho pardon of her son. Anold scout, Captain Crawford, says: "Tho new coniors outnumber tho old boomers ten to one, and will bo as well prepared to defend them wives as American citizens, nnd all tho killing that; will take plaeo will bo tho slaughter of a few outlaws from the border who have been enabled to terrorize few jH'oplo in some scant ily settled country, but who will got killed oil' in Oklahoma ns quick ns they turn up." Tho president mado tho following appointments April lit: Solon W. Stocking, of Onondaga, N. to bo an examiner in chief in tho patent olUeo.

Kalph W. Wheeler, of Mitchell, Dakota, receiver of public ironies nt Mitchell, Dakota. Harrison Kelley, of Jacksonville Oregon, receiver of public monies at Drewsey, Oregon. James Ilnydcn, of Olynipiu, W. receiver of public monies nt Seattle.

Lillian J. Miles, of West Branch, Iowa, agent for Indians of tho Osage agency in the Indian Territory, James G. Hatchitt, of Frankfort, a special agent to ntako allotments of lands in severalty to Indians, act of congress approved February 8, Morris D. Wick-crshain. of Alabama, to be attorney of tho Unites States, for tho southern district of Alabama.

Better Than Oklahoma. neres of tho choicest land in tho San Luis Valley, in Southern Colorado, all under fence, water-rights secured and ditches ready for use. It will bo sold as a whole or in quantities to unit the purchaser. It is the finest land in tho valley, and is adapted to cither farming or stock-raising, For price, terms, address Henry A. UtrnEKS, Alamosa, Colorado.

(iHNKUAI. MAUKKTS. Kansas Citt, April 23. CArTLE-Shliu'inB Moure i IV i lltmga steeis none offered lIMi-4iiKHt to choice 4 4W HHKKP-tio-id muttons 4 05 4 40 BEAT- No. 2 red md No.

2mft no bids tXIKN No. 2 no bids OATS No. 2 no bids mi bids KliOUK-rntents, rereads 2 SO 2 40 llAY-Hidod SN) 4 00 HUTrF.K-t 23 tfi 2.t t'BKKSlv-Full crwuu ll'i KtitiS-Choice liACON-llam lta POULTKY-llcn 8 00 8 25 KiKwter 2 25 Tmkejs 10 124 WTATOCS-lloiiw grown 15 'JO tllKAOO. CATTIJv Ktoore HtHiS-Mixwl 8 fi 4 15 8 65 (6 4 iS 8 M) 5 S5 FIjOI inter wluat BW 6 25 WllKAT-No. 2 rt OATS-No.

2 22 ItYK 2 40 i HI 21 ft 23 l-Jiti Fiwli a lo l-OKK- FT. I-OllS. CATTLE Na! ive st.r Fair to h1 to choice VHRT-XK2rd UKN-No. 2 2 ttlTTKK-CrvainerT it'llK Jl'ljOiEj? 8 80 (i 4 4rt 4 lO 4 45 4 US 1 I "i 43 23 6 25 1250 Now York Central Losoia Million nnd a Half--Half a Million of Pro-vltlons--Two Vantltirbllt Elovatora --Croat Losh of Llfo In FairbanK's Larct Huflncry. Xrw Youk, A ril 112.

Tho biggest and fiercest liro New York hits witnessed in thin ncratiou swept tho bank of the North river clear from Fifty-ninth street to what would bo Sixty-fifth street if that street rim to tho river. It destroyed more than a million and a half of proierty belonging to tho New York Central railroad and half a million dollars worth of lard, flour and tho like, be longing to other rsons, notably N. K. Fairbauk, tho great Chicago lard merchant, Tho Haines destroyed the two bi elevators A and of tho Vauderbilt system, and a big brick building retching from Fifty-uinth to Sixtieth street, and tiecupied jointly by tho Fairbimk lard refinery and Rosetor's stores, and wijied out tho dock property of the New York Central Bailroad xystem from Fifty-ninth to ist Sixty-ninth street, At least ouo nan was killed in hin headlong (light from the lire at theliiv.t outbreak. A number wore injured jumping: from windows of tho burning building, but in tho wild turmoil no account was kept of them.

'1 he fire broke tint in the northeast comer tif tho Fairbanks refinery where workmen were busy at tho time setting up a now cooling apparatus. Tho 'fire started no one knows how, nnd probably no ono ever will know. Soaked in greaso as tho old building was, it, was allaino in an instant. From thu ground the firo swept upward to tho roof almost with tho speed of thought. Tho men at work in every story dropped their tools and ran to save their lives.

Tho staircase formed a glowing chimney, throwing out tiro through tho tloor. Tho windows presented tho only means of escae. I'nrsu close by (lames, men (lung themselves out by scores headlong and behind them burst out tho (lames. How many were there, no ono could tell. Those who enine out wcro picked up by their friends.

Shuddering to think that some might have been left, crying wives and mothers crowded tho police lines shouting for their husbands and sons and hogging for nows of thorn. They were turned back and bidden to look in tho throngs for thoso they nought. Next came tho two N. Central elevators worth with contents worth or tnore. Ingalls' Opinion.

Atchinhon, April 211. Senator In-jtul'iB is reported as having said. "My opinion is that some form of civil government will bo instituted immediately by thoso about to enter upon the Oklahama lands. A political organisation is inevitable and tho preliminary movements hevo probably been agreed upon, and 1 presume an election will bo held this fall that will send a delegate who ill demand admission to the lower house of congress. It will bo exceedingly dillieult to prevent tho ovorllow of surplus population upon tho adjacent Indian reservation this summer and serious complications aro likely to follow.

Unless there is extraordinary self restraint great disorder and violonco in likely to attend tho movement now in progress and it will not bo surprising if tho result is not ono of tho greaio4 tragedies of tho century. Tho ultimate extinction of all tho Indian titles except those of the five civilized tribes is an absolulo Ci'rtHiuty. The Cherokees, tho Choctaw, tho Chickasaw and theSemiuoles hold the. lands which they distinctively occupy by patents from tho government of the United States. They have a language, a literature and a political and social system of thoir own which has been guaranteed by treaty and hich can not bo disturbed without their consent." Four Adjoining Townsltes.

Washington, D. April 2U. The following communication has been received by tho president and tho secretary of tho in-'erior: "Tho umlorsignod, by authority of anio'jf-ing of 1,1.00 jiersons intending in good faith to become citizens of tho proposed city of Outline, Indian territory respectfully show that it is conservatively estimated that by Apiil '2'2, there will bo over possibly persons to beconij citizens of Guthrie; that the reservation of only 82!) acres for town site for said city is totally inadequate, giving a lot of 4.200 square feetta less than one-half of said persons; that under section revised statutes of tho United States, though not applying this number of persons would be entitled to acres. We thercforo respectfully liotit ion in behalf of said persons as tho only way which suggests itselt to said meeting to meet the exigencies of tho case, that tho honorable secretary may permit tho entry tif four contingent town sites of 820 acres each, and that they niny be named, respectively, Guthrie, North Guthrie, Smith Guthrie nnd East Guthrie, wheh would give to said citizens only one-half the land to which they would be entitled under said section State of Trade. Nfw York, April G.

Dun weekly review of trade says: Most of the indications usually considered of vital importance point to a genuine improvement in business; rather an in-creaso of transactions than in profit. Crop prosjx'cts brighten. Steady lower prices result in largely increased expenditures. Money is abundant. The treasury is pouring out freely, and.

there are no signs of pressure from Railroad earnings are increased and payments through the banks ca11)-. Wheat is but shade lower and corn a littie higher than a week The rapid approach of another harvest, with ru unsold surplus in excess of nil probable demands seems to to not far from 40.000,-000 bushels July 1, is a nuftlcient cause of depression in wheat. The general overajjo of Iirices are a shade lower th in a week tcco. Ixjiorts of merchandise improve and for two works of April have been 20l3 per cent larger than last year.

The bimnes failures number 24, a ngain-t a total of lift week, 222 tho week previous, or the corresponding week last year ths figures were BV5. Official Crop Bulletin. AVashinotgx, D.C., April i. The weather luring the week pa-t ha lcen generally favorable for prow ins crop in'nllseot us. The crop conditions were improved throught the cott jn region by the abundant rain in that ectin where the report indicate that the cotton is nearly all planted.

Drought condition were also succeeded by rain in tho Ohio valley where the croj are reported a preatly improved, but more rain i nevded in Kentucky, Ohio Indiana. Gvnenuly throughout th? winUr and spring wheat sate warm wcatbir wi.h excessive sunshine Tho Law Must Covern Without Reference to Superior Equlties--Two Ways; Doth Leual Flle First or Settle First; and Take Chances. Washington, D. Aj if. Coir.mis-nioner Stocki-lagcrlia made public a letter concerning homestead rettlcr in O''iim addressed to Mr.

D. D. Ihdstcud, l'urcell, I. T.j "In reference to a memorandum five received from you under the date of tho 12th inst. I have to statu that it is not usual to answer hypothecal questions, but In view of the anomalous conditions ail'cct-ing tho public lands in Oklahoma, I will state us follows, 'z: "One A person desiring to become an actual settler under the homestead laws may initiate his claim by entry at the district land ofllco after properly selecting and examining the land desired, in which case he is ul-lowed six months from dfit'j of entry within which to establish his actual residwiico on the land, or if he so elect Ii may initiate his claim by actual settlement on the laud which may consist of some act or acts connecting himself with the particular tract claimed, said act to be equivalent to an announcement of uii and from which the people generally may have notice of his claim.

Thereafter ho is allowed three months to maVo his claim of record by entry ut the district land olllee. Which of these two methods should be chosen is a matter for the party's election according to their circuuiFtaiices." "Two und Throe Of two bonafido settlers or claimants the ono whoso settlement is prior in time, will have the super' right when the inception of tho claim is simultaneous that is at tho same time precisely the legal right is legal and tho question can not be decided according to the equities and the land awarded to tho party having the superior equities, if any; If none, then it has Iioen tho practice to put the land up between the claimants nnd to award the right of entry to the one bidding the highest for the privilege. "Fourth-In the act of March 2, 1889, that 'until satd lands nre ojiened for settlement by tho proclamation of the president no person shall be iiermitted to enter upon and occupy tho same, and any person violating this provision shall never bo permited to enter any of said lands or acquire any right The president's proclamation of March 21i; calls attention especially to this provision and directs that it be strictly enforced. (See circular of April 1, 1889, copy enclosed). "Fifth I am not prepared in advance of a case arising to give nn opinion as to what particular act or acts will be conisder-ed a violution of the law in this respect." Concerning Passes.

Washington, D. April 20. The interstate commerce commission has ordered a largo number of eastern ruilroad companies to appear befor them at their ottiee in this city on the 3d of May next, to answer nnd set forth before the commission the persons and classes of persons, if any, to whom each of them, respectively have issued free passes or free transportation to persons other than its own officers or employes and the officers and employes of other railroad companies, and all the conditions and limitations connected therewith in each instance, and how they do this branch of their business. The order of the commission in this instance also says: "As it is intended to make this investigation full and complet3, each of said carriers will save them and exjiense by bringing with' it from its records a true nnd correct list of the names of all persons, if any, to whom it has issued free passes or free transportation, who are not its own orHcers or employes or the orHcers or employes of other railroad companies, betweon November 1, 1888, and the time of such investigation, if any of them have done such business, with an explanation as to how and why this was done in each instance; and each of said carriers will at that time be expected and required by the Interstate Commerce commission to present sued a list as aforesaid for the purpose of said investigation and to verify the same by proper proof; and the said investigation will relate to the details of all this kind of business as done by each of said carriers." Maybe a Kansas Man. Little Rock, April A dead man was found in Fourche bayou, some fi ve miles south tif this city, near the Valley Route railroad bridge over that stream.

The body proved to be that of a white man, apparently well dressed in black corkscrew clothes, with blue overalls over his pantaloons. The body was in an advanced stage of decomposition from at least a month's decay in the water, thereby rendering it impossible to any description of the fase being given. There was found on the body $32 in coin, a draft of drawn by George, F. Jordan, cashier of the Sherman county bank, Good-land bearing date of February 2.1, I8i) in favor of F. 15.

Stone on the National Exchango Bank of Kansas City, Mo. Besides theso articles there were found a railway ticket from Melvern to Little Rock, a card of tho New Richmond hotel, Hot Springs, a printed baggage check issued by the Kansas City Union Depot company to Hot Springs, No. 24lkJ. Owing to the condition of the body the coroner bad it buried on the bank of the stream. About a month ago Magistrate E.

A. Fulton of this city was a passenger on an incoming train and he saw a man jump off this bridge and sink. It i supposed it was the man whose body was found. Whisky In Oklahoma. Washington, D.

April 20. Mr. Mason, commissioner of internal revenue, has decided that under the recent act of congress and the proclamation of the president in relation to Oklahoma, it ceases to be "Indian country" and that special tax stamps may he sold to wholesale and retail liquor dealers to engage in business there under the same terms and regulations as in other states and territones in the United States. By previous act of congress it wa provided that no ardent spirit should be introduced into the "Indian by the authority and under the contrel of the secretary of war. The Indian territory has heretofore been considered as "Indian country." but the commissioner hold that the covernment having purchased the interest of the Indian tribes in the Oklahoma coun- latter can no lonir be considered an "Indian country." and that the general law upon that subject doe not now apply to Oklahoma.

The effect of this decision will be to allow wholesale and retail liquor dealt rs to purchase sptcialtax stamps in UkLkhoma undtr the some terms as in ether The Centonni-il parado. Nkw Yonif, April Souio iudi'Mitiom of th' intori'st felt In ro in parado is furninhnd in tho following fmM. Dcspito tho effort of tluj-nj in ch iroof tho arlair, oculator have mtnirit ticljoi t- th- inuin grand wtatul in bi.nche of fro-u twi-nty-the to2. Tho provailin prii-j is from $Hto flO is ticket, but the ilder an waiting untill the cro.d i her-, wlwn thy ex (met i'I1 tiekot at each. J'araii Sun-en olb rel to al'ow aspec dutor to a sta id in front of her Inn) if In- would pavaha 1 1-h mo con ration and allow th u'j of the stand for herself and fricml.

A iri'o wind iw opjiosite tho Brunswick Jhoud wat sold for tho lir-t (lay parado tor In half an hour the purchaser ha 1 an offer of $1,0 Ji) for it, A gentleman who hires a building on Broadway just above Fourteenth street for said to-day that lu had rented his windows facing liroalway for enough to pay his rent for tho year, Cherokee Negotiations. Wasijinuto.v, D. April 22. Secretary Noble is anxious tohavo the negotiations for tho purchase of tho Cherokee outlet begin us early as possible, but there uro several preliminaries to be ai range 1 before the commissioners can profitably set out. Tho data being prepared by tho interior department embraces all the laws and treaties governing tho relations of tins gov ernment with tho tribes to bo dealt with.

It will take several week for th commissioners to digest this mass of information after it is made ready, and in addition ambassadors will probably huvo to be sent into tho Indian country to apprise tho Indians that the com mission is coining, so that thoy may think over possible propositions and bo ablo to come to a decision promptly. Tho "outlet" contains acre and i three times larger than "Oklahoma Booming the Maxwell Grant. Kansas Cm, April 28. Three land agents representing a large private land company of Chicago passed through the city on tho way to Wichita where they will confer with ton otheragentsof the com pany. Thoir object is to go to l'urcell, Kingfisher and other points in the territory, watch the land-hungry people arriving and guide those who have money but cannot se cure homesteads in Oklahoma toward Raton, N.

and then sell to thorn laud in tho Maxwell land grant, which is almost iu largo tract as tho Okbihomacountry. Whltelaw Reid Retires. New Youk, April 22. Whetelaw Reid having taken office abroad under tho government, retires herewith from tho editorship and direction of tho Tribune. It is understood that tho mauagomcnt of tho paper will be loft for tho present in the hands of Mr.

Donald Nicholson and stall', who have been so long connected with and it is hoped that Colonel John Hay, who has heretofore taken general editorial supervision of the Tribuno when Mr. Ree was absent, will bo able on his return from his summer trip to do the same again. Problem of Transportation. Chicago, 111., April 28. E.

H. Davie, J. AY. Heveey and 1'. II.

l'ernot will have tho second issue of tlarir papsr ready to distribute to residents of Guthrie. Tho first issue is printed, tho work beinz done in Chicago, and it was distributed on tho grounds Monday. Type, presses and material are on their way. How tho amount of materials which people are collecting is to arrive at Guthrio tit once to be handled by tho railroad company is incomprehensible. Minneapolis Strlk9.

Minneapolis, Apr 1 28. The dis orderly part of the street car strike seems to have besrun. Strikers nnd their sympa thizers are engaged in toiringup tho track on nearly all tho lines in the outlying districts. As fast as police can assemble to protect the company property at one point tho mob seeks another and continues the work of destruction. Tho polico force is wholly inadequate to tho protection of tho street railway property.

A Verdict of Acquittal. Indianapolis, In April 22. In tho fed- eral court in tho case of ex-Senator Carpenter, of Shelby, indicted for bribery nt tho last election, the jury returned a verdict of acquittal without leaving the room. Tho court (Judge Wood) instructed the jury that if they found any other verdict than not guilty, it would have to set it aside. Mr.

Carpenter was expelled from the senate of the late legislature on tho charge of which ho was acquitied. The 700 Safe. Copenhagen, April 28. A telegram from Lisbon to tho United Steamship company announces the safety of the crew and passengers of thj steamer Danmnrk. Tho good tiding reached Lisbon from the Azores.

It is stated that every one who was on flu Danmnrk is safe and that only an engineer wa injured. Some of the passenjets arrived nt Lisbon. A number are on t.ieir ay to New York and tho remainder are still at tho Azores. Died at Saa. Washington, D.

April 28. Captain Farquahar in a disi ntcli dated on the Trenton at soa, January 16. (while on her way to Samoa) reports the death of lay Clerk H. 1). Alexauder of that vessel from yellow fever on the night of January 15.

His disease wa in the line of duty from necessary exposure on shore rt mama, while receiving stores from New York at the railway station. Arrival of th3 Uma llla. San Fkaxcisco. At ril 28. The steamer Umatilla has arrived, eight days from Honolulu, having on loard Lieutenant Louis Ripley and twenty-nine injured men of the I'uit-isl State stetmer Vandalia and Trenton, who were leit at Honolulu by thest a n-ship Alai.ed i.

which an mil last week. were transferred to the hospital at Mare Inland navy yard. The Lexington Anniversary. Boston. April 22--Thj 114th aim vorsary of the Kittle of Lexington.

was eolerbatod here. Salutes were tired aa the church 111 rung at sunrise. Service were held in the town her a--lJreeo were n.ade ly R.r. LM.vard Everett Hale other. who are said to be backing the Santa Fo and who seem from this to intend to be rep-resehted at the annual meeting of the stock, holders of the Santa Fe in May.

Masked Highwayman. St. Joseph, April 20. The masked highwayman act was played at Saxton station siz miles east of this city. William Kumpf, who owns the general store nt that placo was sitting chatting with Henry Butler and George Bailey when two masked men with a revolver in each hand entered nnd commanded then to hold up their hands.

One robber covered them while the other went through their clothes and tho cash drawer. The three men wene then made to stand with their faces to the wall until ordered to look around. While they were in this position the robbers escaped. Kumpf lost SCO, Butler a gold watch and Bailey a gold watch and 51. This is the third robbery of this kind within a month at Saxton.

No One Knows Wnich Train Will Start First. Topeka, April 20 Tha Santa Fe's programme for transportation is this: Fifteen trains will bo at the depot at Arkansas City. No one is to know which train starts first. At a given hour the train dispatcher will signal tho number of the train which is to start. Not even an engineer or conductor is to know the order in which his train is to move.

This system will be continued until the crowd is for. Every sido track from Wichita to Guthrie is filled with freight ears loaded for Guthrie. Ail freight and cattle trains are abandoned between Wichita and Guthrie to give place to passengers. Wellington Wind. Weijjnqtox, April 19.

One of tho most terrific wind and rainstorms that! ever visited Sumner county struck this sec tion lasting about fifty minutes. In the northern part of the county and in the vicinity of Rome, seven miles south of this city it hailed fiercely and the stones nre rejiorted as beingof unusual size. Fruit trees are bereft of branches and in many instances totally stripped and destroyed. Besides there was quite a damage to growing Arops. In this city the wind and rain created much havoc.

A few buildings were blown down and some unroofed. Many awning and small buildings were destroyed and much damage will ensue from flooding. Ballot Box Robbers on Trial. LirrLaRoTK, April 20. The trial of William Palmer, Thomas Hervey andWm.

Hobbs, judges of election, who are charged with interfering with the congressional election at Plummerville last November, has began in the United States circuit court. The theft of the ballot box by masked men before the votes were counted and the assassination ot John'MAClayton are features in the case, and the court room as crowded with spectators. They Were Not Working For Glory. Lincoln, April 20. The state live stock sanitary commission met in this city and decided to discontinue its qs xi-tenee.

The failure of the iepslat-ire to any approvrlHien for itssnpr-ort wa. tne grounds for this action. The stat is left Tactically without protection from the contagion and epiJercks to whkh domestic auvaiils aro rabject..

The Colby Tribune from Colby, Kansas (2024)


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Article information

Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Views: 6052

Rating: 4 / 5 (51 voted)

Reviews: 82% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

Phone: +5931039998219

Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.