Resources and Support for Older Adults Living Alone: A Comprehensive Guide (2024) (2024)

Sep 29, 2023

Fact Checked

We put together a comprehensive guide of resources for older adults living alone, empowering them to thrive independently and access essential services

Written by: Lauren Sherman, MS

Medical Reviewer Christopher Norman, MSN, APRN, APHN-BC, GNP-BC

Reviewed By: Kathleen Cameron, BSPharm, MPH

Key Takeaways

  • A variety of organizations offer programs and services tailored to the needs of older adults, including financial assistance, health care support, and social engagement opportunities.
  • Resources, such as the Eldercare Locator and the National Directory for Home Modification and Repair, provide valuable information and connections to local resources.
  • Programs, like Meals on Wheels, ensure access to nutritious meals and social support for older adults living alone.
  • Medical alert systems and technological tools can enhance safety and provide peace of mind for older adults living independently.

As we age, living alone can present various challenges, including social isolation, limited access to essential services, and potential health risks. Approximately 27% of U.S. adults age 60 and older were living alone in 2020, according to the Pew Research Center, and this number is projected to increase as the baby boomer generation reaches retirement age. [1]Ausubel, Jacob. Older People are More Likely to Live Alone in the U.S. Than Elsewhere in the World. Pew Research Center website. March 10, 2020. Found on the internet at

As the population of older adults continues to grow, so does the number of people who choose to live independently as they age. [2]Molinsky, Jennifer. The Number of People Living Alone in Their 80s and 90s in Set to Soar. Joint Center for Housing Studies. March 10, 2020. Found on the internet at Our Reviews Team has provided a comprehensive guide to the various programs, services, and organizations catering to the needs of older adults living alone. By highlighting the importance of community engagement, social connections, and access to essential services, this guide demonstrates how specific organizations and tools can help older adults successfully age in place.

What to consider to age in place successfully

Older adults living alone (and those who support them) have a unique (but common) set of concerns to take into consideration, such as finances, medication management, activities of daily living, transportation, housekeeping, food, health care, and social engagement. [3]Aging in Place: Growing Older at Home. National Institute on Aging website. Found on the internet at


Finances can be a significant issue for older adults living alone. Nearly 22 million Americans age 60 and older are experiencing financial insecurity. This financial vulnerability can impact your ability to access essential resources and services. Some of the most common financial concerns faced by older adults include budgeting on a fixed income, planning for retirement, and handling the pressure of increasing health care costs. [4]Ruscin, J. Mark and Linnebur, Sunny A. Aging and Medications. Merck Manual website. Updated November 2022. Found on the internet at

Fortunately, there are many effective ways to navigate these challenges. For example, you can meet with a financial advisor to discuss your budget and plans for the future. You may be able to access free or low-cost financial planning through:

Medication Management

Medication management is another top concern for older adults. Data show almost 90% of older adults regularly take at least one prescription drug, while almost 80% take at least two, and 36% take at least five. [5]Ruscin, J. Mark and Linnebur, Sunny A. Aging and Medications. Merck Manual website. Updated November 2022. Found on the internet at

Adhering to medication regimens can be challenging, leading to potential risks and complications. In 2017, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated one in five prescription medications were never filled, and among those that were filled, 50% were taken incorrectly. [6]Neiman, Andrea B., et al. CDC Grand Rounds: Improving Medication Adherence for Chronic Disease Management—Innovations and Opportunities. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. Nov. 17, 2017. Found on the internet at

Here are some tips to help you manage your medication(s) safely and ensure that you’re taking them as prescribed:

  • Tell your physician about any medications you’re currently taking. Ask about potential side effects and drug interactions. If you experience any side effects, let your health care provider know right away.
  • Clear out a single space for your medications. This will help to ensure you aren’t forgetting anything or mixing anything up.
  • Use a pill organizer to keep track of all of your medications. Next to the organizer, keep a list of everything you take (including dosages).
  • Consider using a smartphone app or alarm to help you remember when to take each medication.
  • Ask a family member, spouse, or caregiver to help you if necessary.

Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)

Activities of Daily Living are essential tasks older adults need to perform independently to maintain their daily routines and quality of life. ADLs include bathing, dressing, eating, toileting, and mobility. [7]Edemekong, Peter F., et al. Activities of Daily Living. StatPearls Publishing. Updated Nov. 19, 2022. Found on the internet at Aging adults living alone may face challenges in carrying out these activities.

Assistive devices, like grab bars, shower chairs, and mobility aids, can enhance safety and independence, and occupational and physical therapists can provide evaluations and training to improve skills for performing ADLs. Amy Reid, director of marketing at Accessible Systems, a Lifeway Mobility Company, a home modification and accessibility equipment company in Englewood, Colorado, offered advice for those aging in place. “Make an accessibility plan and start executing that plan before it is needed.” She recommended starting in the bathroom, where falls are more than twice as likely to result in an injury compared to falls in the living room. [8]Stevens, Judy A., et al. Circ*mstances and Outcomes of Falls Among High Risk Community-Dwelling Older Adults. Injury Epidemiology. Found on the internet at

“We offer integrated grab bars, which are combination towel racks or toilet paper holders that also function as grab bars.” She also advised making sure any initial home evaluation you obtain from a home modification company like hers is free. “Do not let a company charge you for that service.” Most reputable companies will offer this service at no cost. A home assessment by an occupational therapist is also a Medicare benefit when it is done through a referral from a physician.


Transportation directly impacts your ability to access essential services (especially health care), maintain social connections, and engage in community activities, so it’s an important consideration as we age. According to a survey, more than one in five Americans 65 and older don’t drive, and 600,000 people stop driving every year. [9]Transportation Needs and Assessment. National Aging and Disability Transportation Center. December 2018. Found on the internet at

Yet, access to transportation is key to aging in place for those who live alone. [10]Heath, Sara. What Are the Top Common Social Determinants of Health? TechTarget Xtelligent Healthcare Media. Aug. 9, 2017. Found on the internet at The same survey also found 40% of older adults can’t do the activities or chores they need to get done because they don’t have transportation, leaving them feeling isolated and frustrated, which are risk factors for depression.

Depending on your location, there may be a variety of transportation options for older adults in your area. Examples may include:[11]

  • Public transit, such as buses, light rail, and/or subway systems
  • Paratransit (door-to-door) transportation services
  • Volunteer driver services
  • Taxi services and rideshare apps
  • Reduced-rate transportation services and voucher programs

To find any of the above options in your area, reach out to your local area agency on aging (AAA).


Maintaining a clean and organized living environment can boost your mental and physical health, including a decrease in stress, reduction in tripping hazards, improvement in overall health, and increase in independence. [10]How to Help Seniors Organize Their Homes. Companions for Seniors. Oct. 21, 2019. Found on the internet at But physical limitations or health conditions may make it challenging for older adults to perform household tasks independently.

Gadgets like robot vacuum cleaners, long-handled dusters, grabber tools, and electric scrubbers may make it easier for you to complete household tasks on your own. If you need extra help, consider hiring an occasional housekeeping service or accessing in-home care to help you keep your environment spick and span.


Adequate nutrition plays a key role in maintaining physical strength, managing chronic conditions, and preventing malnutrition. Older adults may face challenges obtaining and preparing nutritious meals due to physical limitations, transportation barriers, or limited access to grocery stores. It’s estimated at least half of older adults living at home need nutritional intervention to improve their health, and 85% have one or more chronic diseases, which could improve with correct nutrition. [13]Cristina, Neri Maria and Lucia, d’Alba. Nutrition and Healthy Aging: Prevention and Treatment of Gastrointestinal Diseases. Nutrients. Nov. 30, 2021. Found on the internet at

When it comes to adequate nutrition, here are a few tips to keep in mind as you get older:[14]

  • Prioritize lean meats, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts, seeds, eggs, seafood, and dairy.
  • Drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration.
  • Steer clear of food and drinks with lots of “empty calories,” such as sugary sodas.
  • Eat aromatic, colorful foods–such as brightly colored fruits and vegetables–if you’re having trouble tasting and/or smelling your meals.
  • Ask your healthcare provider about meeting with an occupational therapist if you’re having trouble shopping for groceries, cooking, or feeding yourself independently.

Health Care

Regular medical care, preventive screenings, and timely management of chronic conditions are essential. [15]6 Essential Health Screenings for Older Adults. Saber Healthcare Group. Nov. 20, 2021. Found on the internet at Unfortunately, many aging adults face barriers, such as lack of full health insurance, poor access to transportation, and limited health care resources, which prevent or limit access to needed health care services. [16]Access to Health Services. Healthy People 2030. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, OASH. Found on the internet at

Here are a few steps you can take to stave off chronic conditions and stay healthy as you get older:[17]

  • Go to a check-up at least once each year. If you have a chronic disease, you may need to see a healthcare provider more often. Consider setting up remote visits, when available, if you find it difficult to get to in-person appointments.
  • Ask your healthcare provider about the appropriate preventative screenings for people of your age and sex. If you don’t have a reliable way to get to your medical appointments or aren’t sure how to pay for them, let your provider know. They may be able to point you toward available resources in your area.
  • Prioritize getting a good night’s rest by going to sleep at the same time every night, turning off electronics at least an hour before bedtime, and keeping your bedroom quiet, dark, and cool.
  • Aim for at least 150 minutes of exercise per week.
  • Reduce stress through mindfulness techniques, such as meditation, as well as deep breathing exercises.
  • Limit your alcohol intake.
  • Quit smoking.
  • “Train your brain” and protect your cognitive health through reading and writing, playing logic games, or completing crossword puzzles.

Social Engagement

Social engagement plays a significant role in your overall quality of life. An advisory from U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy reported loneliness is associated with a greater risk of cardiovascular disease, dementia, stroke, depression, anxiety, and premature death. Murthy wrote: “The mortality impact of being socially disconnected is similar to that caused by smoking up to 15 cigarettes a day.” [18]Murthy, Vivek H. Our Epidemic of Lonliness and Isolation: The U.S. Surgeon General’s Advisory on the Healing Effects of Social Connection and Community. United State’s Public Health Service. 2023. Found on the internet at

Maintaining social connections and participating in community activities can help combat feelings of isolation and loneliness. By actively participating in social engagement opportunities, older adults can experience improved mental well-being, a sense of belonging, and an enriched social life. [19]Garcia, Edward. Social Connection in Older Age. American Society on Aging: Generations Journal. Oct. 19, 2022. Found on the internet at

“Even the act of learning how to use technology—and helping others use it—has great cognitive benefits too!” said Christopher Norman, a geriatric nurse practitioner based in New York State.

If you’re not sure where to start, consider building social connections by:

  • Reaching out to old friends or colleagues on social media or through an alumni association
  • Volunteering in your community
  • Joining a club focused on an activity or hobby you enjoy
  • Taking a class for older adults at a local community college
  • Setting aside time each week to spend with loved ones, whether in person, on the phone, or via video chat

Resources for older adults living alone

Although there may be challenges to living alone as you age, many resources exist to help. We’ve detailed 12 specific organizations and tools we find particularly noteworthy and helpful:


The National Council on Aging (NCOA) is a leading organization dedicated to improving the lives of older adults in the United States. We offer a wide range of services and resources specifically designed to support older adults living alone. NCOA’s programs include health promotion, economic security, and social engagement.

The NCOA BenefitsCheckUp® is a valuable resource designed to help older adults identify potential benefits and programs they may be eligible for based on their individual circ*mstances. This tool assists in accessing benefits, such as prescription drug assistance, energy assistance, and nutrition programs. Additionally, NCOA’s Center for Healthy Aging provides evidence-based health promotion programs, which address chronic conditions, falls prevention, and medication management. The NCOA Falls Free CheckUp® allows you to periodically check your falls risk and learn how to reduce it.

Through the organization’s advocacy efforts, NCOA also works to improve policies and programs that directly impact the lives of older adults living alone. By championing initiatives related to health care, economic security, and access to essential services, NCOA plays a pivotal role in shaping policies to support aging adults’ independence and welfare.


AARP, formerly known as the American Association of Retired Persons, is a nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering and improving the lives of people age 50 and older. AARP provides a range of resources, programs, and advocacy efforts, which can benefit older adults living alone.

The organization offers a robust information and support network with valuable resources on topics like health conditions, finances, social security, and Medicare. The website offers articles, guides, and tools specifically tailored to the needs of older adults, providing them with valuable information to make informed decisions and navigate various aspects of their lives.

Working to protect the rights and interests of older adults, AARP advocacy addresses issues such as Social Security, Medicare, and age discrimination, ensuring the voices and needs of older adults are represented at local, state, and national levels.

With a yearly membership starting at $12 per year, AARP offers a range of benefits and discounts, including savings on health care services, travel, and entertainment. These benefits can help older adults living alone manage their expenses and enjoy a fulfilling and active lifestyle.

Area agencies on aging

Area agencies on aging (AAAs) are local organizations providing valuable resources to older adults and their families by serving as a central point of contact for accessing information and assistance related to aging and independent living. “Area agency on aging” is a generic term, which means specific names of local AAAs may vary. You can search for an AAA in your area here.

AAAs can connect you to various resources, such as access to case management, caregiver support, transportation assistance, and home-based assistance. The agencies can connect older adults with community-based programs that provide nutrition services, home repairs, and social activities. AAAs often conduct assessments to determine an individual’s needs and develop personalized care plans to address those needs effectively. Additionally, these organizations can help older adults navigate the complex landscape of health care and long-term care options, providing guidance and support in accessing the necessary services, including senior living, when someone is no longer able to live at home.

AAAs advocate for older adults within their communities by collaborating with local service providers, health care organizations, and community groups to ensure the availability of resources and support systems. These organizations also play a vital role in coordinating and disseminating information about events, workshops, and educational opportunities to promote healthy aging and independent living.

Eldercare Locator

Eldercare Locator is a free public service of the U.S. Administration on Aging connecting you to community resources and services for older adults and their families. It helps older adults and their caregivers find local resources related to health, support services, housing, insurance and benefits, transportation, and elder rights. By dialing the toll-free number (800-677-1116), emailing, or using the online chat feature, you can connect with trained information and referral specialists, who will provide personalized assistance based on your specific needs and location. Eldercare Locator is a centralized hub of information and connections to resources in communities across the United States.

Senior centers

Senior centers provide social engagement opportunities, educational classes, fitness programs, and various supportive services for older adults in their communities daily. They are vibrant sources of physical and social well-being and essential services for older adults. Most provide a nutritious lunchtime meal for those 60 and older. Senior centers can help older adults get connected to other services they may need to age in place.

National Institute on Aging

The National Institute on Aging (NIA) is one of the 27 institutes of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). It’s a leading governmental research center dedicated to studying and addressing the health and well-being of older adults. The NIA plays a significant role in supporting older adults living alone through its research, resources, and educational initiatives.

The organization conducts and supports research, including studies on age-related diseases, cognitive health, and caregiving. The research findings provide valuable insights into aging processes and contribute to developing evidence-based interventions and treatments for older adults. Through this research, the NIA aims to improve health outcomes and quality of life for older adults.

In addition, the NIA provides a wealth of resources and information for older adults, caregivers, and health care professionals. The website offers educational materials, fact sheets, and publications on a wide range of topics related to aging, like healthy aging, exercise, nutrition, managing chronic conditions, and caregiving.

The NIA also supports public outreach and education programs to disseminate knowledge, including workshops, conferences, and webinars to educate health care professionals, researchers, and the general public about aging-related research and best practices in care. By fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange, the NIA contributes to a better understanding of aging and helps to improve the lives of older adults living alone.

Programs for All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE)

Programs for All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly are comprehensive health care programs designed to meet the needs of older adults who require nursing home-level care but prefer, and are motivated to, live in their own homes or communities. PACE programs provide a coordinated and person-centered approach to care, covering medical, social, and long-term care services.

PACE programs are available to people age 55 and older who meet their state’s eligibility criteria for nursing home care and live in a PACE service area. These programs offer a wide range of services, including primary and specialty health care, prescription medications, rehabilitation services, social activities, transportation, and support for activities of daily living.

One of the key features of PACE programs is the interdisciplinary care team. This team comprises health care professionals, such as doctors, nurses, therapists, social workers, and other specialists, who develop and implement individualized care plans for each participant. The care team ensures participants receive coordinated and comprehensive care, addressing their physical, emotional, and social needs.

PACE programs are typically funded through Medicare and Medicaid, making them accessible to people with limited financial resources. These programs focus on preventive care and managing chronic conditions and are designed to improve health outcomes and reduce the need for hospitalizations or institutional care. By providing integrated and person-centered care, PACE programs offer older adults living alone the support they need to age in place while receiving necessary health care and support services.

Meals on Wheels

Meals on Wheels is a well-known national program providing nutritious meals and social support to older adults living alone who cannot prepare meals themselves. It serves as a lifeline for many older adults, ensuring they can access regular, balanced meals and friendly visits from volunteers and staff. The interactions between volunteers and recipients offer companionship and a valuable social connection for older adults who may be isolated. The program typically offers both hot and frozen meal options, accommodating various dietary needs and preferences, even medically tailored meals. Meals on Wheels also serves as a safety check, as volunteers can identify and report any potential health or safety concerns they observe during their visits. Contact your localarea agency on aging (described above) to find out about meals on wheels programs in your community.


HealthFinder is an online resource provided by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services offering a wide range of health information and tools for people of all ages. This tool serves as a valuable resource for older adults to access reliable and evidence-based information, which includes various health topics, benefits and compensation, housing, and transportation. It also offers easy-to-understand articles, videos, and interactive tools to help older adults make informed decisions about their health.

One of the key features of HealthFinder is its preventive services recommendations through the MyHealthFinder tool. The service provides guidelines on screenings, immunizations, and preventive care specifically recommended for older adults. HealthFinder also offers other online tools, such as health quizzes and interactive checklists, which can help older adults assess their health status, identify potential risk factors, and make informed decisions about their health care needs.

Guide for Long-Term Care for Veterans

The Veteran Affairs (VA) Guide for Long-Term Care is a valuable resource providing information and assistance tailored to veterans who may require long-term care services, like nursing home care, assisted living facilities, and home-based care programs. It provides guidance on eligibility criteria, application processes, and available benefits, such as the Aid and Attendance pension benefit, which may help veterans offset the costs of long-term care. Additionally, the guide highlights specialized long-term care programs and services the VA offers, such as geriatric evaluation, home telehealth, and respite care. Topics related to veteran-specific health conditions, mental health support, and end-of-life care options are also covered. To access these services, contact your VA social worker or call the toll-free hotline at 877-222-8387. If you’re not currently a member of the VA health care program, you can apply for benefits here.

National Directory for Home Modification and Repair

The National Directory for Home Modification and Repair is a comprehensive resource offering assistance to those seeking to make their homes more accessible, safe, and suitable for aging in place through trusted organizations, contractors, and professionals. The directory provides a centralized database of home modification and repair services, which may include installing accessibility features, like ramps, grab bars, stairlifts, and bathroom modifications to accommodate mobility limitations. Additionally, the directory may include resources for general home repairs and maintenance to ensure a safe and comfortable living environment for older adults.

Automated Medication Dispensers

Several companies offer automated medication dispensers to help users organize, dispense, and track their medication schedules effectively. These systems generally use an app to send reminders and alerts to users when it’s time to take their medications, ensuring they adhere to their prescribed regimens. They can store multiple medications and provide accurate dosing, reducing the risk of medication errors and promoting medication safety. The systems can also notify caregivers or family members if doses are missed or medications need to be refilled. They generally require an initial purchase of the dispenser plus a monthly subscription fee. Three popular medication dispenser providers are Hero, Pria, and Livi.

Resources and Support for Older Adults Living Alone: A Comprehensive Guide (2024) (1)

Other relevant organizations

In addition to the organizations already mentioned, other local organizations may provide valuable support and resources for older adults living alone:

  • Local faith-based organizations: Many religious and faith-based organizations have programs and initiatives to support older adults in their communities. These organizations may offer social activities, support groups, volunteer networks, and assistance with transportation or other practical needs.
  • Local community and recreation centers: Community centers and recreation facilities often provide programs and activities specifically designed for older adults. These include exercise classes, art workshops, social clubs, and other recreational opportunities to foster social engagement and promote an active lifestyle.
  • Neighborhood Villages: Local Villages connect members to support services and programs designed for older adults to make social connections. Programs and services include social and educational programs and activities for health and wellness. Assistance with transportation is also offered, in addition to help with home maintenance and using technology. To find a village near you, visit the village map.

Living independently with a medical alert system

A medical alert system can provide older adults living alone and their caregivers with an increased sense of security and peace of mind. A key feature is a connection to a monitoring center staffed by trained professionals 24/7. When an emergency occurs, such as a fall or a medical issue, the user can simply press a button on a wearable device or a base unit to initiate contact with the monitoring center. The operator can then assess the situation, communicate with the user, and dispatch appropriate help, such as emergency medical services or contact a designated caregiver or family member.

Automatic fall detection is an important feature provided by some medical alert systems. Research shows falls are a leading cause of injury among older adults, resulting in millions of emergency department visits each year. [20]Older Adult Falls Data. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Reviewed July 9, 2020. Found on the internet at Fall detection technology in medical alert systems can automatically detect a fall and trigger an alert, even if the user is unable to press the emergency button. This immediate response can be crucial in obtaining timely assistance and reducing the potential impact of fall-related injuries.

Medical alert systems may also offer additional features, like medication reminders, GPS tracking, and wellness checks. Medication reminders can help older adults adhere to their medication schedules, reducing the risk of medication errors and improving overall health outcomes. GPS tracking capabilities allow caregivers or emergency responders to locate the user in case they can’t communicate their location. Wellness checks involve periodic calls or interactions from the monitoring center to ensure the user is OK, especially if they live alone or have health conditions that require monitoring.

Medical alert systems can help older adults remain independent and confident while living alone, knowing help is just a button press away. These systems have been shown to have a positive impact on older adults’ quality of life, enabling them to more safely age in place and maintain their autonomy. [21]de San Miguel, Kristin and Lewin, Gill. Personal Emergency Alarms: What Impact Do They Have on Older People’s Lives? Australasian Journal on Ageing. June 2008. Found on the internet at

Resources and Support for Older Adults Living Alone: A Comprehensive Guide (2024) (2)

Bottom line

Older adults living alone can benefit from the support and resources available. Organizations like NCOA and AARP offer comprehensive programs and services to address the specific needs of older adults, including financial assistance, health care support, social engagement opportunities, and more. Resources like the Eldercare Locator, Meals on Wheels, senior centers, and the National Directory for Home Modification and Repair provide valuable information and connections to local resources. Medical alert systems and technological tools can further enhance safety and independence for older adults living alone. By accessing these resources and support systems, you can age in place more comfortably, stay connected, and get the support you need.

Frequently asked questions

Stay connected with regular check-ins, encourage social engagement, and look into the many resources discussed in this article.

Older adults living alone have many options for seeking assistance, which are detailed above. Using community resources, such as senior centers, transportation services, meal delivery programs, like Meals on Wheels, and assistive technologies, like medical alert systems, can enhance safety and support.

Retirement communities offer opportunities for social engagement, access to amenities and activities, a supportive environment, and a sense of community.

Offer assistance with practical tasks, like grocery shopping or home maintenance, help them connect with local community organizations or senior centers, and encourage them to create a support network of friends, neighbors, or volunteers.

Stay connected with regular communication, encourage social engagement and participation in community activities that they enjoy, help them access resources, like home care services, meal delivery programs, or transportation assistance, and consider assistive technologies or safety measures to enhance their sense of independence, overall health, and security.

Have questions about this article? Email us at


  1. Ausubel, Jacob. Older People are More Likely to Live Alone in the U.S. Than Elsewhere in the World. Pew Research Center website. March 10, 2020. Found on the internet at
  2. Molinsky, Jennifer. The Number of People Living Alone in Their 80s and 90s in Set to Soar. Joint Center for Housing Studies. March 10, 2020. Found on the internet at
  3. Aging in Place: Growing Older at Home. National Institute on Aging website. Found on the internet at
  4. Insights into the Financial Experiences of Older Adults: A Forum Briefing Paper. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. July 2013. Found on the internet at
  5. Ruscin, J. Mark and Linnebur, Sunny A. Aging and Medications. Merck Manual website. Updated November 2022. Found on the internet at
  6. Neiman, Andrea B., et al. CDC Grand Rounds: Improving Medication Adherence for Chronic Disease Management—Innovations and Opportunities. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. Nov. 17, 2017. Found on the internet at
  7. Edemekong, Peter F., et al. Activities of Daily Living. StatPearls Publishing. Updated Nov. 19, 2022. Found on the internet at
  8. Stevens, Judy A., et al. Circ*mstances and Outcomes of Falls Among High Risk Community-Dwelling Older Adults. Injury Epidemiology. Found on the internet at
  9. Transportation Needs and Assessment. National Aging and Disability Transportation Center. December 2018. Found on the internet at
  10. Heath, Sara. What Are the Top Common Social Determinants of Health? TechTarget Xtelligent Healthcare Media. Aug. 9, 2017. Found on the internet at
  11. Choices for Mobility Independence. National Association of Area Agencies on Aging. Found on the internet at
  12. How to Help Seniors Organize Their Homes. Companions for Seniors. Oct. 21, 2019. Found on the internet at
  13. Cristina, Neri Maria and Lucia, d’Alba. Nutrition and Healthy Aging: Prevention and Treatment of Gastrointestinal Diseases. Nutrients. Nov. 30, 2021. Found on the internet at
  14. Nutrition for Older Adults. National Library of Medicine. Found on the internet at
  15. 6 Essential Health Screenings for Older Adults. Saber Healthcare Group. Nov. 20, 2021. Found on the internet at
  16. Access to Health Services. Healthy People 2030. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, OASH. Found on the internet at
  17. What Do We Know About Healthy Aging? National Institute on Aging. February 23, 2022. Found on the internet at
  18. Murthy, Vivek H. Our Epidemic of Loneliness and Isolation: The U.S. Surgeon General’s Advisory on the Healing Effects of Social Connection and Community. United State’s Public Health Service. 2023. Found on the internet at
  19. Garcia, Edward. Social Connection in Older Age. American Society on Aging: Generations Journal. Oct. 19, 2022. Found on the internet at
  20. Older Adult Falls Data. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Reviewed July 9, 2020. Found on the internet at
  21. de San Miguel, Kristin and Lewin, Gill. Personal Emergency Alarms: What Impact Do They Have on Older People’s Lives? Australasian Journal on Ageing. June 2008. Found on the internet at
Resources and Support for Older Adults Living Alone: A Comprehensive Guide (2024) (3)

Lauren ShermanAuthor

Lauren Sherman, M.S., is a health content writer with a master’s degree in human genetics from the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Center, laboratory experience from National Jewish Health, and clinical experience from Children’s Hospital Colorado.

Resources and Support for Older Adults Living Alone: A Comprehensive Guide (2024) (4)

Christopher NormanMedical Reviewer

Christopher Norman is a Board-Certified Geriatric Nurse Practitioner and Holistic Nurse. As a nurse’s aide, registered nurse and now nurse practitioner, he has loved working with older adults since 2004.

Resources and Support for Older Adults Living Alone: A Comprehensive Guide (2024) (5)

Kathleen CameronReviewer

Kathleen Cameron, BSPharm, MPH, has more than 25 years of experience in the health care field as a pharmacist, researcher, and program director focusing on falls prevention, geriatric pharmacotherapy, mental health, long-term services and supports, and caregiving. Cameron is Senior Director of the NCOA Center for Healthy Aging, where she provides subject matter expertise on health care programmatic and policy related issues and oversees the Modernizing Senior Center Resource Center.

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Resources and Support for Older Adults Living Alone: A Comprehensive Guide (2024) (2024)


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  • Personal Care. One of the most in-demand services for seniors is personal care. ...
  • Medication Management. ...
  • Nutrition and Meal Support. ...
  • Mobility and Transportation. ...
  • Healthcare. ...
  • Money Management. ...
  • Safety and Security. ...
  • Social Interaction Opportunities.

What happens if an elderly person has no one to care for them? ›

Local government agencies often offer programs specifically designed to assist elderly individuals without caregivers. These programs may include financial aid, home-delivered meals, transportation services, and access to healthcare resources.

What percentage of 80 year olds live to 90? ›

If you are an 80-year-old man, your long-term odds are not great. There is a 30 percent chance of making it to your 90th birthday, and only about 14 in 1,000 will see 100.

What is the life expectancy of an 80 year old? ›

The expectancy for the individuals in our birth cohort to be alive at age 80 and beyond was only in between 2.5–6% for males and 8.5–9.2% for females (see SCB, 2020).

At what age do you start feeling tired and old? ›

Well, this depends on a person's age, health, fitness level and lifestyle. Generally, the more years that pass, the more you'll value your beauty sleep, and its true senior fatigue is a real thing. However, most people start experiencing a decline in their energy levels by the time they reach their mid-thirties.

Is 70 too old to live alone? ›

Living alone at 70 and beyond can be difficult. Daily tasks become harder, and oftentimes, elders are afraid to ask for help. While some seniors might have friends and family nearby, others living alone don't have people they are comfortable asking to help them with: Meals.

How to live alone when you are old? ›

Here Are Seven Tips for Those Who Are Growing Old Alone
  1. Make New Social Connections. No one should go through their retirement years without any friends or acquaintances. ...
  2. Consider Getting a Pet. ...
  3. Ensure Your Home Is Safe. ...
  4. Be Wary of Exploitation. ...
  5. Identify a Proxy. ...
  6. Enjoy Meaningful Alone Time. ...
  7. Talk to a Counselor.
Feb 14, 2023

Is it difficult to live alone in old age? ›

As individuals grow older, they are faced with numerous physical, psychological and social role changes that challenge their sense of self and capacity to live happily. Depression and loneliness are considered to be the major problems leading to impaired quality of life among elderly persons.

When should an elderly parent stop living alone? ›

Here are some signs the your parent should not be living alone: They require help with activities of daily living (ADLs) They have experienced a significant weight loss recently. They suffer from a memory loss condition such as Alzheimer's disease.

What are the effects of living alone on elderly? ›

Research has linked social isolation and loneliness to higher risks for a variety of physical and mental conditions: high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, a weakened immune system, anxiety, depression, cognitive decline, Alzheimer's disease, and even death.

Is it OK to leave an elderly person alone? ›

Aging parents may be left alone if they are able to quickly recognize and respond to emergencies. Smoke from the kitchen and blaring burglar alarms should notify them of potential danger. The seniors should be able to physically reach the phone, call 911 and communicate the emergency.

How can I volunteer to help lonely elderly? ›

Just 30 minutes of your time a week could make a massive difference to an older person's life. If you're empathetic and good at talking on the phone, you could be a Telephone Friendship Service volunteer.


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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

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Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.