Monthly Payment Targeting and the Demand for Maturity - [PDF Document] (2024)



Bronson ArgyleTaylor D. NadauldChristopher Palmer

Working Paper 25668


Cambridge, MA 02138March 2019

We thank conference, seminar, and workshop participants at the 2018 AFA meetings, Berkeley, BYU, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, MIT, University of Utah, and Wharton, Corina Boar, Chris Carroll, Damion English, Amy Finkelstein, Brigham Frandsen, Peter Ganong, Simon Gervais, Itay Goldstein, Dan Greenwald, Amir Kermani, David Laibson, Brad Larsen, Lars Lefgren, Andres Liberman, Adair Morse, Pascal Noel, Brennan Platt, Ryan Pratt, Andrei Shleifer, Bryce Stephens, and Jialan Wang for helpful comments. Tommy Brown, Sam Hughes, Ammon Lam, Tammy Lee, and Lei Ma provided excellent research assistance. An anonymous information-technology firm provided the data. The views expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Bureau of Economic Research.

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© 2019 by Bronson Argyle, Taylor D. Nadauld, and Christopher Palmer. All rights reserved. Short sections of text, not to exceed two paragraphs, may be quoted without explicit permission provided that full credit, including © notice, is given to the source.

Monthly Payment Targeting and the Demand for MaturityBronson Argyle, Taylor D. Nadauld, and Christopher PalmerNBER Working Paper No. 25668March 2019JEL No. D14,D15,D18,D91,E43,E51,E71,G02,G21,G41,H31,L62,M38


In this paper, we provide evidence of the importance of monthly payments in the market for consumer installment debt. Auto debt in particular has grown rapidly since the Great Recession and has eclipsed credit cards in total debt outstanding. Auto-loan maturities have also increased such that most auto-loan originations now have a term of over 72 months. We document three phenomena we jointly refer to as monthly payment targeting. First, using data from 500,000 used auto loans and discontinuities in contract terms offered by hundreds of lenders, we show that demand is more sensitive to maturity than interest rate, consistent with consumers managing payment size when making debt decisions. Second, many consumers appear to employ segregated mental accounts, spending exogenous payment savings on larger loans. Third, consumers bunch at round-number monthly payment amounts, consistent with the use of budgeting heuristics. These patterns hold in subsamples of constrained and unconstrained borrowers, challenging liquidity constraints as a complete explanation. Our estimates suggest that borrower focus on payment size, combined with credit-supply shocks to maturity, could significantly affect aggregate outstanding debt.

Bronson ArgyleDepartment of FinanceBrigham Young UniversityProvo, UT [emailprotected]

Taylor D. NadauldDepartment of FinanceBrigham Young UniversityProvo, Utah [emailprotected]

Christopher PalmerMIT Sloan School of Management100 Main Street, E62-639Cambridge, MA 02142and [emailprotected]

1 Introduction

In this paper, we ask how households make decisions about optimal debt contracts in prac-

tice. We show that many consumers appear to target specific monthly payment amounts

rather than minimizing total borrowing costs or satisfying debt-service coverage constraints.

Existing theories of household debt decisions are relatively silent on the role of monthly

payment management. In a standard frictionless model of household finance, consumers

make financing decisions that minimize the marginal utility-weighted present value of total

borrowing costs, all else equal. However, focusing instead on the level of monthly payments

could be rational (or boundedly rational) if borrowers are credit constrained, if cognition

costs are large, or in the presence of commitment problems.

Our setting consists of auto loan decisions made by over two million individual borrowers

from 319 different lending institutions covering about 5% of the total credit union market

and roughly 1.4% of the used car lending market. We employ a regression-discontinuity

(RD) design to isolate exogenous shifts in the supply of credit made available to borrowers.

Over half of the lenders in our dataset offer interest rates or loan maturities that jump dis-

continuously at various credit-score (FICO) thresholds that differ across institutions. Given

that borrowers’ observable attributes are consistently smooth across these FICO thresholds,

the thresholds represent quasi-random variation in the financing terms offered to otherwise

similar borrowers and can be used to identify consumer preferences over loan characteristics.

We present three main empirical findings. First, estimated demand elasticities with

respect to loan maturities are substantially larger than elasticities with respect to interest

rates.1 As we show, such preference for maturity is inconsistent with a consumer objective

function that minimizes the present value of total borrowing costs, termed “NPV neglect”

by Shu (2013). In contrast, a taste for maturity is consistent with consumer focus on the

dollar amount of monthly payments, which are much more sensitive to maturity than rate.

1See also evidence of this first fact in Attanasio, Goldberg, and Kyriasidou (2008) and Karlan and Zinman(2008) on borrowers’ relative sensitivity of maturity and interest rate, as we discuss in section 2.


Second, we document that the majority of consumers in our sample smooth monthly

payments when they are exogenously offered more favorable loan terms, adjusting their

auto-debt levels instead of reallocating across all budget categories (consistent with results

contradicting fungibility in Hastings and Shapiro, 2013 and 2017). When provided better

(worse) financing terms, borrowers increase (decrease) leverage but only up to the level that

keeps their monthly payments roughly the same as a counterfactual, untreated borrower.2

This behavior points to an optimization process where borrowers have set monthly payment

amounts in mind when making debt decisions and budget expense categories using segmented

mental accounts (Thaler, 1990).

Third, we show that borrowers’ monthly payments bunch disproportionately at salient

monthly payment amounts, especially $200, $300, and $400 per month. Given the breadth

of our data and the wide heterogeneity across borrowers (in income, assets, risk aversion,

expectations, and debt-to-income (DTI) constraints, etc.), these round-number payment

levels likely represent budgeting heuristics rather than the result of an integrated utility

maximization process or a lender underwriting process.

We summarize the phenomena we jointly observe (high maturity elasticities, monthly

payment smoothing, bunching at salient monthly payment amounts) as monthly payment

targeting. Such behavior is consistent with consumers making debt decisions via a form of

mental accounting using rules of thumb. However, we also consider alternative explanations,

the most plausible of which being that borrowers are month-to-month liquidity constrained

(as in Attanasio et al., 2008). We evaluate whether a liquidity explanation alone could be

sufficient to explain the characteristics of budgeting decisions we observe by segmenting our

estimation sample by credit score under the assumption that low credit-score borrowers are

more likely to be constrained in their access to credit markets. We find that each of our three

empirical findings holds within each credit-score subgroup. The low likelihood that household

budget constraints or underwriting policies would bind uniquely at salient hundred-dollar

2Note, too, that in our data, payment-smoothing borrowers do not appear abnormally constrained byunderwriting rules around maximum loan-to-value or debt-to-income ratios.


payment amounts together with the other empirical patterns we document suggests that

liquidity constraints alone are not sufficient to explain monthly payment targeting.

Our results are also relevant to efforts to understand shrouded marketing in consumer

financial markets (e.g., Gabaix and Laibson, 2006; Bertrand and Morse, 2011; Stango and

Zinman, 2011; Gurun, Matvos, and Seru, 2016; Alan, Cemalcilar, Karlan, and Zinman

(2018)). Consumers who are fixated on monthly payment levels when making debt decisions

may ignore product attributes that are nevertheless consequential for future utility. Such

myopia could lead to taking on debt contracts with higher present values and larger loan

sizes. Though under certain assumptions such behavior could be utility maximizing, these

two margins coupled with longer maturity loans could also lead to more borrowers that are

more likely to be underwater on their auto loans and repayment being more sensitive to

economic shocks, risks that are opaque to borrowers targeting monthly payment levels.

Finally, while these findings have broader implications for our understanding of household

capital budgeting, the market for auto loans is of independent interest given its ubiquity

and the important role of cars in aggregate durable consumption. Over 86% of all car

purchases are financed (Brevoort et al., 2017), and vehicles are the largest asset class on

many low-wealth household balance sheets (Campbell, 2006). Auto loans represent the

second-fastest growing segment of consumer debt over the past decade and are currently

the third-largest category of consumer debt (behind mortgages and student loans) with over

$1 trillion outstanding and $400 billion originated annually. Of particular relevance to our

work is the recent trend in auto-loan maturities. Brevoort et al. (2017) document significant

increases in the volume of auto loans originated with terms of more than six years and show

that such loans are on average larger, made to less creditworthy borrowers, and more likely

to end up in default.

Given the importance of auto debt in the household credit complex, we conclude with

the policy implications of monthly payment targeting. Maturity represents a largely ignored

dimension of the credit surface in the literature evaluating the real effects of credit supply.


For example, our maturity-elasticity estimates indicate that policies focusing on the supply

of maturity could have a larger impact on credit demand than policies focusing on interest

rates, despite policy analysis focus on the interest-rate channel. Using aggregate data and

our elasticity estimates, we provide back-of-the-envelope estimates of the effect that monthly

payment targeting could have on aggregate auto debt, demonstrating that credit supply

shocks may affect consumer debt more through maturity than through rates and warranting

additional policy focus on monthly payment levels.3

The paper proceeds as follows. In section 2, we describe how our conceptual framework

fits in the context of various literatures in household finance. Section 3 introduces our

borrower-level data on loan applications, offers, and originations. We detail our empirical

strategy for estimating demand elasticities in section 4 and present our core empirical results.

In section 5, we provide auxiliary evidence to help interpret our elasticity estimates. Section

6 concludes and offers a set of calculations to estimate the relative importance of monthly

payment targeting on total outstanding household debt.

2 Related Literature and Theoretical Framework

Our diagnosis that consumers target monthly payment levels when making debt decisions is

informed by the joint evidence of high maturity elasticities, borrowers’ smoothing of monthly

payments, and bunching at salient payment amounts. Various aspects of these results have

been established in isolation in other contexts, each with its own candidate explanation. For

example, monthly payment-centric arguments have been central to previous estimates of ma-

3We are not the first to sound an alarm about rising auto-loan maturities and their connection withmonthly payment targeting. For example, a recent government report (OCC, 2015) warned, “Too muchemphasis on monthly payment management and volatile collateral values can increase risk, and this oftenoccurs gradually until the loan structures become imprudent. Signs of movement in this direction are evident,as lenders offer loans with larger balances, higher advance rates, and longer repayment terms ... Extendingloan terms is one way lenders are lowering payments, and this can increase risk to banks and borrowers.Industry data indicate that 60 percent of auto loans originated in the fourth quarter of 2014 had a term of72 months or more ... Extended terms are becoming the norm rather than the exception and need to becarefully managed.” See also a recent Consumer Financial Protection Bureau report (Brevoort et al., 2017)using nationally representative data and documenting similar trends.


turity and interest-rate elasticities (Juster and Shay, 1964; Attanasio et al., 2008; Karlan and

Zinman, 2008) while other studies have made behavioral arguments for consumers prefer-

ring to match debt maturity with the duration of asset use (Prelec and Loewenstein, 1998).

Thaler (1990) offers evidence on budgeting using mental accounts, and literature in mar-

keting, psychology, and economics has documented left-digit effects in consumer behavior.4

While our evidence on monthly payment smoothing and bunching in monthly payment levels

is reasonably novel to the literature, our primary contribution is to establish a set of empir-

ical phenomena that, when jointly considered, are most naturally explained with a monthly

payment targeting model of household budgeting. Below, we discuss our contribution in the

context each of these results finds in the existing literature.

Relative to the literature contrasting rate and maturity elasticities, we offer evidence of

a new mechanism distinct from the usual liquidity constraints definition. The earliest esti-

mates of borrowing elasticities are Suits (1958) and Juster and Shay (1964), with more recent

rate elasticity estimates in Karlan and Zinman (forthcoming). With respect to estimates of

maturity elasticities, Karlan and Zinman (2008) report large loan-size maturity elasticities

from a randomized field experiment using micro loan advertisem*nts in South Africa, At-

tanasio et al. (2008) estimate high maturity elasticities from the Consumer Expenditure

Survey, and Kuvikova (2015) estimates high maturity elasticities among low income borrow-

ers.5 Notably, both Karlan and Zinman (2008) and Attanasio et al. (2008) interpret high

intensive-margin maturity elasticities as evidence of binding liquidity constraints. Though

liquidity constraints clearly elevate the importance of payment size and may explain why

borrowers prefer long-maturity loans, we find high maturity elasticities even for borrowers

with substantially slack liquidity constraints. Auxiliary analyses further suggest that binding

liquidity constraints are not the only explanation for large maturity elasticities. Instead, our

findings suggest that maturity elasticities are high in large part because changing loan ma-

4See, for example Shindler and Kirby (1997), Thomas and Morwitz (2005), Basu (2006), Wonder, Wil-helm, and Fewings (2008), Pope and Simonsohn (2011), and Lacetera, Pope, and Syndor (2012).

5See also contrasting evidence from Bachas (2018), who finds that private student-loan refinancers aremore sensitive to total interest payments than monthly payment levels.


turity most effectively allows a wide variety of borrowers to target specific budgeted monthly

payment amounts. This provides a new mechanism supporting a rich recent literature estab-

lishing payment size per se to be a primary consideration in residential mortgage decisions.

See, for example, Fuster and Willen (2017), Eberly and Krishnamurthy (2014), Di Maggio

et al. (2017), Greenwald (2018), and Ganong and Noel (2018).

Maturity demand could be also driven by long-maturity loans protecting borrowers from

the rollover risk associated with needing to frequently interact with credit markets, especially

valuable when borrowers have private information about their quality (Flannery, 1986). Ma-

turity could also protect borrowers against credit-limit volatility (Fulford, 2015). Consistent

with a maturity-as-insurance argument, Herzberg, Leberman, and Paravisini (2017) docu-

ment that self-selected longer-maturity borrowers are of worse credit quality. However, such

adverse selection appears to be less important in our setting. Using various measures of

default, as well as ex-post changes in borrower FICO scores to proxy for private information

and ex-ante demand for insurance, we find little difference in loan performance outcomes

across borrowers receiving exogenously better loan terms.

Our second empirical finding is that borrowers smooth their monthly payments. On either

side of a discontinuity in offered loan terms, borrowers originate loans with statistically indis-

tinguishable monthly payment amounts despite facing significantly different costs of credit.

This result suggests that borrowers fully adjust the amount they borrow in response to looser

loan terms, as opposed to increasing monthly payments in response to lower prices or using

any monthly savings to reoptimize across all possible expenditure categories. While poten-

tially driven by binding liquidity constraints, monthly payment smoothing is also consistent

with Thaler’s (1985, 1990) conjecture that households organize their cash flows into a set of

segmented mental accounts, which has been supported with experimental evidence by Prelec

and Loewenstein (1998) and Ranyard et al. (2006). Using such a budget in installment-debt

decisions could help overcome the commitment problems documented by Kuchler and Pagel

(2018). Our evidence also complements the results of Hastings and Shapiro (2013, 2107),


who show that households do not treat gasoline savings and food-stamps benefits as fungible

across expenditure categories. Our findings on monthly payment smoothing demonstrate

the prevalence of mental accounting even in a high-stakes long-term debt setting.6

Could such smoothing behavior be a feature of an optimal liquidity management strategy?

Borrowers could optimally target low monthly payments if they expect to find investment

opportunities with rates of return in excess of borrowing costs. Alternatively, optimal debt

allocation strategies could call for the lowest possible payment on auto loans (ignoring lifetime

interest expenses) if such a strategy frees up liquidity to pay down higher rate-bearing debt

obligations. Stango and Zinman (2014) find that consumers are efficient at allocating debt

to the lowest interest-rate credit card, while Gathergood et al. (2019) find evidence to the

contrary. A buffer-stock model could also feature consumers willing to incur higher interest

expenses over the life of a loan in return for having a larger savings balance to guard against

financial shocks in the interim (see related discussion in section 2.1). However, because

such considerations would motivate consumers to minimize their monthly payments, our

smoothing result—that consumers adjust their borrowing upward in response to cheaper

loan terms more than would be predicted by estimated demand elasticities—is not consistent

with a general liquidity management strategy.

Of course, there are other reasons borrowers would smooth their monthly payments for

motives besides monthly budgeting, motivating our final set of results. Our third finding

is that many borrowers seem to target specific, salient levels of monthly payments. As dis-

cussed above, certain forms of liquidity constraints, such as binding monthly debt-service

coverage constraints (e.g., as in Greenwald, 2018), could lead to a first-order increase in

car-related spending and a second-order increase in other spending. However, we find that

many borrowers target specific round monthly payment levels (e.g, $300, $400, etc.). Such

behavior is difficult to rationalize with liquidity constraints, liquidity management, or my-

opia. Instead, we view these results as consistent with behavioral budgeting models wherein

6See also Zhang (2017), who documents large durable consumption effects to transitory windfall incomeshocks, consistent with mental accounting.


consumers attempt to commit to not overspend by imprecisely forming a sense of affordabil-

ity based on monthly expenses. This behavioral response also has precedent in marketing

and psychology. Wonder, Wilhelm and Fewings (2008) present survey evidence in market-

ing that consumers focus heavily on monthly payments, including a particular focus on the

first digit of monthly payment amounts. Retailers behave accordingly, frequently advertising

prices ending with nine (Schindler and Kirby, 1997). Thomas and Morwitz (2005) also detail

domains in which ending posted prices in 99 (dollars or cents) is the optimal response by

firms to hypothesized consumer heuristics. Qualitative work in psychology finds consumers

engaging in monthly budgeting via categories (Ranyard et al., 2006). Keys and Wang (2018)

show in a large sample of US consumers that a large fraction of credit card borrowers anchor

at minimum payment amounts, complementing previous experimental evidence shown in

Navarro-Martinez et al. (2011). Again, while prior literature provides evidence with varying

degrees of external validity that borrowers fixate on certain payment amounts, a key con-

tribution of our paper is to demonstrate that such behavior persists even when considering

substantially sized long-term debt contracts in a way that cannot be entirely explained by

binding liquidity constraints.

In summary, we make several contributions to this eclectic literature on household bud-

geting using evidence from millions of actual borrowers making high-stakes long-run debt and

durable consumption decisions. We estimate credit demand elasticities with respect to price

and non-price features, the segmentation with which households view budget categories,

and the heuristics they use to determine affordable expenditure levels at monthly inter-

vals. While prior estimates of large maturity elasticities in isolation could not distinguish a

monthly-payment hypothesis from a liquidity-constraints hypothesis, the combination of our

findings uniquely supports a monthly payment targeting hypothesis. Relative to the existing

mental accounting literature, our evidence of monthly payment smoothing represents new

evidence that borrowers appear to consume out of mental accounts even in large-dollar set-

tings. Furthermore, documenting monthly budgeting behavior in installment debt decisions


ties together work on the importance of payment size with the mental accounting literature.

Finally, because the combination of large elasticities and monthly payment smoothing cannot

distinguish a liquidity management hypothesis from monthly payment targeting, we present

evidence that consumers more frequently choose salient round payment amounts. Taken

together, these empirical facts indicate that many households make debt decisions targeting

specific monthly payment levels.

2.1 Theoretical Framework

In this section, we demonstrate the extent to which standard consumer optimization models

can generate behavior consistent with our empirical findings. While some of the aspects of

borrower behavior we observe is consistent with previous models of credit constraints, as we

show below, other evidence points to a mental accounting optimization framework.

Consider a simple model of an infinite-horizon agent choosing optimal consumption and

asset paths {ct, At}1t=0 in discrete time with no uncertainty. The consumer’s Lagrangian is



{ct, At}



�t[u(ct) + �t(At�1(1 + r) + yt � ct � At)] (1)

where � is the discount factor, u(·) is the separable flow utility function, �t is the marginal

utility of wealth, and At and yt are, respectively, net asset holdings (which could be negative

in the case of debt) and after-tax income at time t. For simplicity, debt and savings earn

the same rate of return with all debt being short term and interest and principal due one

period ahead (although debt can be rolled over subject to a transversality condition). This

formulation yields a standard intertemporal Euler equation



= �(1 + r). (2)

Borrowing constraints may prevent the consumer from achieving the first-best consump-

tion level characterized by (2). If the borrower faces credit constraints, the marginal utility

of wealth will be too high this period as constrained borrowing prevents sufficiently high ct


today to drive down u0(ct). Consider the case of an exogenously specified per-period payment-

to-income limit ¯D > 0, where debt commitments as a fraction of income �A(1+r)/y cannot

exceed ¯D. In this case, the credit-constrained optimization problem could be written with a

second constraint with corresponding Lagrange multiplier µ


{ct, At}



�t⇥u(ct) + �t(At�1(1 + r) + yt � ct � At) + µt(

¯D + At(1 + r)/yt)⇤, (3)

yielding credit-constrained Euler equation

u0(ct)� µt(1 + r)/yt


= �(1 + r). (4)

When credit limits are binding (i.e., µt > 0), debt payments will be ¯Dyt and (4) will be

satisfied at a lower level of consumption than would satisfy (2). Such a constraint could

explain both sensitivity to payment levels and payment smoothing. Faced with shocks to

interest rates or maturity, constrained borrowers might adjust the amount of debt to leave

their payment sizes unchanged. When credit limits are never binding, µt = 0 for all t, and

the borrower will be able to attain her first-best consumption path, with debt endogenously

determined as a function of optimal consumption and income. Importantly, whether or

not credit constraints bind, monthly payments will be continuously distributed so long as

income is continuously distributed in the cross-section of borrowers (and given a continuously

differentiable utility function u(·)).7

Extending this framework to consider optimal one-time contract choice from a menu

of long-term, non-callable debt contracts, let ` index the set of available consumer loans

characterized by their interest rate r` and maturity T`.8 The household’s objective then

7Of course, alternative forms of credit constraints are plausible, including credit limits constraining totaldebt (Zeldes, 1989 and Gross and Souleles, 2002) or loan-to-value limits (common in secured credit markets).Credit limits and asset values tend to be individualized and continuously distributed across borrowers, againyielding the prediction that debt payments would have a smooth cross-sectional distribution.

8See Bachas (2018) for a model of maturity demand in continuous time for a fixed loan size withoutbudget or liquidity constraints.







�t⇥u(ct) + �tB

`t + µ( ¯D �m(D, r`, T`)/yt0)


where the budget constraint B`t depends on the chosen loan ` and is defined as

B`t ⌘ St�1(1 + rS) + yt � ct � St +D · 1(t = t0) (6)

�m(D, r`, T`) · 1(t0 t t0 + T`).

To differentiate between asset savings and debt, here we denote savings St � 0 with a one-

period rate of return rS. The amount of debt D � 0 is originated at time t0 such that at the

origination date, the household receives D to spend or save. For all time periods t starting

with the origination month and extending until month t0+T` when the loan characterized by

contract ` matures and is paid off, the household must make fixed, amortizing installment

payments m that depend only on the amount of debt D, the loan’s interest rate r`, and

maturity T`. In the case of the fixed-rate, self-amortizing consumer loans we study here,

m(D, r, T ) = Dr1�(1+r)�T . The borrowing constraint is again a limit on the payment-to-income

ratio and is enforced at origination.

The key observation from the budget-constraint specification in (6) is that an uncon-

strained household’s optimal loan-contract choice `⇤ is related to the present value of per-

period (e.g., monthly) payments. Formally, the optimality condition for ` yields

`⇤ = argmin




�t�tm(D, r`, T`), (7)

showing that an unconstrained consumer choosing to take out a fixed amount of debt D

will only consider the present value of the marginal utility lost from the required payment

stream. Here, preferences over bundles will depend on the specific menu offered. Faced with

two equally sized debt contracts, a longer one with lower monthly payments but a higher

present value and a shorter contract with higher monthly payments but lower present value,

a classical consumer (with constant marginal utility of wealth � for the sake of argument)


would choose the loan with lower present value. This has implications for unconstrained

consumer preferences over interest rates and maturity. Given that the present value of an

amortizing contract is relatively more sensitive to interest rates and monthly payments are

more sensitive to loan maturity, consumers targeting monthly payments will be particularly

elastic to maturity.

At the intensive margin, the choice of loan size will also be a function of offered terms.

For each given debt contract `, optimal debt is characterized by the first-order condition of

(5) with respect to D

�t0(D⇤` )� µ(D⇤

` ) =



�t�t0�t(D⇤` ) ·m0

(D⇤` , r`, T`), (8)

where m0(·, ·, ·) is the derivative of monthly payments with respect to loan size, and �(·)

and µ(·) are the corresponding Lagrange multipliers, evaluated at optimal choices implied

by D⇤` . Borrowers select D⇤

` to trade off the benefit of relaxing the budget constraint at the

time of origination (including the dynamic effects this has on subsequent periods’ budget

constraints) with the impact of higher loan sizes on the marginal-utility–weighted present-

value of future debt service payments. Again, when borrowers face binding credit limits ¯D,

the marginal utility of wealth �t0 will be too high relative to the unconstrained case. Given

optimal loan size D⇤` for each contract ` and the corresponding optimal path of consumption

and savings {c⇤`t, S⇤`t}, the household’s optimal loan-contract `⇤ is

`⇤ = argmax




�t⇥u(c⇤`t) + �tB

`t (c

⇤`t, S

⇤`t, D

⇤` ) + µ( ¯D �m(D⇤

` , r`, T`)/yt0)⇤


As before, given that an increase in maturity affects monthly payments more than a com-

mensurate decrease in interest rates, demand from constrained (unconstrained) borrowers

will naturally be more (less) sensitive to maturity than rates. Despite their demand being

sensitive to both interest rates and maturity, constrained borrowers faced with shocks to

offered loan characteristics will smooth their monthly payments to satisfy their payment-to-


income ratio constraints. Unconstrained borrowers, however, would respond to better credit

terms by increasing loan sizes and monthly payments.

In practice, several of the aspects of consumer behavior we document are inconsistent

with the predictions of the classical model with credit constraints. Consistent with monthly

payment constraints binding, we find excess demand sensitivity to maturity and evidence

of monthly payment smoothing (monthly payments are relatively constant across otherwise

similar consumers facing different (r, T ) menus). However, in contrast to the above model,

we find monthly payment smoothing and maturity preferences even for consumers unlikely

to be credit constrained. Moreover, we observe bunching in monthly payment levels at round

numbers, especially multiples of $100. Such a distribution of monthly payments is difficult

to rationalize with a simple model of liquidity constraints, and we observe a statistically

significant fraction of each borrower type bunching. Even for constrained borrowers, it is

unlikely that credit constraints would happen to bind more frequently just below a $100

threshold than just above given the continuous distribution of income, car values, loan sizes,

interest rates, and maturities.9 Instead, targeting salient, round-number amounts is con-

sistent with households developing a monthly categorical budget prescribing the level of

spending.10 While both monthly borrowing constraints and a categorical budget would both

predict monthly payment smoothing, a human tendency to form monthly budgets with round

numbers, perhaps arising from cognitive costs of a more exact optimization process, could

rationalize the round-number monthly payment bunching we see even for unconstrained bor-

rowers.11 In our framework, many households forming a round-number budget could take

the form of an additional constraint

m(D`, r`, T`) M (10)

9Nevertheless, we verify below that the excess mass below each $100 multiple is not driven by bunchingin popular underwriting ratios.

10The use of such a budget is widely prescribed by personal finance courses and is consistent with statedbehavior in the lab (e.g., Ranyard et al., 2006).

11See, for example, Wonder et al. (2008) for survey evidence that borrowers place emphasis on the leftdigit when considering monthly payments.


with M the amount budgeted monthly for car-loan payments. Such a constraint with

predetermined round number M would be consistent with excess sensitivity to maturity,

monthly payment smoothing, and payment-level bunching. In particular, we show below

that payment-level bunching is especially pronounced for borrowers taking out loans with

non-standard maturities (maturities not multiples of twelve months). This suggests a new ex-

planation for the importance borrowers place on maturity. While longer loans allow borrow-

ers to get beneath underwriting constraints, even unconstrained borrowers using a monthly

budget will value maturity for its ability to control payment size.

3 Data

Our unique data on the (anonymized) auto-loan decisions and loan contract features of 2.4

million borrowers and 319 lenders come from a technology firm that provides data ware-

housing and analytics services to retail-oriented lending institutions nationwide. The vast

majority of the loans in our sample (98.5%) are originated by credit unions, with the re-

mainder originated by non-bank finance companies.

Loan contract features in the data include borrower FICO scores, loan-to-value (LTV)

ratios, car purchase prices, loan dates, and in some cases, back-end DTI ratios (the ratio

of current debt payments to income excluding the auto loan in question). We restrict the

data set to only those loans originated directly with a lending institution (in contrast to

so-called indirect loans, which involve loan applications processed through auto dealerships)

to avoid the possibility that dealers steer buyers to a particular lender.12 Although we have

borrowers from all 50 U.S. states, the five most-represented states in the data are Washington

(465,553 loans), California (335,584 loans), Texas (280,108 loans), Oregon (208,358 loans),

and Virginia (189,857 loans). The sample includes loans originated between 2005 and 2016,

12We are unaware of aggregate statistics on the relative composition of direct versus indirect loans, butroughly half of the auto loans in our data provider’s database are direct loans. Indirect borrowers are ofslightly higher credit quality (median FICO for indirect of 718 versus FICO 714 for direct) and spend moreon purchased cars (median purchase of $20k versus $16k).


but over 70% of the loans were originated between 2012 and 2015.

We supplement the originated loan data with the applications of 1.3 million borrowers

from 45 lending institutions (not all lenders in our data share loan application data with

our data provider). The application data include decisions on loan approvals, denials, and

funding outcomes, in addition to the credit attributes of applicants. Seeing this stage of the

loan origination process allows us to estimate demand elasticities at the extensive margin,

though a limited sample size reduces our power to detect discontinuities.

Table 1 reports basic summary statistics of the cleaned sample, after removing loan sizes

over $100,000 and interest rates over 15%. Panel A summarizes the loan-application data;

panel B summarizes the originated loans. As reported in panel B, the median loan size is

$16,034, the median FICO score is 714, and median DTI is 26%. The median interest rate

over the full sample period is 4.0% and trends down over our sample period. Median loan

maturities rise from 60 months in the early years of the sample to 66 months in 2014 and


The auto loans in our data mostly secure the purchase of used cars by prime borrowers

and are originated by a slightly older, slightly less-racially diverse, and slightly-higher average

credit quality demographic.13 Our sample draws heavily from the 2012-2015 time period, a

reflection of the growth in our data provider’s client base over this period. However, auto

loan originations also increased substantially over this period. Nationwide outstanding auto

debt increased 44.5% between 2012 and 2015, outpacing even the growth in student loans

over the same period. According to Experian (2016), credit unions originated 23% of all

2015 used car loans and 10% of new car originations. Any non-representativeness should

be less of an issue in our setting given our reliance on a regression-discontinuity design that

relies only on the local validity of our identifying assumptions.14

13Over 41% of our borrowers are between the ages of 45-65, compared to 34% in the U.S. census. Oursample is estimated to be 73% white, compared to 64.5% in the 2010 Census. Median FICO scores in oursample are 714, compared to a median FICO of 695 in the NY Fed Consumer Credit Panel (CCP).

14A related discussion regarding representativeness exists in Argyle et al. (2017), which uses the samedata.


4 Estimation

The basic challenge in understanding the relationship between contract terms and demand for

debt is that loan contract terms are endogenously determined. Our identification strategy

relies on quasi-random variation in the supply of interest rates and maturities offered to

borrowers by exploiting observed discontinuities in offered loan terms across various FICO

thresholds.15 Unlike the mortgage setting in Keys et al. (2010), there is not an industry

standard FICO score (e.g. FICO 620) in the auto market at which institutions vary their

lending standards or around which treatment of loans changes in the secondary market.

Instead, discontinuities in offered interest rates and loan maturities exist at various points

across the FICO spectrum. Anecdotally, conversations with credit-union executives confirm

the existence of FICO thresholds and their (admittedly coarse) purpose of pricing risk in

loan offerings. Possible explanations for the persistent use of pricing thresholds include the

continued use of rate sheets, fear of overfitting, and the slow adoption of recently developed

analytical tools that would render rate sheets obsolete. We note, however, that the precise

reason for discrete lender pricing rules is not important to our study here insofar as these

reasons are not correlated with borrower quality or demand, which we verify below.

In this section, we first discuss the process we follow to detect rate and maturity disconti-

nuities. We then present our regression-discontinuity strategy to estimate the magnitude of

these discontinuities along with first-stage results and a series of tests of the RD identifying

assumptions. While the FICO thresholds identify quasi-random variation in the supply of

credit terms, the colocation of maturity and rate discontinuities within a lending institution

also presents a unique empirical challenge. Interest rates and maximum loan maturities

often jump discontinuously at the same FICO thresholds (though at different thresholds

across lenders), complicating differentiating the relative contribution of interest-rate supply

15Methodologically, other studies have used discontinuous credit policies for inference. For example,Agarwal et al. (2017) estimate borrowing elasticities with respect to credit limits and also use a regression-discontinuity design based on FICO scores. In mortgage markets, Adelino et al. (2014), Best and Kleven(2017), DeFusco and Paciorek (2017), Di Maggio et al. (2017), and Ganong and Noel (2018) each use thenonlinear treatment of credit attributes to identify aspects of consumer debt optimization.


from loan-maturity supply in determining equilibrium loan amounts. Below, we develop

a two-stage least squares procedure that makes use of heterogeneity across lenders in the

magnitude of the otherwise standard first stages for rates and maturities. If all lenders

had discontinuities for rates and maturities at the same FICO thresholds, and if those dis-

continuities were of equal magnitude, we would not be able to separately identify demand

elasticities with respect to rate and maturity. After detailing our instrumental-variables

regression-discontinuity estimator, we report elasticity estimates at both the intensive and

extensive margins. In section 5 we employ a similar estimation framework to evaluate differ-

ences in equilibrium monthly payment amounts in response to exogenous variation in rates

and maturity.

4.1 Detecting Discontinuities

To illustrate the lending rules we seek to detect in this section, panel A of Figure 1 provides

an example of interest-rate drops around FICO thresholds for a single (anonymous) lender

in our sample. The figure plots point estimates and confidence intervals from a regression

of realized interest rates on a set of indicator variables for 5-point FICO bins. The 5-point

FICO bins begin at FICO 500, where the first bin includes FICO scores in the 500-504

range, the second bin includes 505-509 FICO scores, etc., up through FICO scores of 800.

The estimated coefficients for each FICO bin represents the average interest rate on loans

contained in the bin, relative to omitted category (FICO>800). The average interest rate

movements are large, ranging from a 360 basis-point (bp) drop around FICO 600 to a 7 bp

drop around FICO 720.

Panel B of Figure 1 provides a similar estimation of a single lender’s maturity policy

that also jumps at several FICO thresholds. As in panel A, we estimate average maturities

and confidence intervals for loans within 5-point FICO buckets. For the institution plotted

in panel B, loan maturities jump an average of 2.7 months around FICO 600, an average

of 2.8 months at FICO 640, and an average of 3.3 months at FICO 680. Importantly


for our identification strategy, note that different thresholds are associated with varying

magnitudes of discontinuities within an institution; the same is true across institutions.

Underlying the maturity plot in panel B is likely a lender-specific rule about maximum

allowable maturity that we do not observe and of which not all borrowers avail themselves.

This likely contributes to the pattern we see comparing panels A and B of Figure 1 where rate

discontinuities are more precisely estimated than maturity rules. Still, the discontinuities in

maturity are economically and statistically significant as discussed below.

To identify every institution in our sample with discontinuous loan pricing rules, we

first estimate interest rate-FICO bin regressions separately by lender. We define interest-

rate discontinuities as those FICO thresholds where 1) the interest rate difference across

consecutive bins is larger than 50 basis points, 2) the p-value for the difference between

those two coefficients is less than 0.001, and 3) the differences between coefficient estimates

on either side of a potential discontinuity have a p-value that is greater than 0.1.16 This

last criterion ensures smoothness to the left and right of a candidate discontinuity. We also

examine each potential threshold visually to ensure that the identified discontinuities are

well behaved around the candidate thresholds. This screening criteria selects only those

discontinuities that are economically and statistically significant and generated by stable

lending rules.17

While we observe lender-specific discontinuities in maturity rules throughout the FICO

spectrum, we restrict our attention here to jumps in allowable maturity that occur coincident

with our detected rate discontinuities. Although in principle, observing rate and maturity

discontinuities at separate FICO locations could facilitate holding one fixed to isolate con-

16For example, to classify a discontinuity at FICO 600, we require that �̂600�604 (the estimated averageinterest rate of borrowers with FICO scores between 600 and 604) be 50 bp less than �̂595�599 and that thep-value testing that difference has to be less than 0.001. In addition, the p-values testing �600�604 = �605�609

and �590�594 = �595�599 must be greater than 0.1.17For example, this procedure would not classify the FICO 520 coefficient for the lender in panel A of

Figure 1 as a discontinuity because of the third criterion even though the first two criteria are satisfied. Giventhe relative magnitude of the confidence intervals in panel A of Figure 1 and the underlying distribution ofFICO scores in the population, it is likely that the volatile FICO bin estimates for FICO scores well below600 are driven by very small sample sizes as opposed to a volatile underlying lending rule.


sumer response to the other, this would require a high degree of confidence in locating

an exhaustive set of discontinuities. As maturity and rates are almost always offered as a

bundle, it is difficult to isolate exogenous movements in one loan parameter that does not

impact the other, consistent with anecdotal evidence from credit-union executives that have

indicated that maturity discontinuities frequently exist at the same FICO thresholds as rate

discontinuities. FICO-based maturity discontinuity detection is further complicated by con-

sumers not always originating loans of the max offered maturity, in contrast to interest rates

where consumers almost always originate loans with the lowest offered rate. We therefore

assume that maturity discontinuously changes whenever rates discontinuously change. We

believe this approach is conservative with respect to understanding differences between rate

and maturity elasticities. Falsely identifying maturity discontinuities will create downward

bias in our average maturity elasticity estimates because the estimates will include maturity

estimates of zero at the false positive discontinuities. In contrast, our rate elasticities should

be estimated with precision given the strictness of the criteria employed to identify the rate

discontinuities. Falsely assuming the existence of maturity discontinuities could lead to a

weak instrument problem, but the partial F -statistics reported in section 4.2 suggest this is

not a problem.18

Our discontinuity detection strategy results in just over two discontinuities for the average

institution in our sample. Of the 319 institutions we evaluate, 233 display discontinuities.

Appendix Figure A1 presents a histogram of the frequency of discontinuities by FICO score.

The most common discontinuities occur at FICO 600, 640, 680, and 700 and 80% of the

discontinuities are concentrated between FICO 600 and 700. To check for representativeness,

we compare statistics for the discontinuity sample (Table 2) with the full-sample summary

statistics (Table 1) and report tests of differences between the two samples in Appendix Table

A1. Differences in observable characteristics between the full sample and the discontinuity

sample (e.g. average FICO of 710 in the full sample compared to average FICO of 663

18Requiring jumps to also exceed a maturity hurdle reduces the sample size but leads to qualitativelysimilar results.


in the discontinuity sample) reflect the fact that the majority of loans near discontinuities

have FICO scores between 600 and 700, whereas in the full sample a larger fraction of

borrowers have FICO scores above 700. The concentration of discontinuities between FICO

600 and 700 also explains why average loan amounts and collateral values are lower in

the discontinuity sample. Higher FICO score borrowers purchase more expensive cars, on

average, and originate larger loans to finance those purchases.

4.2 Isolating Exogenous Variation in Contract Terms

In order to estimate the elasticity of loan amounts with respect to interest rates and maturi-

ties, we use our detected FICO discontinuities to isolate quasi-random variation in contract

terms. Our RD specification combines all classified discontinuities D to explain originated

interest rates r and maturities T for consumer i in commuting-zone g borrowing from lender

l in quarter t

riglt =X


1(il 2 Dd)

⇣�r1(F̂ ICOid � 0) + f(F̂ ICOid; ⇡

r) + r


⌘+ ⇠rgt + vriglt (11)

Tiglt =



1(il 2 Dd)

⇣�T1(F̂ ICOid � 0) + f(F̂ ICOid; ⇡

T) + T


⌘+ ⇠Tgt + vTiglt (12)

where for the RD running variable, we normalize FICO scores relative to each detected dis-

continuity d with F̂ ICOid = FICOi � cutoffdl.19 The exogenous term in equations (11) and

(12) is the discontinuity indicator 1(F̂ ICOid � 0). Conditional on the smooth relationship

f(· ; ·) between the running variable and first-stage outcomes, the coefficients �y report how

each contract characteristic y changes discontinuously for otherwise identical borrowers when

F̂ ICO = 0. The indicator 1(il 2 Dd) equals one when the FICO score associated with loan

i is within 19 FICO points of a discontinuity detected in the policy of lender l such that

only loans within 19 points of a given discontinuity are used to estimate the magnitude of

19For example, a loan with FICO score of 613 would have F̂ ICO value of -7 relative to a 620 FICOdiscontinuity and a F̂ ICO value of -37 relative to a 650 FICO discontinuity.


that discontinuity.20 To capture the independent effects of credit scores on loan-product

attributes, we model the effect of the running variable as a quadratic function f(F̂ ICO; ⇡)

that changes at the discontinuity

f(F̂ ICO; ⇡) = ⇡1F̂ ICO + ⇡2F̂ ICO2+ 1(F̂ ICO � 0)

✓⇡3F̂ ICO + ⇡4F̂ ICO

2◆, (13)

although our results are also robust to a cubic specification. The terms ydl and ⇠ygt are

lender-specific discontinuity-neighborhood fixed effects and commuting zone-by-quarter fixed

effects, respectively. These fixed effects capture any unobserved heterogeneity in the levels

of rates and maturities driven by such things as borrower selection into lenders or time

varying-local economic conditions that could impact the supply and demand for loans. The

RD function coefficients � and ⇡ capture the average relationship between normalized FICO

scores and contract terms relative to each lender’s baseline level of rates around each discon-

tinuity. We cluster standard errors by FICO score.

Panels A and B of Figure 2 plot predicted values of interest rates and loan maturity,

respectively. For both contract features, there is a visibly apparent discontinuity as the run-

ning variable (normalized FICO score) crosses the threshold. The estimated discontinuities

contrast with the otherwise smooth relationship between FICO scores and rates and matu-

rities estimated nonparametrically on either side of the discontinuities. Comparing panels A

and B, especially the relative magnitude of the discontinuity and confidence-interval widths,

the interest-rate first stage seems more precise and lender maturity rules more volatile. We

attribute this difference in precision across the two contract features as a result of not all

consumers taking up the maximum allowable loan length and our detection procedure con-

servatively including false-positive maturity discontinuities.

Table 3 reports results using the larger origination sample (panel A), and, given that

our balance tests below use data from the application sample, a sample restricted to only

20This specification amounts to a uniform kernel and a bandwidth of 19. Our results are robust to otherchoices of RD kernel and bandwidth.


those approved loans in the application data (panel B). The discontinuity estimates ˆ�r for

the change in interest rates at a detected FICO discontinuity range from -130 to -40 basis

points in panels A and B, respectively. Despite a smaller application sample, both are

estimated with reasonable precision. Loan maturities increase by an average of 0.74 to 0.33

months in panels A and B, respectively. As discussed in the context of Figure 2 above,

because observations come from loans that were originated, these effects likely stem from

larger changes in maximum allowable maturity than estimated by these coefficients, some

consumers not taking up the maximum offered maturity, and some lenders having no change

in maturity policy at a detected FICO threshold. As apparent in Figure 2, the first-stage

estimate on interest rates has a much higher t-statistic than the discontinuity coefficient

for loan maturity, although the discontinuities are statistically significant for both outcomes

even in the smaller application sample. The partial F-statistics testing the strength of the

instrument set are over 10 for the specifications reported in Table 3, with the exception of

a partial F-statistic of 7.9 for maturity in the much-reduced application sample reported in

Panel B.

4.3 Validating RD Exogeneity Assumption

For our RD estimates to isolate consumer sensitivity to loan features, we need the identifying

assumption that other demand factors do not change discontinuously at our detected FICO

thresholds. This smoothness condition allows for a counterfactual interpretation of outcomes

around thresholds by locally mimicking random assignment of borrowers to interest rate and

maturity offers. Conceptually, there is no clear process by which borrowers could select into

one side of the threshold. Borrowers are unlikely to know their credit score precisely and are

even less likely to know the location of an institution’s rate cutoffs. Given the volatility in

FICO scores across credit bureaus and across weeks, it is also unlikely that assignment to one

side of a threshold is correlated with demand shifters. Manipulation of credit scores is also

difficult to achieve in the short-run and of little expected return without exact knowledge of


lender pricing rules.

We also test for the smoothness of other observables (and the density of the running vari-

able) as further evidence that only treatment is changing discontinuously at each detected

discontinuity. Appendix Figure A2 and Table 4 use loan-application data to test whether av-

erage ex-ante borrower characteristics change discontinuously around FICO discontinuities.

Panels A-E of Appendix Figure A2 show that borrowers on either side of FICO thresholds do

not appear meaningfully different in terms of their debt capacity, willingness to borrow, or

demographics. Panel F plots a McCrary (2008) test showing that the number of applicants

is similar on either side of the threshold, suggesting that borrowers are likely unaware of

the existence or location of the FICO thresholds when they apply. Table 4 shows that the

discontinuity point estimates and McCrary test statistic corresponding to the RD plots in

Appendix Figure A2 are all statistically insignificant.

Smoothness in observables at the time of application does not rule out the possibility of

selection at the time of loan origination. If borrowers pursued an aggressive line of questions

to elicit a loan supply schedule from a lender, they might search or wait until their observables

put themselves on the cheap side of a discontinuity, leading to concerns of differences in bor-

rower composition on either side of a threshold. To address this possibility, Appendix Table

A2 estimates RD regressions with borrower observables as the dependent variable. Again,

borrowers on opposite sides of a discontinuity are statistically indistinguishable. Consistent

with our conjecture that borrowers smooth monthly payments by increasing loan amounts,

the estimates indicate a jump in borrowed amounts (column 1 of Appendix Table A2). We

discuss this specific result in much more detail in section 5.


4.4 Demand Elasticity Estimation

We are interested in estimating the elasticities of demand with respect to interest rate and

maturity (i.e. term), defined as

⌘rate ⌘ @ logQ

@ log r

⌘maturity ⌘ @ logQ

@ log T

where Q is the quantity of debt originated and r and T are loan interest rate and maturity,

respectively.21 In a traditional simultaneous equations setup for demand and supply, we

identify the demand equation by instrumenting for price with factors that affect supply but

not demand. In our setting, we have variation in r and T coming from discontinuities in

supply-side determined lending rules, which we show are uncorrelated with several correlates

of demand. To account for the simultaneous movement of interest rates and loan maturities

at the discontinuities in our elasticity estimation, we exploit cross-sectional variation in the

magnitude of the discontinuities across institutions. The magnitude of differences in the

size of discontinuities is driven by differences in the location of discontinuities on the FICO

spectrum and by institution-specific differences in loan pricing and maturity policies at a

given threshold.

We specify a two-stage least-squares (2SLS) framework for measuring rate and maturity

elasticities and estimate the equation separately at both the extensive and intensive margin.

Our second stage demand equation is given by

yiglt = ⌘r log ri + ⌘m log Ti +



1(il 2 Dd)

⇣f(F̂ ICOid; ✓l) + 'dl

⌘+ ↵gt + "iglt (14)

where yiglt is either the log loan size of loan i originated by lender l in commuting zone g at

quarter t (intensive-margin elasticity) or a dummy variable equal to one if the approved appli-

21Note that our hypothesis is that consumers have preferences over the total cost of a loan and paymentsize, not over rate and term per se. Still, we estimate elasticities with respect to rate and maturity since thetotal cost of the loan and its payment size each depend on the endogenous choice of loan size.


cant i accepted an approved loan offer (extensive-margin elasticity). The relevant elasticities

are given by ⌘r and ⌘m, corresponding to the log of the interest rate r and log loan matu-

rity T , respectively. As in the first stage, the terms 'dl and ↵gt are discontinuity-by-lender

fixed effects and commuting zone-by-quarter fixed effects, respectively. The normalized and

discontinuity-specific running variable F̂ ICOid enters quadratically through f(· ; ·) as defined

in (13) above to approximate the nonlinear ways through which auto-loan demand may vary

with credit scores around each discontinuity. Note, however, that in this specification, we

allow for the RD function to vary by lender, parameterizing f(·; ·) with lender-specific ✓l.

The demand specification in (14) has two right-hand-side endogenous variables that need

instrumenting for identification. The first-stage equations are log-linear versions of equations

(11) and (12) with one important distinction.

log riglt =X


1(il 2 Dd)

⇣�rl 1(F̂ ICOid � 0) + f(F̂ ICOid; ⇡

rl ) + r


⌘+ ⇠rgt + vriglt (15)

log Tiglt =



1(il 2 Dd)

⇣�Tl 1(F̂ ICOid � 0) + f(F̂ ICOid; ⇡

Tl ) + T


⌘+ ⇠Tgt + vTiglt (16)

For our 2SLS estimation, the excluded instruments are a set of lender-specific indicators

interacted with the discontinuity indicator 1(F̂ ICOid � 0), denoted as RD first-stage co-

efficients �l varying by lender l. The 2SLS relevance condition will be satisfied so long as

rate and maturity discontinuities are jointly significant at the lender level conditional on the

other controls in the first stage, equivalent to not all lenders having the same discontinuity

magnitudes for rate and term. The standard partial F -statistic corresponding to the null

hypothesis that the coefficients on the instrument set are jointly zero tests this identification


The exclusion restriction is met under the assumption that differences in the magnitudes

of discontinuities across institutions are driven by institutional features that are exogenous

to other factors affecting auto-loan demand (supply factors excluded from the demand equa-

tion). Given the results of section 4.3 that demonstrate a lack of sorting around the dis-


continuities on any observable dimension, it is plausible that the size of rate and maturity

discontinuities is also unrelated to unobserved demand factors. If borrowers lack the infor-

mation and ability to successfully target the right side of a lender’s FICO discontinuity, it

is unlikely that they would be able to target lenders that have large or small discontinuities.

Furthermore, commuting-zone-by-quarter fixed effects ⇠gt rule out selection into large or

small discontinuity sizes on characteristics that move slowly across space (income, financial

sophistication) or vary across time (aggregate economic conditions). Discontinuity-by-lender

fixed effects dl account for borrower-segment-specific selection into lenders—for example, if

borrowers with credit scores around 600 differ on unobservables across lenders.

To illustrate the intuition behind this identifying assumption, consider a stylized example

with two institutions and no other controls. Lender A features a discrete 100 basis-point

interest-rate reduction and a 12-month increase in maturity offered at a FICO threshold of

600. Lender-A borrowers with a FICO score of 601 on average originate loans of $21,000,

whereas 599 FICO borrowers take out $20,000 loans on average. Lender B features a disconti-

nuity also at FICO 600 but offers a 75 basis point interest rate reduction and six-month longer

maturity at the threshold, leading 601 FICO borrowers at Lender B to borrow $800 more

than 599 borrowers. In this just-identified case with quasi-random assignment of discontinu-

ity magnitudes, our demand estimation problem reduces to solving a system of two equations

with two unknowns. The first equation, using data from Lender A, specifies changes in loan

amounts as the dependent variable as a function of the 100 basis point rate discontinuity and

the 12-month maturity discontinuity. The second equation is specified similarly using the

data from Lender B. Quasi-random assignment of discontinuity magnitudes will hold insofar

as any systematic differences between borrowers at Lenders A and B are unrelated to the

fact that Lender A had discontinuities of 100 basis points and 12-months and Lender B has

discontinuities of 75 basis points and six months. As in this example, our identification strat-

egy relies on variation in the magnitude of rate and maturity discontinuities across lenders

combined with this variation being unrelated to borrower demand shocks across lenders.


Extensive-margin results

Column 1 of Table 5 reports extensive-margin results from estimating equation (14) by

2SLS with first stages as specified in equations (15) and (16). Here, the dependent variable

is an indicator for whether an approved loan application was taken up by the borrower.

Our statistical power is limited relative to the intensive-margin estimates below because we

necessarily rely on the application data for this margin, which are only available for a fraction

of institutions in our data (see panel A of Table 2 for summary statistics on the application

data in the estimation sample).

Our key finding is that we estimate borrowers to be much more sensitive to proportion-

ally equally sized changes in maturity than to changes in interest rates. We estimate an

extensive-margin demand elasticity with respect to interest rates of -0.10, slightly lower than

the extensive-margin elasticity of -0.3 to advertised interest rates estimated by Karlan and

Zinman (2008). We estimate a demand elasticity with respect to loan maturity of 0.83,

substantially larger than our estimated interest rate elasticity. Facing a ten-percent decrease

in interest rate increases the likelihood that a prospective borrower accepts a loan offer by

one percentage point. By contrast, a ten-percent increase in offered loan length increases

borrower take-up by 8.30 percentage points. A formal test rejects that the two elasticities

are equal to each other in magnitude. Column 2 substitutes zip-code ⇥ quarter fixed effects.

While the interest-rate elasticity remains basically unchanged, accounting for shocks to de-

mand at the zip-code by quarter level increases the estimated maturity elasticity such that

the maturity elasticity in column 2 is 22 times larger than the rate elasticity.

Intensive-margin results

In column 3 of Table 5, we report elasticities of loan size conditional on origination (the

intensive margin) with respect to contract terms using our substantially larger origination

sample (see panel B of Table 2 for summary statistics on the origination sample used in

estimation). Here, we estimate a demand elasticity with respect to rate of -0.18 and a


maturity elasticity of 0.66. Adding zip code ⇥ quarter fixed effects in column 4 again

increases the estimated elasticity with respect to maturity. Both the rate and maturity

elasticities are estimated precisely with statistically significantly different magnitudes from

one another and maturity sensitivities exceeding rate sensitivities by a factor of five in column


To illustrate the magnitude of these results, consider a $20,000 loan with a five-year

maturity and 5% interest rate. The results of Table 5, column 4 imply that a ten-percent

increase in offered loan maturity (from 60 to 66 months) would result in a 8.5% increase in

the equilibrium loan amount, from $20,000 to $21,708. In comparison, a ten-percent decrease

in offered loan rates, from 5% to 4.5%, would result in an increased loan amount of only

1.7%, from $20,000 to roughly $20,338.

Borrowers are more likely to originate a loan (and take out larger loans conditional on

doing so) when they are offered a 10% increase in loan maturity than a 10% decrease in

interest rates. These results are consistent with both the liquidity constraints and monthly

budgeting model in section 2. What accounts for this differential sensitivity to contract

terms? As we show below, such behavior is consistent with consumers focusing on monthly

payment amounts rather than lifetime loan costs when making debt decisions.

5 Interpretation

Theoretical predictions regarding the relative magnitude of rate and maturity elasticities

depend on the extent of credit constraints in the given model, as discussed in section 2

above. To summarize, when household discount rates are lower than interest rates, borrowers

who are unconstrained in their ability to borrow across periods would optimally choose

among interest rate and maturity pairs to minimize the total present value of debt-service

22Appendix Table A3 reports extensive and intensive margin elasticity estimates controlling for third-order polynomials in the running variable as well robustness to a 5-point FICO bandwidth. Results arequantitatively similar to those reported in Table 5.


payments.23 However, given the relative importance of maturity in determining monthly

payments, a preference for long maturities could arise from plausible real-world frictions that

constrain monthly debt service. Borrowing constraints as in Zeldes (1989) create a wedge

in the household’s intertemporal Euler equation and, in the extreme scenario of no credit-

market access, essentially reduce the intertemporal budget constraint based on total lifetime

wealth to a per-period budget constraint where monthly payment levels are paramount.

Similarly, in a buffer-stock model of saving and consumption decisions (e.g., Carroll, 1997),

households may choose to attend to monthly payment levels in order to maintain a constant

wealth-to-income ratio. Other borrowing frictions such as incomplete credit markets, credit

rationing, credit limits, and late fees could lead consumers to rationally focus on monthly


Behaviorally, several forms of bounded rationality could also explain borrower emphasis

on monthly payments and thus high maturity elasticities. Failure to appreciate the power

of compound interest, termed exponential-growth bias by Stango and Zinman (2009), could

lead borrowers to ignore the negative consequences of long-maturity loans on the total cost

of the loan. Other behavioral frictions such as hyperbolic discounting (Laibson, 1997),

cognitive costs of optimization (Soll et. al., 2013), or general financial illiteracy (Gathergood,

2012) could drive households to adopt a monthly budget as a heuristic to ensure per-period

consumption is affordable, committable, and sustainable, which in turn would lead to excess

sensitivity to loan maturity.

While credit constraints and behavioral frictions are not mutually exclusive, in this sec-

tion, we discuss additional evidence that provides unique support for the presence of each


23In a frictionless world, taste for maturity depends on the relative magnitude of a given contract’s interestrate and the household’s discount rate. If borrowers discount the future at a higher rate than the loan’sinterest rate, they would prefer long-maturity loans. Of course, wealthy car buyers who discount future(utility-weighted) cash flows less than borrowing interest rates would prefer to pay cash rather than financea purchase with a loan. Cash buyers are uncommon in the U.S. (Brevoort et al., 2017).


Monthly Payment Smoothing

As discussed in section 2, borrowers adhering to a monthly budget or facing binding credit

constraints are likely to make borrowing decisions with monthly payments as a primary

consideration. Whether borrowers are constrained by a debt limit constraint as in equation

(3) or a mental budget as in (10), consumers facing an exogenous improvement in credit terms

will increase their debt to the point where debt payment is unchanged. Note, however,

that only a mental-accounting constraint can rationalize monthly payment smoothing by

borrowers unlikely to be facing credit constraints. In a model with only credit constraints as

in Attanasio et al. (2008), unconstrained borrowers would increase their monthly payments

when offered cheaper credit, consistent with their intensive-margin demand elasticities.

Using the monthly payment of each loan in our sample, we estimate differences in monthly

payments around FICO discontinuities by estimating the specification in equations (11) and

(12) with monthly payments as the single dependent variable. Column 1 of Table 6 shows

that borrowers on the right side of a credit-supply discontinuity originate loan amounts with

monthly payment sizes that are statistically indistinguishable from the monthly payment

amounts of borrowers just to the left of discontinuities (coefficient of $2.48 with a standard

error of $1.89). With zip-by-quarter fixed effects in panel B instead of the commuting-

zone-by-quarter fixed effects in panel A, the point estimate is $2.20 with a standard error

of $2.17.24 We contrast these results with the prediction of our intensive-margin demand

elasticity estimates in Table 5, which indicate average loan sizes and monthly payments

should increase by $1,010 and $5.38 across the average discontinuity, respectively. Borrowers

offered lower rates and longer maturities do increase their loan size in response to more

favorable loan offers, but only to the point where their monthly payments are the same as

they would have been but for the cost-of-credit shock. These estimates also imply that if

borrowers faced constrained consumption in multiple categories, they could choose to respond

24Appendix Table A4 reports monthly payment estimates controlling for third-order polynomials in therunning variable as well robustness to a 5-point FICO bandwidth, respectively. Results are quantitativelysimilar to those reported in Table 6.


to better credit terms by leaving loan sizes unchanged and using any newfound monthly debt-

service capacity ($13/month for the average loan) to increase spending in other consumption

categories. That borrowers do not decrease their monthly payments suggests further that

any operant credit constraints are likely underwriting driven and not self-imposed monthly

cash-flow constraints.

Heterogeneity by Liquidity Constraints

To distinguish likely constrained borrowers from those less likely to be constrained, we stratify

our sample based on FICO scores at the time of loan application. Though an imperfect proxy,

FICO scores are explicitly designed to correlate with ability to service debt. Borrowers with

low FICO scores (FICO < 650) are more likely to have a tougher time obtaining new credit

and may have low FICO scores precisely because of tighter liquidity constraints relative

to high FICO borrowers. We group the remaining borrowers into 650 < FICO < 700 and

FICO > 700 categories.25 Columns 2–4 of Table 6 report RD coefficients for borrowers within

each of the three FICO buckets. Treated borrowers in the lowest FICO bucket demonstrate

statistically identical monthly payment amounts relative to untreated counterfactual low-

FICO borrowers. When exogenously offered lower rates and longer maturities, borrowers

with the lowest expected access to credit markets increase their loan amounts and ultimately

the amount they spend on a car, but only up to an amount that keeps their monthly payment

constant relative to similar borrowers not treated with easier credit. While column 2 is

consistent with a pure liquidity constraints story, the results in columns 3 and 4 are not,

indicating that even borrowers unlikely to be credit constrained smooth monthly payments.

These results are consistent with a heuristic approach to budgeting where borrowers have a

monthly payment in mind when making a loan decision.

To further test whether liquidity constraints can explain unconstrained borrowers target-

25Our results are reasonably robust to the exact FICO grouping, although we do face a tradeoff betweenhaving a low enough FICO score to capture constraints and having sufficient sample size to reject mean-ingfully sized monthly payment changes. Appendix Tables A5 and A6 report summary statistics for theapplication and origination samples, respectively, for each of the FICO subgroups.


ing monthly payments, we reestimate rate and maturity elasticities by FICO group in Table

7. The first observation is that all borrowers—not just the constrained—exhibit significantly

greater sensitivity to maturity than interest rate. In fact, panel B shows that unconstrained

borrowers (columns 5 and 6) increase their loan size the most in response to being offered

longer maturity while having the weakest response to interest-rate changes. Such a pattern

across FICO groups is inconsistent with an optimization framework that attributes monthly

payment targeting to liquidity constraints but consistent with the idea that high FICO bor-

rowers may be the most likely to adhere to a monthly budget. At the extensive margin (panel

A), the least-constrained borrowers show the greatest sensitivity to both interest rates and

maturity. This could be explained, for example, with high-FICO borrowers being more aware

of prevailing market rates and disciplined about not accepting a dominated offer. We lose

power when employing more aggressive fixed effects (zip-code⇥quarter) in the application

data in such tightly defined FICO subgroups, and the extensive-margin elasticity estimates

in columns 2, 4, and 6 of panel A become more noisy.

In sum, in contrast to interpretations of high maturity elasticities and monthly pay-

ment emphasis that attribute such preferences entirely to liquidity constraints, we find that

large maturity elasticities and monthly payment smoothing behavior are prevalent across

the spectrum of borrowers.

Monthly Payment Bunching

Why might borrowers target specific monthly payment amounts if not for liquidity con-

straints? Basic budgeting heuristics, motivated by cognitive costs or commitment problems,

could prompt loan decisions to be made based on a targeted monthly payment amount.

In this section, we explore the possibility that borrowers adhere to rough budget category-

specific expenditure limits when making loan decisions.

Figure 3 plots the distribution of monthly payment amounts in our sample of originated

loans. Panel A is centered around monthly payments of $200. The estimated probability


density features a large and discontinuous break in the number of borrowers with monthly

payments in the $198-199 range compared to borrowers with monthly payments at $200 or

$201. Panels B and C repeat this exercise for monthly payments around $300 and $400,

respectively, again showing significant bunching just below the round-number threshold.

We more formally test the significance of the bunching in the figures using McCrary tests.

Such bunching is consistent with a model where households attempt to approximate lifetime

budget optimization with rough round-number category-specific monthly budget limits as in

Ranyard et al. (2006). The high cognitive accessibility of round numbers likely influences

how car dealers and lenders interact with consumers during the purchasing and borrowing

decision, similar to Schindler and Kirby (1997) who show that a fixation on 9 as the rightmost

digit in sales prices influence how retailers advertise.26

Bunching at round-number payment levels does not rule out the possibility that liquid-

ity constraints are also an important feature of borrower decisions. However, it is hard to

rationalize bunching at multiples of $100 with liquidity constraints as the only explanation.

As discussed in section 2, whether liquidity constraints are slack or bind, heterogeneity in

household income, balance sheets, loan characteristics, and collateral values would lead to

continuously distributed monthly payments without a round-number categorical budgeting

constraint as in (10). Consistent with this reasoning, we do not see evidence of consumer

bunching at DTI or LTV thresholds (Appendix Figure A3), suggesting that underwriting

constraints cannot explain mass points in the payment distribution. To test further whether

liquidity constraints can empirically explain our observed bunching behavior, we again split

our sample into three borrower groups based on credit scores. We test whether bunching ex-

ists at salient anchor points of even hundred dollar monthly payment amounts by normalizing

payment amounts relative to the nearest hundred. Payment amounts of $200, $300, through

$700 are included in the normalization. Figure 4 plots McCrary tests (point estimates and

26See also survey evidence in marketing that borrowers focus on the first digit of monthly payment amounts(Wonder et al., 2008) and observational evidence in economics (Lacetera et al., 2012) that car buyers focuson the leftmost odometer digits as a cognitive shortcut.


confidence intervals) of significant differences in bunching at $100 thresholds. The McCrary

tests indicate that borrowers in all three FICO sub-samples exhibit significant bunching at

salient payment amounts, with the density of monthly payments dropping approximately

16% for payments just above a $100 multiple.

The prevalence of bunching across the spectrum of borrower constraints supports an

independent role for budgeting heuristics in monthly payment targeting. Such heuristics are

also likely to explain estimated high maturity elasticities even for unconstrained borrowers

given that flexibility in loan maturities allows borrowers to adjust monthly payments to target

a specific amount. We plot evidence that maturity is the lever used by many borrowers to

target a specific payment level in Figure 5. The first plot in panel A tests for monthly

payment bunching in the sample of borrowers originating loans with standard maturity

lengths, i.e., maturities of three, four, five, six, or seven years. The McCrary test indicates

that the density of monthly payments falls by 11% across the $100 threshold. The second plot

in panel B tests for bunching in a set of contracts with non-standard maturity lengths, i.e.

49-59 months, 61-71 months, 73-83 months, 85-95 months. The non-standard maturity loans

feature substantially more pronounced bunching at even hundred-dollar payment amounts,

with a McCrary statistic detecting roughly double the amount of excess mass relative to panel

A, providing additional evidence that maturity is a contractual feature used by consumers

to obtain a desired payment size.

6 Conclusion

In this paper, we document and interpret several empirical facts about consumer installment

debt. First, using a novel auto-loan data set combined with an RD research design, we

estimate that demand for installment debt is more sensitive to loan maturity than to interest

rates. This result is not consistent with a standard frictionless model of household finance,

under which loan amounts would be more responsive to equally sized (proportional) changes


in rates than maturities.

Nevertheless, a reasonable set of frictions could explain high maturity elasticities, includ-

ing liquidity constraints and behavioral optimization frictions. Consistent with these possi-

ble explanations, we show in a quasi-experimental setting that borrowers smooth monthly

payments across contract offers, even when exogenously offered more favorable loan terms.

These patterns persist across borrower types. Likely-to-be-constrained and unconstrained

borrowers alike borrow larger amounts when offered better terms but only up to amounts

that result in monthly payments that are the same as untreated, counterfactual borrowers.

While monthly payment smoothing could be explained by credit constraints alone, we

provide evidence that borrowers make debt decisions using affordability rules of thumb.

Borrowers disproportionately choose loan amounts and terms that result in monthly payment

amounts just below $100 multiples. Because it is unlikely that liquidity constraints bind

exactly at these salient round numbers, this behavior is consistent with many households

adhering to a monthly budget that specifies category-level expenditure limits. Notably,

monthly payment bunching is present across sub-samples of borrowers with varying degrees

of likely credit constraints such that targeting a specific monthly payment is not driven

entirely by binding liquidity constraints. Finally, we show that maturity is the mechanism

used to obtain a given salient payment amount. Borrowers with loan contracts of non-

standard length (e.g., 62 or 73 months) are more likely to originate loans just below salient

payment sizes than borrowers with standard maturities (e.g., 60 or 72 months).

To illustrate the relative importance of the maturity and interest-rate channels in the

transmission of credit supply shocks to aggregate lending, we apply our elasticity estimates

to aggregate data on auto loan activity. According to Equifax, between Q1:2009 and Q3:2018,

aggregate outstanding auto debt increased 66% from $766 billion to $1.27 trillion. Figure 6

plots Federal Reserve data showing that over the same period, the spread between 60-month

auto-loan rates and five-year Treasuries declined 57% from 5.09% to 2.19% while the average


maturity on used-car loans increased 13% from 54.8 to 61.9 months.27 While separating

the equilibrium increase in maturity into supply and demand shocks is beyond the scope of

this paper, our elasticity estimates are useful in understanding how supply-side increases in

maturity and interest rates could impact aggregate auto debt.

For calibration purposes, assume that half of the observed increase in equilibrium matu-

rity (6.5% of the observed 13%) was the result of increases in the supply of maturity.28 Our

maturity elasticity estimates suggest that such a supply shift would be responsible for $76B

of the $504B increase in outstanding auto debt between Q1:2009 and Q3:2018.29 Again, if

half of the decline in interest rates resulted from an outward shift in the supply of credit,

our elasticity estimates predict a $62B increase in auto debt.30 Using elasticities conditional

on zip ⇥ quarter fixed effects (columns 2 and 4 of Table 5), we estimate aggregate lending

effects of $125B and $53B due to demand for maturity and interest rates, respectively. While

we caveat that we are unable to identify the changes in equilibrium maturity and rates at-

tributable to changes in credit supply, the broader point is that even though rates declined

4.4 times more than maturities increased, credit supply likely impacted total auto debt more

through maturity than rates.

What are the implications of these findings for theory and practice? Positively, models

of household behavior could consider how policy changes move monthly payment amounts,

rather than exclusively evaluating how consumer demand is affected through a pure interest-

rate channel. Normatively, both lending regulations and monetary policy could incorporate

27We consider spreads because changes in risk-free rates likely affect household discount rates, somethingwe account for with time fixed effects in our log-linear demand estimation in (14).

28While this assumption is without loss of generality for our purposes here, given that auto-loan ratespreads declined while maturity and volumes increased over this time period (Figure 6), it is plausible thatat least half of the observed increase in maturity was the result of shifts in the aggregate supply of maturity.In a supply-and-demand framework, if quantity is increasing but prices are falling, then at a minimum supplyaccounts for the majority of the net effects of supply and demand shocks.

29From an ↵ percentage change in maturity, outstanding debt would increase by a factor of (1 +↵⌘T


)(1 + ↵⌘Tintensive

) = 1.099 for ↵ = 6.5%, where ⌘Te

and ⌘Ti

are the extensive- and intensive-margin elasticity estimates from Table 5 (columns 1 and 3, respectively). The change in outstanding debtassociated with the demand-for-maturity channel is (1.099� 1)⇥ $766B = $76B.

30Following the same calculation as above, if half of the 57% decline in rate spreads was from credit supply,then ↵ = 28.5% and our estimates would predict that debt would rise by a factor of (1+↵⌘r



) = 1.082using the extensive- and intensive-margin rate elasticities in Table 5, columns 1 and 3.


consumer focus on the level of payments per se, similar to the conclusions of the mortgage

modification literature cited above. The effectiveness of policies aimed at affecting aggre-

gate demand through credit accessibility and affordability will be modulated by consumers’

obedience to self-imposed monthly payment concerns as opposed to binding external credit

constraints. Ignoring loan features besides payment levels could also make consumers sus-

ceptible to shrouded marketing that pushes costlier and larger loans than intended. The

resulting longer maturities may increase the negative-equity share of outstanding loans as

longer loans may amortize more slowly than purchased vehicles depreciate (particularly dis-

tressing for borrowers whose cars represent a substantial share of their net worth). While

monthly payment targeting may valuably address commitment problems, it has the poten-

tial to attenuate macroeconomic policy, affect household balance sheets, and drive aggregate




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Figure 1: Example Estimated Lender Decision RulesA. Example Estimated Pricing Rule for Individual Lender











in C




500 520 540 560 580 600 620 640 660 680 700 720 740 760 780 800FICO Score Bin

B. Example Estimated Maturity Rule for Individual Lender












500 520 540 560 580 600 620 640 660 680 700 720 740 760 780 800FICO Score Bin

Notes: Figures plot an estimated pricing rule for an anonymous credit union (panel A) andan estimated maturity rule for a different anonymous lender (panel B). Interest rates andloan maturities, respectively, are regressed on 5-point FICO bin indicators. Coefficients and95% confidence intervals are plotted against FICO scores.


Figure 2: First-Stage Regressions of Interest Rates and Maturities on FICO ScoresA. Interest-Rate First Stage by Normalized FICO Score







��� ��� ��� �� � � �� �� ��



B. Maturity First Stage by Normalized FICO Score







��� ��� ��� �� � � �� �� ��



Notes: Figures plot average interest rates (panel A) and maturities (panel B) on the verticalaxis against borrower FICO scores normalized to each detected discontinuity for institutionswith pricing discontinuities.


Figure 3: Monthly Payment Distributions around Salient CutoffsA. Distribution of Monthly Payments around $200















��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ���


B. Distribution of Monthly Payments around $300









��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ���


C. Distribution of Monthly Payments around $400









��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ���


Notes: Figures plot unconditional histograms of monthly payments in a $20 bandwidtharound $200, $300, and $400 in panels A, B, and C, respectively, along with estimated kerneldensities and 95% confidence intervals. McCrary statistics (and corresponding t-statistics inbrackets) are shown on individual panels.


Figure 4: Monthly Payment BunchingA. FICO 650 B. 651 FICO 699
















��� ��� ��� �� � � �� �� ��
















��� ��� ��� �� � � �� �� ��


C. 700 FICO D. All















��� ��� ��� �� � � �� �� ��
















��� ��� ��� �� � � �� �� ��


Notes: Figures plot McCrary bunching tests of normalized monthly payments around hun-dred dollar increments from $200 to $700 by FICO score subgroup. McCrary statistics (andcorresponding t-statistics in brackets) are shown on each panel.


Figure 5: Monthly Payment Bunching for Typical and Atypical MaturitiesA. Loans with Typical Maturities















��� ��� ��� �� � � �� �� ��


B. Loans with Atypical Maturities
















��� ��� ��� �� � � �� �� ��


Notes: Figures plot McCrary bunching tests of normalized monthly payments around hun-dred dollar increments from $200 to $700 for typical maturities (36, 48, 60, 72, or 84 monthterms) and for those borrowers with atypical maturities in panels A and B, respectively. Mc-Crary statistics (and corresponding t-statistics in brackets) are shown on individual panels.


Figure 6: Auto-Loan Interest Rate Spreads and Maturities



















���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ����


Notes: Figure plots average interest rate spreads and maturities for used auto loans inthe United States using Federal Reserve G.20 data. Rates spreads are calculated as thedifference between the quarterly average interest rate for a five-year loan on a used auto andthe constant-maturity yield on the five-year Treasury Note.


Table 1: Summary Statistics

PercentileCount Mean Std. Dev. 25th 50th 75th

A. Loan ApplicationsLoan Rate (%) 1,131,240 0.05 0.05 0.02 0.04 0.06Loan Term (months) 1,119,153 67.3 24.4 60 72 72Loan Amount ($) 1,320,109 21,927.3 11,660.7 13,296 20,000 28,932.1FICO Score 898,339 647.9 118.2 605 661 720Debt-to-Income (%) 833,854 0.26 0.30 0.13 0.27 0.39Age (years) 763,331 39.3 136.0 30 40 52Minority Indicator 1,344,407 0.50 0.50 0 1 1Male Indicator 1,333,514 0.60 0.49 0 1 1Approved 1,320,109 0.45 0.50 0 0 1Take-up 588,231 0.65 0.48 0 1 1

B. Originated LoansLoan Rate (%) 2,434,049 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.06Loan Term (months) 2,434,049 62.7 22.1 48 60 72Loan Amount ($) 2,434,049 18,136.5 10,809 10,094 16,034 23,892FICO Score 2,165,173 710.6 74.9 661 714 770Debt-to-Income (%) 1,276,585 0.25 0.32 0.05 0.26 0.37Collateral Value ($) 2,434,049 19,895.1 10,929.1 12,046.9 17,850 25,562.3Monthly Payment ($) 2,434,049 324.4 159.2 210.9 297.0 405.6

Notes: Table reports summary statistics for loan applications and originated loans in panelsA and B, respectively. Loan Rate is the annual interest rate of the loan. Loan Term isthe maturity (in months) of the loan. FICO Score is the credit score used in underwritingand pricing the loan. Debt-to-Income is the ratio of all debt service payments (excludingthe auto loan in question) to income. Collateral Value is the value of the car at origination.Minority Indicator is a dummy for whether the lender reported for fair lending purposes thatthe borrower was predicted to be in a minority group. Approved is an indicator for whetherthe loan application was approved. Take-up is conditional on approval and indicates whetheran approved application was originated.


Table 2: Discontinuity Sample Summary Statistics

PercentileCount Mean Std. Dev. 25th 50th 75th

A. Approved Loan ApplicationsLoan Rate (%) 31,618 0.051 0.017 0.037 0.048 0.061Loan Term (months) 31,618 63.3 11.9 60 60 72Loan Amount ($) 31,618 20,226.7 8,458.1 13,736.7 19,467.5 26,025.6FICO Score 31,618 674.1 27.1 654 676 695Debt-to-Income (%) 28,513 0.28 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.4Age (years) 24,909 40.6 13.6 29 39 50Minority Indicator 31,618 0.43 0.50 0 0 1Male Indicator 31,618 0.34 0.48 0 0 1Take-up 31,618 0.55 0.50 0 1 1

B. Originated LoansLoan Rate (%) 533,798 0.06 0.03 0.037 0.053 0.075Loan Term (months) 533,798 61.4 20.1 48 60 72Loan Amount ($) 533,798 16,242.2 8,823.7 10,000 14,739 20,679FICO Score 533,798 663.5 40 638 666 691Debt-to-Income (%) 248,895 0.24 0.16 0.10 0.27 0.38Collateral Value ($) 533,798 17,435.8 8,521.3 11,500 15,800 21,566.1Monthly Payment ($) 533,798 305.9 135.5 210.7 284.4 374.8

Notes: Table reports summary statistics for approved loan applications and originated loansfor the discontinuity sample, in panels A and B, respectively. See notes to Table 1.


Table 3: First-Stage Regression Discontinuity Results for Interest Rates and Maturities

(1) (2)Loan Interest Rate Loan Maturity (months)

A. All Originated LoansDiscontinuity Coefficient -0.013*** 0.738***

(0.004) (0.171)RD Controls X XCommuting Zone ⇥ Quarter FEs X XPartial F -statistic 424.19 49.19R-squared 0.22 0.13Number of Observations 533,798 533,798

B. Loans in Application SampleDiscontinuity Coefficient -0.004*** 0.332***

(0.000) (0.120)RD Controls X XCommuting Zone ⇥ Quarter FEs X XPartial F -statistic 1,742.55 7.93R-squared 0.28 0.11Observations 31,618 31,618

Notes: Table reports average regression-discontinuity estimates of equations (11) and (12)corresponding to Figure 2 by normalizing FICO scores around each threshold. Panel A sam-ple includes all loans in the origination sample. Panel B loans are restricted to only approvedloans in the application sample. RD controls include second-order polynomials of the run-ning variable on either side of each discontinuity. All specifications include commuting zoneby quarter-of-origination fixed effects. Robust standard errors in parentheses are clusteredby FICO score. *p<0.1, **p<0.05, ***p<0.01.


Table 4: Loan Application Covariate Balance Regressions(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)


Age MinorityRace

Male ApplicationCount


Discontinuity -0.001 0.24 -0.02 0.005 1.30 339.8Coefficient (0.008) (0.47) (0.02) (0.014) (1.74) (353.3)

RD Controls X X X X X XCZ ⇥ Quarter FEs X X X X X XDep. Var. Mean 0.276 40.59 0.43 0.34 11.98 20,226.7R-squared 0.312 0.02 0.138 0.323 0.778 0.094Observations 28,513 24,909 31,618 31,618 2,567 31,619

Notes: Table reports reduced-form RD results for the subset of institutions for which wehave detailed loan application data. See notes to Table 3 for more details. Each observationin the data used for column 6 represents a normalized FICO score for a each discontinuity⇥ commuting zone ⇥ quarter cell. RD controls include second-order polynomials of therunning variable on either side of each discontinuity. Robust standard errors in parenthesesare clustered by FICO score. *p<0.1, **p<0.05, ***p<0.01.


Table 5: Demand Elasticity Estimates(1) (2) (3) (4)

A. Extensive-margin Elasticities B. Intensive-margin Elasticitieslog(interest rate) -0.10*** -0.07*** -0.18*** -0.17***

-(0.02) (0.03) (0.01) (0.02)log(maturity) 0.83*** 1.56*** 0.66*** 0.85***

(0.25) (0.41) (0.13) (0.14)

RD Controls X X X XCZ ⇥ Quarter FEs X XZip ⇥ Quarter FEs X XEquality F -statistic 8.26 12.62 12.07 20.83R-squared 0.08 0.19 0.41 0.62Observations 31,618 31,618 533,798 533,798

Notes: Table reports 2SLS regressions of an indicator for whether an approved loan offerwas accepted by the borrower (extensive-margin) and loan amounts (intensive-margin) on loginterest rate and log maturity. All regressions include commuting zone ⇥ quarter fixed effects.The instrument set is a series of lender indicator variables interacted with the discontinuityindicator. RD controls include second order polynomials of the running variable on eitherside of each discontinuity. F -statistics test the hypothesis that the magnitudes of the rateand maturity elasticities are equal. Robust standard errors in parentheses are clustered byFICO score. *p<0.1, **p<0.05, ***p<0.01.


Table 6: Effects of Lending Discontinuities on Monthly Payments(1) (2) (3) (4)

Sample All FICO650 651FICO699 FICO�700A. Commuting-zone ⇥ Quarter Fixed Effects

Discontinuity 2.48 0.57 2.01 2.48Coefficient (1.89) (3.67) (1.82) (3.46)CZ ⇥ Quarter FEs X X X XR-squared 0.10 0.15 0.12 0.13Observations 533,798 191,140 248,404 94,254

B. Zip-code ⇥ Quarter Fixed EffectsDiscontinuity 2.21 0.73 3.63 0.54Coefficient (2.17) (3.96) (2.80) (5.30)Zip ⇥ Quarter FEs X X X XR-squared 0.38 0.54 0.50 0.57Observations 533,798 191,140 248,404 94,254

Notes: Table reports RD estimates of changes in monthly payment sizes at FICO thresholds.All specifications include RD controls consisting of second order polynomials of the runningvariable on either side of each discontinuity. The samples across columns 2-4 are loans forapplicants with FICO scores below 650, between 650-700, and above 700, respectively. Thefirst column is the entire sample. Robust standard errors in parentheses are clustered byFICO score. *p<0.1, **p<0.05, ***p<0.01.


Table 7: Demand Elasticity Estimates by FICO Subgroup(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Sample FICO650 651FICO699 FICO�700A. Extensive-margin Elasticities

log(interest rate) -0.36*** -0.490*** -0.18*** -0.22*** -0.80** -1.14*(0.07) (0.12) (0.03) (0.04) (0.35) (0.65)

log(maturity) 0.75*** -0.493 1.69*** 0.67 2.12*** 2.26***(0.25) (0.49) (0.61) (0.62) (0.60) (0.67)

CZ ⇥ Quarter FEs X X XZip ⇥ Quarter FEs X X XEquality F -statistic 2.15 0.01 6.14 0.51 5.05 1.44R-squared 0.14 0.65 0.28 0.54 0.40 0.51Observations 6,763 6,763 18,784 18,784 6,071 6,071

B. Intensive-margin Elasticitieslog(interest rate) -0.22*** -0.21*** -0.10*** -0.12*** -0.09 -0.07

(0.02) (0.03) (0.03) (0.03) -0.06 (0.07)log(maturity) 0.61*** 0.86*** 0.59*** 0.85*** 1.27*** 1.30***

(0.11) (0.14) (0.14) (0.15) (0.19) (0.20)CZ ⇥ Quarter FEs X X XZip ⇥ Month FEs X X XEquality F -statistic 9.92 16.99 13.12 23.69 30.55 30.06R-squared 0.44 0.71 0.39 0.68 0.48 0.74Observations 191,140 191,140 248,404 248,404 94,254 94,254

Notes: Table reports 2SLS regressions of acceptance of an offered loan (extensive-margin)and log loan size (intensive-margin) on log interest rate and log maturity. All regressionsinclude commuting zone ⇥ quarter fixed effects. The instrument set is a series of lenderindicator variables interacted with the discontinuity indicator. Columns 1-2, 3-4, and 5-6are originated loans for borrowers with FICO scores below 650, between 650-700, and above700, respectively. RD controls include second order polynomials of the running variable oneither side of each discontinuity. F -statistics test the hypothesis that the magnitudes of therate and maturity elasticities are equal. Robust standard errors in parentheses are clusteredby FICO score. *p<0.1, **p<0.05, ***p<0.01.


A Appendix

Figure A1: Distribution of FICO Discontinuities







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Notes: Figure plots the histogram of identified discontinuities for the discontinuity sampleof the data.


Figure A2: Balance of Borrower Characteristics Across FICO ThresholdsA. Application Debt-to-Income Ratio (%) B. Application Loan Amount ($)






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C. Applicant Age (years) D. Male Indicator







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E. Minority Indicator F. Number of Loan Applications





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Notes: Figures plot average values of ex-ante borrower characteristics around FICO thresh-olds for institutions with detected discontinuities and 95% confidence intervals.


Figure A3: Distribution of Application Underwriting RatiosA. Distribution of Application Debt-to-Income Ratios





� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �


B. Distribution of Application Loan-to-Value Ratios








0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6Loan−to−Value

Notes: Figures plot kernel densities for application back-end debt-to-income ratios (panel A)and application loan-to-value ratios (panel B) using Epanechnikov kernels with minimum-MSE bandwidths of 0.0117 and 0.0234 in panels A and B, respectively.


Table A1: Mean Differences between Estimation Sample and Full Sample(1) (2)

Mean Difference Standard ErrorA. Approved Discontinuity Applications vs. Full ApplicationLoan Rate (%) 0.001 (0.001)Loan Term (months) -3.91*** (0.02)Loan Amount ($) -1,700.6*** (0.53)FICO Score 26.1*** (0.03)Debt-to-Income (%) 0.016*** (0.002)Age (years) 1.3*** (0.03)Minority Indicator -0.069*** (0.004)Male Indicator -0.25*** (0.004)Take-up 0.10*** (0.004)Approved (%) 0.35*** (0.001)

B. Discontinuity Origination vs. Full OriginationLoan Rate (%) 0.01*** (0.0003)Loan Term (months) -1.38*** (0.007)Loan Amount ($) -1,894.3*** (0.14)FICO Score -47.1*** (0.01)Debt-to-Income (%) -0.006*** (0.0009)Collateral Value ($) -2,459.3*** (0.14)Monthly Payment ($) -18.53*** (0.02)

Notes: Table reports difference of means (column 1) and their standard errors (column 2)between the discontinuity samples used in estimation and the full sample. Negative numbersindicate that the mean of a given variable was smaller in the discontinuity sample than thefull sample. Panel A includes all approved applications. Panel B includes all originatedloans. See notes to Tables 1 and 2 for further details. *p<0.1, **p<0.05, ***p<0.01.


Table A2: Loan Origination Covariate Balance Regressions(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)


Debt-to-Income Age

MinorityRace Male

Discontinuity 755.50*** -0.0009 -0.40 0.003 -0.002Coefficient (259.8) (0.001) (0.45) (0.006) (0.005)

RD Controls X X X X XCZ ⇥ Quarter FEs X X X X XR-squared 0.11 0.13 0.02 0.19 0.04Observations 533,798 248,895 323,998 501,118 492,219

Notes: Table reports reduced-form RD results for the sample of originated loans. RD controlsinclude second order polynomials of the running variable on either side of each discontinuity.All regressions include commuting zone ⇥ quarter fixed effects. Robust standard errors inparentheses are clustered by FICO score. *p<0.1, **p<0.05, ***p<0.01.


Table A3: Robustness of Demand Elasticity Estimates to Alternative RD Specifications(1) (2) (3) (4)

A. Extensive-margin Elasticities B. Intensive-margin Elasticitieslog(interest rate) -0.10*** -0.12*** -0.18*** -0.18***

(0.02) (0.03) (0.00) (0.01)log(maturity) 0.81*** 1.25*** 0.66*** 0.74***

(0.25) (0.38) (0.03) (0.14)

RD Controls Cubic Quadratic Cubic QuadraticRD Bandwidth 19 5 19 5CZ ⇥ Quarter FEs X X X XObservations 31,618 10,308 533,798 166,865

Notes: Table reports 2SLS regressions of acceptance of an offered loan (extensive-margin)and log loan size (intensive-margin) on log interest rate and log maturity. All regressionsinclude Commuting Zone ⇥ quarter fixed effects. The instrument set is a series of lenderindicator variables interacted with the discontinuity indicator. RD controls include third-order polynomials of the running variable on either side of each discontinuity for columns 1and 3 and second-order polynomials for columns 2 and 4. Bandwidths are 19 for columns1 and 3; bandwidths are 5 for columns 2 and 4. Robust standard errors in parentheses areclustered by FICO score. *p<0.1, **p<0.05, ***p<0.01.


Table A4: Robustness of Monthly Payments Effects to Alternative RD Specifications(1) (2) (3) (4)

Sample All FICO650 651FICO699 FICO�700A. 3rd Order Polynomial Control

Discontinuity 1.95 -3.15 2.63 2.15Coefficient (3.01) (4.63) (3.43) (4.02)

RD Controls Yes Yes Yes YesCZ ⇥ Quarter FEs Yes Yes Yes YesR-squared 0.10 0.15 0.12 0.13Observations 533,798 191,140 248,404 94,254

B. 5-point BandwidthDiscontinuity 0.78 -6.39 5.13 3.32Coefficient (4.22) (7.87) (4.59) (5.69)

RD Controls X X X XCZ ⇥ Quarter FEs X X X XR-squared 0.13 0.20 0.17 0.22Observations 166,865 66,468 73,775 26,622

Notes: Table reports RD estimates of changes in monthly payment sizes at FICO thresholds.In panel A, RD controls include third-order polynomials of the running variable on eitherside of each discontinuity with a 19-point bandwidth. In panel B, the RD controls are second-order polynomials with a bandwidth of 5 FICO points. All regressions include CommutingZone ⇥ quarter fixed effects. Robust standard errors in parentheses are clustered by FICOscore. *p<0.1, **p<0.05, ***p<0.01.


Table A5: Summary Statistics of Approved Loans by FICO SubgroupPercentile

Count Mean Std. Dev. 25th 50th 75thA. FICO650

Loan Rate (%) 6,763 0.067 0.014 0.057 0.070 0.078Loan Term (months) 6,763 61.9 12 60 60 72Loan Amount ($) 6,763 19,001.9 8,050 12,930.4 18,000 24,729FICO Score 6,763 635.4 11.3 628 638 644Debt-to-Income (%) 6,432 0.27 0.15 0.14 0.28 0.4Age (years) 6,065 39.5 13.0 29 37 49Minority Indicator 6,763 0.43 0.50 0 0 1Male Indicator 6,763 0.24 0.43 0 0 0Take-up 6,763 0.60 0.49 0 1 1Approved 6,763 1 0 1 1 1

B. 651FICO699Loan Rate (%) 18,784 0.049 0.014 0.040 0.047 0.057Loan Term (months) 18,784 63.3 12 60 60 72Loan Amount ($) 18,784 20,380.3 8,520 13,861 19,740 26,324FICO Score 18,784 676.2 13.9 665 677 688Debt-to-Income (%) 16,737 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.4Age (years) 15,097 40.8 13.6 30 39 50Minority Indicator 18,784 0.4 0.5 0 0 1Male Indicator 18,784 0.3 0.5 0 0 1Take-up Indicator 18,784 0.5 0.5 0 1 1Approved (%) 18,784 1 0 1 1 1

C. FICO�700Loan Rate (%) 6,071 0.036 0.009 0.030 0.035 0.040Loan Term (months) 6,071 65.2 11.2 60 66 72Loan Amount ($) 6,071 21,116.6 8,560.2 14,509 20,082.6 27,328FICO Score 6,071 710.5 8.2 704 709 715Debt-to-Income (%) 5,343 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.4Age (years) 3,744 41.7 14.2 29 41 52Minority Indicator 6,071 0.4 0.5 0 0 1Male Indicator 6,071 0.6 0.5 0 1 1Take-up Indicator 6,071 0.5 0.5 0 1 1Approved (%) 6,071 1 0 1 1 1

Notes: Table reports summary statistics of the approved application discontinuity sampleby FICO subsample. See notes to Table 2 for further details.


Table A6: Summary Statistics of Originated Loans by FICO SubgroupPercentile

Count Mean Std. Dev. 25th 50th 75thA. FICO650

Loan Rate (%) 191,140 0.083 0.031 0.060 0.008 0.103Loan Term (months) 191,140 61.8 23.1 48 60 72Loan Amount ($) 191,140 15,044.5 8,063.1 9,270 13,780.5 19,120FICO Score 191,140 620.7 24.1 607 626 640Debt-to-Income (%) 92,278 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.4Collateral Value ($) 191,140 16,192.8 7,792.4 10,750 14,775 19,925Monthly Payment ($) 191,140 301.4 131.7 208.8 282.6 368.8

B. 651FICO699Loan Rate (%) 248,404 0.051 0.021 0.035 0.047 0.060Loan Term (months) 248,404 61.3 18.8 48 60 72Loan Amount ($) 248,404 16,655.2 9,047.5 10,069 15,000 21,282FICO Score 248,404 675.2 14.1 663 676 687Debt-to-Income (%) 110,942 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.4Collateral Value ($) 248,404 17,744.6 8,659.1 11,731 16,090 21,979Monthly Payment ($) 248,404 306 136 209.9 283.7 375.6

C. FICO�700Loan Rate (%) 94,254 0.037 0.015 0.027 0.033 0.043Loan Term (months) 94,254 60.6 16.4 49 60 72Loan Amount ($) 94,254 17,582.7 9,391.9 10,785 15,884 22,458FICO Score 94,254 719.3 13.4 708 717 730Debt-to-Income (%) 45,675 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.4Collateral Value ($) 94,254 19,143 9,175.2 12,725 17,355 23,800Monthly Payment ($) 94,254 314.5 140.3 216 290 385.5

Notes: Table reports summary statistics for the discontinuity sample of originated loans usedin estimation by FICO subsample. See notes to Table 2 for further details.


Monthly Payment Targeting and the Demand for Maturity - [PDF Document] (2024)


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