Did Goldman Sachs survive the 2008 financial crisis because it had better risk management than the other Wall Street banks which were killed? | Homework.Study.com (2024)


Did Goldman Sachs survive the 2008 financial crisis because it had better risk management than the other Wall Street banks which were killed?

Risk management:

Risk management refers to the act of identifying potential risks before they occur, analyzing their impact, and taking precautionary actions before they occur. These risks stem due to various reasons; these include financial instability, legal issues, natural calamities, and accidents, among others. The 2008 global financial crisis was a big economic downturn that led to asset bubbles in the housing market.

Answer and Explanation:1

Yes, Goldman Sachs survived the crisis by converting themselves into lower risk and tightly regulated commercial banks. They never owned the bonds,...

See full answer below.

Did Goldman Sachs survive the 2008 financial crisis because it had better risk management than the other Wall Street banks which were killed? | Homework.Study.com (2024)


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