AI Side Hustle: What You Need To Know! (2024)

If you're thinking of starting an AI Side Hustle you're in the right place.

In this article I'll share steps on how to start an AI Side Hustle and give you some important information you need to know.

Before I dive in...

Want to see my no.1 recommendation for making money online?

This is the best business to start in 2024 and made me over $27k last month:

AI Side Hustle: What You Need To Know! (1)

AI Side Hustle Key Takeaways

  • An AI Side Hustle is a way to make extra money using artificial intelligence tools. It can be making cool designs, writing content, or running YouTube channels.
  • You can start your own AI hustle by understanding your skills, researching what people need and learning how to use AI software.
  • Promoting your services on social media and online marketplaces can help you reach more customers.
  • Networking with others in the industry can also give you tips and ideas for improving your business.
  • Verdict: Starting an AI Side Hustle is a great opportunity given all the AI tools at our disposal. However the best way to make money with AI is to integrate it into an already successful business model.

What is an AI Side Hustle?

An AI Side Hustle involves using artificial intelligence tools to earn extra money outside of your regular job. This can range from writing engaging content for social media posts with the help of AI tools, to selling AI-generated art and designs.

You could also leverage machine learning technologies to provide consulting services or create online courses about this transformative technology. It's more than just a way to make some extra cash; an AI side hustle can become a platform for honing your skills in this rapidly evolving field without leaving the comfort of home.

Whether it's creating print-on-demand t-shirts with unique, AI-powered prints, or generating ready-to-publish tweets with cutting-edge software like Jasper AI, you're at the forefront of technological innovation.

You don't need extensive coding skills either — many user-friendly options are available that require minimal technical knowledge.

Consider running a faceless YouTube channel powered by generative AI narration, where you never have to step in front of the camera if you prefer not too! With various easy-to-use video editing software out there integrating advanced features powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI), automated voiceovers fitting perfectly into video scripts aren't far-fetched anymore!

Load up your videos full of highly effective ad campaigns and enjoy exciting passive income while building valuable insights on how e-commerce works along the way.

Another lucrative side hustle idea is 'Prompt Engineering'. It entails assisting businesses in generating relevant and targeted prompts for their chatbots or virtual assistants through utilization of machine learning concepts - all done from behind your laptop screen!

The video below shows you how to start an Etsy Side Hustle with the help of AI:

Top AI Side Hustles to Start Today

Whether you're looking to make extra cash or explore the innovative world of AI, consider these top side hustles: running an AI-powered niche site, starting a drop servicing business using AI tools, offering freelance copywriting services with the help of AI writing software, publishing ebooks through Amazon KDP using AI-generated content or creating Etsy Printables with ai generated images.

Maybe running a Faceless YouTube Channel where you leverage video editing features of AI is more your style? Or perhaps delve deeper into artificial intelligence with prompt engineering.

AI-Powered Niche Site

Creating an AI-powered niche site is low-hanging fruit in the vast pool of AI side hustles. Leveraging powerful machine learning and artificial intelligence tools, you can develop a distinct online platform that caters to the specific needs or interests of a particular group.

My personal experience with this hustle involved deploying generative AI software to produce unique content for my blog post on vintage collectibles. This approach not only expedited the writing process but also enhanced efficiency by generating highly engaging posts that appeal directly to my target audience.

Drop Servicing

Drop servicing finds its groove among profitable AI side hustles. It's a business model where you sell services, but instead of doing the work yourself, you outsource it to professionals in the field.

Here's how it works: You create an online platform that offers specific services like video editing or social media management. When a customer places an order, you pass on the task to experts who deliver high-quality work using AI tools such as Jasper AI or generative AI technology.

The charm lies in leveraging existing skills of others while making use of advanced AI software for efficiency and quality control. With drop servicing, earning extra cash comes with fewer sweat beads and more strategic thinking - you are virtually managing projects rather than executing them.

Freelance Copywriting

As a freelance copywriter, utilizing AI tools can really enhance your productivity. You can generate advertising content, blog posts, or social media captions within minutes. These apps and platforms leverage machine learning to churn out catchy headlines and compelling body text.

They even offer grammatical corrections and content suggestions to make your writing process a breeze! Moreover, you're not confined to just English; most tools support multiple languages allowing you to access international markets too!

Amazon KDP

Amazon KDP, short for Kindle Direct Publishing, presents a golden opportunity for AI enthusiasts. You can leverage this platform to publish your own eBooks without shelling out money upfront. Amazon expert Sophie Howard has a course on this.

Using AI writing tools like Jasper AI or Google's new language model GPT-3, you can create high-quality content swiftly and effectively. The system allows writers to pen down anything from informative guides to gripping novels.

And the best part? You earn up to 70% royalties on sales in various countries! It’s not just about selling books; via Amazon KDP you also access a broad reader base who can provide valuable insights into improving your work further.

Etsy Printables

Etsy Printables can be a fantastic AI side hustle. You simply generate art or graphic designs using AI tools, and then sell these designs as digital downloads on Etsy. Customers love this model because they get immediate access to beautiful, original artwork that they can print at home or at a local print shop.

Another perk of selling Etsy Printables is the passive income potential. Once you create and list an item on your online store, it sells over and over again without any additional work from your end.

Leveraging artificial intelligence for design creation enhances efficiency while maintaining quality output. It's like having an artistic assistant who never sleeps!

Faceless YouTube Channel

Starting a Faceless YouTube Channel is another great AI side hustle. You don't show your face or use your voice, making it perfect for those who prefer anonymity. The content can be anything from educational videos to entertainment compilations, all crafted using AI tools.

Video editing software enables you to compile and edit footage while text-to-speech technology delivers the narration. Make sure you're consistent in posting and engaging with viewers in comments to build an active subscriber base over time.

Prompt Engineering

Prompt Engineering is one of my favorite AI side hustles. It's all about creating and selling AI-generated prompts for a variety of applications, like blog posts, social media posts, or even video scripts.

The beauty lies in the simplicity; a powerful tool like GPT-3 can be leveraged to formulate these prompts just in few clicks! No coding skills are required either, making it an accessible option for those who may not have a background in tech.

Besides being lucrative, prompt engineering also helps you stay updated on AI technology and trends as you continuously improve your skills.

How to Get Started with an AI Side Hustle

Identifying your skills and interests is the first step to kick-start an AI side hustle. You then need to conduct a thorough research on high-demand AI services. Acquaint yourself with different AI tools and learn how they function.

Once ready, start promoting your services through social media platforms and online marketplaces. Don't forget to connect with other industry players for more exposure and potential partnerships.

Identify your skills and interests

Kick-starting your AI side hustle begins by taking a deep dive into your personal skills and interests. You already possess talents that can serve as the foundation for this new venture.

From coding abilities to creative writing prowess, leverage these underlying strengths in the realm of artificial intelligence.

Pairing your unique skills with genuine interests makes the process naturally enjoyable rather than being just another chore on your to-do list. Whether you're fascinated by machine learning mechanisms or drawn towards using AI tools for content creation, aligning your career move with passions lays the groundwork for sustained motivation and success.

Research in-demand AI services

Exploring the in-demand AI services is a step you can't skip. Market research is key to understanding what businesses and individuals are currently seeking. Look for patterns, trends, or gaps in services that could provide a unique opportunity for your AI side hustle.

From content creation with AI writing tools to boosting social media posts, the possibilities are ample. Utilize your findings to shape your offerings and ensure they align with demand.

This way, you're setting yourself up for success from the get-go by offering highly sought-after services in the growing field of AI technology.

Learn how to use AI tools

Delving into AI might feel overwhelming at first, but numerous resources can help you master the needed skills. Online tutorials and courses offer comprehensive insights on how to leverage AI tools effectively in your side hustle.

Try platforms like Coursera or Udacity for structured learning paths specific to artificial intelligence. For hands-on experience, leverage AI-powered software such as Canva for graphic design or Jasper for content creation.

As you gain proficiency in using these platforms, explore more complex tools to diversify your service offerings further.

Promote your services through social media and online platforms

Harnessing the power of social media is a smart move to advertise your AI services. Using platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram can help reach a wide audience.

Start by creating engaging posts about what you offer, ensuring they're visually appealing and easy to understand. Don't forget to utilize relevant hashtags for maximum exposure. Online platforms like Fiverr or Upwork also provide excellent avenues where potential clients may be scouting for AI services.

Stay updated on AI technology and trends

Machine learning and artificial intelligence are rapidly evolving fields. As part of your AI side hustle, it's crucial to stay ahead of the curve by continuously educating yourself about new developments.

Utilize resources such as online platforms, blogs, newsletters, and webinars that provide updates on breakthroughs in AI technology or emerging trends. This will not only help you improve your services but also allow you to capitalize on opportunities that these advancements offer before others catch up.

Continuously improve your skills

I make it a point to constantly hone my skills, recognizing that learning is an ongoing process in any endeavor. Especially with AI side hustles, where the landscape is always changing, it's imperative to stay sharp and up-to-date.

I invest time and resources into developing my abilities further through online courses, webinars, and informative podcasts about AI technology. By continually improving myself, I'm also enhancing the quality of services I offer in my side hustle.

This dedication to self-improvement not only gives me an edge over competitors but also boosts confidence knowing that I am well-equipped with current knowledge and techniques.

Conclusion & Recommendation

AI is here to stay so starting an AI Side Hustle makes complete sense.

Knowing which one to start will depend largely on your skillset and interests.

For some YouTube automation might be right, and others some kind of editing role or perhaps selling on Etsy.

If you'd like to see my no.1 recommendation and how I made $27k last month alone with the help of AI in my business see below:

AI Side Hustle: What You Need To Know! (2)


1. What is an AI Side Hustle?

An AI side hustle is a way to make extra money online by using AI-powered tools to create or edit content, such as videos, images or written material.

2. Can I sell the content created with Ai in my online business?

Yes! You can use Ai powered print on demand services to create and sell physical products like T-shirts or offer freelance writer services selling your Ai generated content.

3. How do I get started with my own AI side hustle?

YouTube tutorials are a good starting point for learning how to use Ai prompts and generate content ideas for selling ai-generated art or any other product you wish to pursue with your side hustle business.

4. Are there other forms of hustles that utilize artificial intelligence?

Yes, beyond creating YouTube videos and writing tweets; you could provide video editing services, create scripts in your own voice for e-commerce businesses, or even automate the posting process using ready-to-publish tweets – all made easier thanks to the assistance of artificial intelligence!

5. Is this a profitable venture?

While income varies depending on efforts put into marketing and quality of the creation – many find it a game changer which greatly boosts their side hustle income!

6. Where can we sell these creations from our hustles?

You can sell your work on various freelancing platforms online, market them through social media channels or even set up an ecommerce shop - just remember this requires only few clicks from you!

AI Side Hustle: What You Need To Know! (2024)


AI Side Hustle: What You Need To Know!? ›

AI side hustles can help supplement your income and achieve financial goals. Developing and managing chatbots is a popular AI side hustle. You can earn income through data annotation and labeling side hustle jobs. Offering AI tutoring and consulting services can contribute to your side hustle success.

How to use AI to generate extra income? ›

Below, let's focus on both usages of AI for making money—generating previously unheard of business ideas, and complementing existing side hustles.
  1. Create An AI Chatbot. ...
  2. Use AI For Course Creation. ...
  3. Develop Your Own AI Product. ...
  4. AI Consulting. ...
  5. Use AI On Canva.
Apr 15, 2024

What to consider when starting a side hustle? ›

For the best start, look for an idea which is low risk, is easier to start (for example, you don't need extra qualifications to get started) and has low start-up costs. Tip: Make sure you understand the difference between a hobby and a business for tax, insurance and legal purposes.

What AI app can I use to make money? ›

Copywriting with AI
Best AI Writing ToolsBest ForFree Version
Jasper AIContent creation and SEO Writing
WritesonicBlog article and marketing writing✔️
HoppyCopyWriting sales and marketing emails
Resume.ioWrite and format resumes and cover letters✔️
May 2, 2024

How to become a millionaire with AI? ›

How to Make Money With AI Professionally
  1. Develop and Market AI Products.
  2. Offer AI Integration Services.
  3. Provide AI Consulting Services.
  4. Invest in AI-Focussed Companies or Funds.
May 13, 2024

Can you really make money with AI? ›

Can you make money with AI? You can make money with AI. It can help anyone create content like blog posts, videos, and online courses to sell to companies or through online platforms to generate income.

How to make 100k side hustle? ›

Below are three side hustle ideas worth exploring, which can generate earnings of up to $100k or more within a year.
  1. Public Speaking. ...
  2. Freelance Information Security Consultant. ...
  3. E-commerce Store.
Mar 15, 2024

Is starting a side hustle really worth it? ›

Supplementing your income with an extra gig can provide the financial security you need to make sure those unexpected expenses won't leave you in the red. With careful planning and some foresight – think of it as investing in yourself - that side hustle could prove invaluable when times get tough.

What is the best side hustle to make money in 2024? ›

One of the best and easiest side hustles to start is freelancing, as it provides you with a way to charge on a per-project basis and allows you to lean into your existing skills. Creatives can do especially well as freelancers, making money freelancing in various areas depending on their skills and abilities.

Which side gig pays the most? ›

These side hustles include:
  1. Marketing Strategy. This side hustle stands as the highest-paid side hustle of 2024, commanding rates of $178 on average. ...
  2. Mobile App Development. ...
  3. Presentation Design. ...
  4. Web Design. ...
  5. 3D Industrial Design. ...
  6. Brand Style Design. ...
  7. Packaging and Label Design.
Feb 28, 2024

How can I make an extra $1000 a month consistently? ›

Here's How to Make an Extra $1,000 a Month
  1. Start Freelance Writing. ...
  2. Begin Blogging. ...
  3. Practice Graphic Design. ...
  4. Assist with Bookkeeping. ...
  5. Become a Virtual Assistant. ...
  6. Sell Something on Etsy. ...
  7. Manage Social Media Accounts. ...
  8. Complete Online Surveys.
Feb 26, 2024

How to use AI for passive income? ›

Sell Your Data. One of the easiest ways to earn income by using AI is to sell your data. Technically, you aren't “using” AI to generate income; you are simply offering the data that a third-party company can use to earn profits. Social media companies, for example, are notorious for freely mining customer data.

Which AI field pays the most? ›

Top Five U.S. High-Paying Job Positions in the Artificial Intelligence Industry
  1. AI Product Manager. The average salary of an AI product manager is U.S. $142,644 per year. ...
  2. Computer Vision Engineer. The annual average salary of a computer vision engineer is U.S. $130,531. ...
  3. Data Scientist. ...
  4. AI Engineer. ...
  5. Machine Learning Engineer.
Mar 4, 2024

What is the AI app that everyone is using? ›

Google Assistant. As a leader in the AI space, Google Assistant is considered to be one of the most advanced virtual assistants of its kind on the market.

How to use AI to make money in stocks? ›

Top AI use cases in investing include stock picking, investment risk evaluation, portfolio management, market predictions, sentiment analysis, and algorithmic trading. Using AI for investing makes it easier as well as more efficient to invest in stocks and other financial assets.

How to use ChatGPT for side hustle? ›

Using Prompts Effectively

ChatGPT offers a variety of prompts to help you get started, such as "What skills do you have that could be monetized?" or "What problems do you see in your community that you could solve?" By answering these prompts, you can generate a list of potential side hustle ideas.

How much money can you make in AI? ›

Artificial Intelligence Engineer Salary
Annual SalaryMonthly Pay
Top Earners$156,000$13,000
75th Percentile$132,500$11,041
25th Percentile$76,000$6,333


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Author: Duncan Muller

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Author information

Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.